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game breed/house pets

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by carolinablu, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. If the pictures are a reflection of how they act around each other, I would say the one with the white socks is the alpha. I do not know the age of the other AST but just be very careful. I would not be surprised if the "white sock" female was the one that started the fight with your deceased female. The other just went into pack mentality and joined the fight....if in fact she did join in the fight.

    Nice dogs by the way.
  2. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    Gambler's Virgil
  3. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    China, you don't make that dog wear that prong collar as a normal collor do you?

    Yes, I do about 75% of the time. She's goes in and out about 5 times a day and other collars have made her itch. So she wears this one till bedtime.
  4. StopBSL

    StopBSL Top Dog

    I think that in the case of this thread a lot of people have gotten off topic. The original question of can game bred dogs live in a house was posed and the answer is YES, with the RIGHT responsible owner.

    Can multiple game bred dogs live in the same household? definitely, with the right responsible owner and certain safety procedures in place.

    Now, if we are talking game tested dogs- that is all on the individual dog. As some have already been posted who were fine until it was time to go. And, I think that was probably a reflection of how well they respected their owner.

    This male lives in my house. He sleeps in my bed with another APBT, a cold female (when she is not in heat). He gets along fine with our cat and with our youngest female. But, that's it. He does not get along with other dogs, even our other dogs. He did until he hit about 1 1/2 then it was over for him. If you see him at a dog show you would never believe that he could be in the same room with any dog and not go for it. But, he can.


    And, I think its obvious he is from game bred lines. But, this is all about knowing what you have, what triggers them and handling it responsibly.

    dressed as a monkey for halloween. . . That is our cold bitch with him.

    Here they are chewing on a sheet they like to mess up.

    here he is at a show, pulling towards a bitch off camera.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2009
  5. NOTK

    NOTK Banned


    ANCHOR Guest


    ANCHOR Guest

    it aint hard for me to grasp at all, it is the fact despite all that is said regardless, you will give novices and newbies the wrong idea. most/not all will just be thinking, o'well they can do it, i can too. are you gett'n it now:cool:

    ANCHOR Guest

    :Dspot on.

    ANCHOR Guest

    ive just been reading over all the post's again and again i am going to emphasize those three words once again game bred dog. now i am going to state that i associate those words with dogs that have been bred from parents that are fighting dogs and there parents and so on. those offspring will have a high % rate to want to fight. yes some of those offspring may be able to be bought up and trained to get on with onother dog, im not an idiot as some of you may be thinking. as we all are relating to personal experiances.

    explain to me what some of you might do if your two wonderful pets suddenly turn on and decide to go at it, life or death (remembering game dogs know no defeat)

    are you going to tell them to quite it ?:rolleyes:
    are you going to try and get one in a crate while holding the other back ?:rolleyes:

    c'mon, your by your self what you gonna do ? hope someone comes home to help soon.
    im talk'n high drive dogs that dont know how to quit.

    what are your precations ?
    do you have braking sticks ? or are they just for dog fighters ?

    this all happening in the house......... little kids right in the middle of it. id say its proberly a good chance some dont think about it to much.

    in the yard, what precations do you have ?

    i think if we are all on the subject we should also discuss the worst case senarios and what can be done if this happens.

    BIG QUESTION ? are you confident, and can you manage to break up a fight by your self ? i aint talk'n about a little scrap over a toy or food, im talk'n a hammer and tongs dink'm all out war.:eek:
  10. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    First off know your audience, there are plenty of people here with many years of experience equal to yours if not even more so and many of us are more than capable of housing multiple dogs.

    Secondly I myself would not take in more dog than I am prepared to handle nor would I place that burden on my family. Everyone in my house can handle seperating a dog fight properly including both my kids and my 60+ y/o mother ( she's been capable of doing that before I was born ). Ofcoarse we have break sticks many of them too, got them all over the house, heck I even carry one in my vehicle at all times too.

    When your alone and a fight breaks out, you grab a leash and your breakstick. You leash up the one with the weaker less vital hold to a stationary object, you then grab the one who has the better hold and go to work breaking him off. Once you got one free then you might have to play the waiting game for the other to sinch up for a better hold, thats when you pull the the one you have broken out of there.

    That is one of the main reasons you do not leave them unattended, when a fight does break out it should be going on right in front of you not in another room. By keeping them with you it allows for you to defuse the a situation before they get too far out of control.

    D's I am with you, I do not feel this is a novice breed nor do I encourage beginner owners to own more than one dog til they have put thier time in and have learned the ins & outs of these dogs. Sadly however alot of beginners DO own multiple dogs and thats why we have topics like this, it is to teach them how to properly handle and house thier dogs. You and I saying "dont have more than one" doesn't work, people are going to do what they want to do so it is our job as the experienced owners to point out thier wrong doings and teach them how to correct thier mistakes to hopefully avoid them from happening again.
  11. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    Back on topic, the OP asked if a game bred dog will make a good pet. The answer is YES, a game bred dog will make a great pet as long as you are a responsible owner.
  12. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    Well there is a huge difference between GAMENESS and FIGHT CRAZY. I have had many deep deep Game dogs that could get along with SOME other dogs I had a little schnuzer (sp) and a very game dog that loved each other. Its all in the dogs them self. Dont thing for one blink that just though a dog will get along with another dog they arenot game. And I have hunderds of Fight crazed Currs.
  13. And soon, Athen will be married to The Blue Tiger I, Ch of Serbia

    Can i say wow this dog here is absolutely stunning!!:)
  14. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    I got one that comes in the house,actually I have a couple that behaves well enough that I'll let in but just by themselves not with each other.One might get to come in one day and the other on another day.Don't want an accident in the house,lol.But really I think they're as good a pet as anything is and better than most.

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