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game breed/house pets

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by carolinablu, Jan 14, 2009.


    ANCHOR Guest

    i see where some of you are comming from, im talk'n from my experiance. my dogs do not get along. i can stand and watch a male and female play for a bit and yes they can get along for the minute. two male/ two female, definately not. i had a male and female together on watch for a while but it took the one time for things to get out of hand and that was that. they even get sight of each other and they want to go at it. nothing else i have had will get on with another one. like i said, i can only go by what ive had. as for years of experiance, well ya dont know how old i am, but i have had them a very long time and i know them well.
    you say crate and rotate, yeh, no problem, ive done that and, of cource you aint going to have any problems. i just wonder sometimes when people say they have two running around the house and then when something is said, they say something like crate and rotate. i think some of you know where im comming from. im not here to argue, just speak what i feel honestly, that is my right as it is yours.
    just remember you have alot of novices looking on here and you dont want them thinking they can just go get a couple of dogs and all will be happy families.
    as stated by michelejcdog,"gamebred and gamebred lines"
    there is a big differance. i just sometimes find it hard to come to terms with whats happened over the years. for some of you older ones here, you know what im say'n.
    anyway, thanks for reading my opinions as i yours.
  2. hoovereport77

    hoovereport77 Big Dog

    wow, some people would put 2ggamebred pitbulls together? that's an accident waiting to happen. and that's apbt keeping 101. jmho :eek:
  3. Bobby Rooster

    Bobby Rooster CH Dog

    As the only dog like said before a game bred dog would be great as a pet if raised the right way to be one.

    The family is the game bred dogs pack not other dogs. And imo its unfair to crate and rotate dogs. Use common sense folks.
  4. nc_pitbullmommy

    nc_pitbullmommy Big Dog

    My Samson is an indoor dog. He shares the bed with me and my mini schnauzer and he HATES being outside.

  5. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    I would think that when people say they have 2 dogs running around the house, that these dogs are supervised closely for the time that they are together. :) I would hope, anyways, that the dogs would be supervised when together for any period of time.
  6. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    If you are pit bull savvy and know exactly what you are doing, I see no problems with this at all. Supervised when together, crate and rotate when you can't supervise.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2009
  7. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    I respectfully disagree and it's good to see you, by the way:)

    Crate and rotating is responsible should someone have more than one pit bull in their house. It's safe, IMO.
  8. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    Hells no, I would never leave the boys out alone together....Otis would kill my JRT if left alone with him long enough. They either both go in thier crates or one of them comes with me everywhere in the house, Shelby gets sent to her room if she is not already in it. If I am in the bathroom you can bet I got a dog staring me down while I take care of my business. Even my kids are programmed for this practice and follow through as I have instructed.
  9. Marty

    Marty Guest

    I have allowed Lilbit and Rufus to play from time to time but it's over now, she gets through the door sometimes but with in secs their separated ;)






    These dogs will only play so long though :rolleyes:
  10. ANCHOR

    ANCHOR Guest

    o lol, great first picture marty.

    yehhhh, marty,that looks real safe mate. im not say'n you dont know what your doing at all, but if mine got how that last photo looks mate, not! she'd be all over let alone play tug-o-war.
    id also just like to add, that i used the words crate and rotate so some would understand in short terms that i have rotated dogs. ill just explain a little more. i use cable runs and kennel runs. i try to spend personal one on one time with each dog. i do this with the use of a seperate yard which ill take a dog off the run and bring into the yard and play ball/spring pole or flurt pole with. they do not stay out there alone. when we are done ill put him/her back on the run. i let one imperticular into the house, the only way that one dog could get to another dog is to get out of the house, through the seperate yard over another fence and out to the runs. again thats just my way, ive been like it from day dot and so is the rest of my family.
    i guess all as what im try'n to say, at the end of the day prevention is better than a cure. we'd all have to agree on that one if nothing else wouldnt you say?

    ps marty, i see lilbit is a lilbit dominant ay.
    do you find your males are a much more tolerant dog than you females?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2009
  11. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    Do your dogs every interact (play) together (supervised, of course)? Some can but I guess some can't, which is fine.
  12. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    All 3 are sunbaithing dog piled on the chair as I type this. Shelby seems to do extremely well with both boys, the boys on the other hand...well boys will be boys. They are joined at the hip for the most part and really get along well. We have had a few fights between them because the JRT has a temper and cannot keep it in check at times and ofcoarse Otis is more than happy to correct him when that happens.





    As you can see they do alot together, they hate being seperated from each other. We manage them and what they do, they do not eat near each other nor do they get bones or toys in the same room. We have a few baby gates set up to give each dog thier own space during toy and food time. When we are not home both boys go in crates. I do allow them to roughhouse a bit but know when its time to call it quits and we often do. The only real fights we have had were over smuggled toys, the JRT hides tennis balls everywhere and does not share them well, Otis is a born ballbuster and likes to take them away to instigate play however the JRT has a thing about his tennis balls and goes off the deep end when another dog goes near one. We have to search them out and put them up to avoid fights, other than that they do incredibly well together. Shelby is old and doesn't really bother with the boys, they do double team her at times and it quite comical to watch them tourment the old broad, thank god she is as cold as she is or she would probably kill them for some of the shit they pull on her.

    Again it can be done, you just gotta know each dogs limitations and remove all triggers and remember to keep them seperated when you are not with them. Its also very important to prepare for a life of solitude if/when they can no longer co-exist.
  13. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    Those EARS!!!!!!^^^^^^^:D

    This sums it up perfectly!
  14. ANCHOR

    ANCHOR Guest

    hang on? we were talk'n 2 gb pits, thats a pup and well lol the other aint no pit?? what ever, do what ya do.
  15. ANCHOR

    ANCHOR Guest


    now bring in another gbapbt and get them to lay down together.
  16. ANCHOR

    ANCHOR Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2009
  17. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    You mean like this ?

    Rollsroyce likes this.
  18. nc_pitbullmommy

    nc_pitbullmommy Big Dog

    Here's a picture of Samson and my Mini, Daphne.
    They play great together...Daphne is usually not a playful dog with others but she loves Sam. I watch them closely though and don't let things get to excited. I know excitement can turn into aggression.
    I also think if you are the leader of your pack and they know it it's not an issue because you can control the dogs. I'm not saying take your APBts and just leave them int he backyard together but supervised play is good for their souls I think. Just being chained by themselves 24/7 can't be good to their mental health......

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2009
  19. performanceknls

    performanceknls Top Dog

    I only post these because I want to show you can keep APBT's with other dogs BUT none of my dogs are every left alone with each other. I only trust them when I am there to supervise what is going on. Only my non game bred or game line dogs are able to live in peace with each other. My 5 game bred dogs can only be with another dog under supervision not running lose around the house. It takes a lot of work when they are young to tolerate other dogs but they know I am the head of the house and will not pull any crap when I am there. They are not good in a pack situation, there are exceptions but I learned the hard way about crate and rotate. It took a dead dog several years ago to open my eyes and remember they are APBT's not golden retrievers. Many of these pictures that have been posted are the exception. I want newbies to know you can't have a pack of APBT's without having problems at some point. I have many dogs together as young dogs and they are fine till they started to hit sexual maturity. Then you need to be ready to separate before you have a dead dog.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2009
  20. bohawg00

    bohawg00 Big Dog

    Those are some great pictures!

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