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free hugs!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by JoeyNzoey, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    then go to a place where only the rich and beautiful walk...although they probably will just pass you up with a stuck up reply lmao :dogkiss:

    but yeah I probably could bare it just the thought of giving someone who actually wants one because they probably need one is enough for me a hug can be quick too.
  2. venom

    venom Top Dog

    how about free punch in the face...
    i gaurentee u someone will stand inline for that.
  3. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    I think someone needs a hug :rolleyes:;)
  4. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    this is in the section chit chat relax thug

    =^^=GYPSYKITTIN Big Dog

    I see Your point however this topic hasnt a thing to do with any hounds at all, just kindness of strangers.
    As a OTR driver I deal with other drivers all across the country and after speaking with someone for just a short time at a shipper or consignee or shop or just waiting for an available shower I meet and stay in contact with many drivers regularly. some topics are of course not discussed but heck when youve been up driving 16hrs and are trying to make delivery you call anyone you think might be up just like they will call you.
    You keep your private life private but being a kind to someone is a good way to be.
  6. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    Someone definitley needs a hug...........:rolleyes: I'd do it like at a nursing home or a Childrens hospital for real.
  7. KDW

    KDW Native Nightmare

    Great idea, wouldn't mind doing it myself, very nice for seeing people doing this,
    and also wanting a free hug :) if i was walking there i would give him a hug :D
  8. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    good minds are nice to see :clap2: but this is for those who just need to be hugged :rolleyes::bighug:

    yardboy that's also some good places indeed! and Xibalba I would have given him a hug as well :)
  9. beanieman

    beanieman Banned

    why not LOL
    Seen many signs but not that 1 :D
  10. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    well if zoey is up for free hugs ill offer my services.....only naked...:D:p
  11. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    cracking idea that....;);):)
  12. fblb

    fblb Top Dog

    Not considering it...I am gonna do it, most likely at the state fair in Minnesota the weekend of Sept 5th. This sure would be one hell of a place to do it. Go big or go home, lol.
  13. Don't get arrested though.


    Police state bullshit.

    Free hugs are good stuff, watch the people walking away - you see a change that will carry with them for the rest of their day, they walk away smiling, laughing, feeling a little lighter - even if they are laughing at how silly giving out free hugs seems to them.
  14. fblb

    fblb Top Dog

    Wow....fuck em if they did arrest me they would look like the assholes, not I. You sir, you with the sign....there will be no kindness allowed to be distributed around here. Pull the baton out of your ass good sirs.
  15. By the way Jeepalot you don't have to be a tree hugging hippy or a bleeding heart to enjoy putting a smile on a stranger's face.

    That kind of attitude is half the problem with our world - can't even pick up a stranger stranded on the side of the road that is down on their luck anymore without wondering if you are gonna get raped or cut into little bits. Sad state of reality. The world needs more positive people doing good shit for others. I will give anyone a chance at least once, I'm not a fool, but I will give you the damn shirt off my back if you ask. If you take advantage of my kindness, you get cut and are never given any quarter again.
  16. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    thats true adivina.....eddie murphy tried that good deed and ended up on the news for giving a lift to a transvestite prostitute....lmao......:D
  17. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    zoey will not hug someone who laughs at her for wearing a spiked collar :rolleyes:;)

    good point adivina I guess in the original video I posted what they were signing for him was a petition for similar actions of the cops trying to arrest him for giving away free hugs. So where is our freedom of rights? :confused: it's nice to know a guy can sell porn or guns down at the shop but a person cannot offer free hugs to those who simply can return the love and joy in humanity for once.
  18. beanieman

    beanieman Banned

    LMAO, that's when it al comes back to you peppa :D
  19. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    feck......collar or not.....naked hug here when ye want it....xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:D:D:p

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