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Eqvalan 'gold' (ivermectin and praziquantel) dewormer

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by Buck E. Owens, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. hardluck

    hardluck Banned

    here is the dosages for fish tapes 34mg's. if you have dogs under 45 lbs just get the 34mg ones. if you have dogs 45-60+lbs get the forte 170mgs. if the dog weighs 45-60+pounds 1 170 mg pill of the forte will clean them out. if the dog is under 45lbs dose with the 34mg fish tape and follow the diagram below.

    5 lbs. & under 1/2 tablet
    6-10 lbs 1 tablet
    11-15 lbs 1-1/2 tablets
    16-30 lbs 2 tablets
    31-45 lbs 3 tablets
    46-60 lbs 4 tablets
    over 60 lbs 5 tablets
  2. swiftersweeper

    swiftersweeper Big Dog

    just looked at the stool sample today and nothing was abnormal. i was just jumping the gun. i get the forte this week, so i should be good if in the future one of them does gets tapes.
  3. You're reading directions for a goat. Fenbendazole does not kill the tape worms that dogs typically get so yes go with the fish forte for tapes. I would only give it if you actually confirm tape worms though.

    It's all about how long the intestinal track is in whatever animal you're treating. When you give a a wormer to a dog it's in and out pretty damn fast. Like people using the horse wormers think how can a dog require more than a horse of the same ingredient when the horse is bigger. It's because the medicine stays in the horses intestinal track much much longer than a dog. Same applies here. Honestly I don't care if you believe the info or not. It's accurate though. You can just get the safeguard for dogs and do the math. When doing this you have to apply the amount of active ingredient. Some people can't or wont take the time to figure these things out. This is a money saver when using safeguard though. As i said in the other post it should only be used a couple times a year. There are 2 reasons for this. One is cost, the other is it's a weak drug and worms can build up resistance to it if used too often. Read the whole thread and all the questions you have would be answered I do believe.

  4. While this is true it doesn't kill the tape worms dogs get from ingesting fleas. You need something with praziquantel in it as this kills the tapes found in dogs.
  5. swiftersweeper

    swiftersweeper Big Dog

    i didnt understand that when i read it at first boogiemanBlood. i further looked into it and you were right on. im just glad the dog doesnt have anything that i thought it had. thanks for explaining it though.
  6. Right on ..............
  7. allaboutpitbull

    allaboutpitbull Big Dog

    so to find out how much safeguard dosage to give we divided dogs weight by 4.5 and what we get is how many ml we give our dogs I have a dog that is 32lb dived that by 4.5 =7.1 so do I give my dog 7ml for 3 days is that correct
  8. Yes that is correct. I'd only use this about every 3 or 4 months. Use pyran 50 on all the other months. :)
  9. allaboutpitbull

    allaboutpitbull Big Dog

    ok cool thanks what about Ivermectin i was only able to fine it for swine and cattle is that the right one
  10. Yep that's the right one. Make sure it says 1% on it. :) Use a new syringe to get it out of the bottle, take the needle off, and squirt it right in their mouth. Some people say to let em drink a little orange juice cuz it tastes like shit. I just let em have water. DO NOT inject it.
  11. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    And if you have one who fights the syringe like mine lol he absolutely hates the taste of that shit and I have to sit on him and hold him down like a damn kid to get him to take it normally out the syringe LOL.. So what I do for him is I inject it into a raw meat ball I use hamburger but you could use ground chicken or turkey I don't let him see me doing it because he's smart he knows that needle and bottle and if he sees it he runs away LOL.... So I have to prepare everything in the kitchen while he's in the other room... But he takes it in the raw hamburger meat ball without any problem...
  12. allaboutpitbull

    allaboutpitbull Big Dog

    cool thanks boogie & sadie for the help
  13. allaboutpitbull

    allaboutpitbull Big Dog

    what is the Formula to figure out how much ivermectin to give per lb
  14. allaboutpitbull

    allaboutpitbull Big Dog

    also i cant find the pyran 50 at tractor supply ant recommendations
  15. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    it's 1/10 cc per 10 lbs of body weight... Get a 1ML syringe .1 per 10 lbs for a 50lb dog it would be .5cc for a 30lb dog it would be .3cc .... You can buy the 1ML syringes here

    TB Needle/Syringe for medication administration at Drs. Foster & Smith
  16. allaboutpitbull

    allaboutpitbull Big Dog

  17. allaboutpitbull

    allaboutpitbull Big Dog

    hey sadie i see that boogie wrote Ivermectin is 1/2 ml for a 55 lb dog. This should be given on the same day of the month year round.

    but you wrote 5cc for a 50lb dog 1cc=1ml is 5ml to much? im confuse
  18. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

    .5 .5 .5 .5 point five
  19. allaboutpitbull

    allaboutpitbull Big Dog

    lol got it lol
  20. allaboutpitbull

    allaboutpitbull Big Dog

    Is Safe-guard safe to give to pregnant bitches or bitch that just tied

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