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Game for a while... then cur?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by EDOGZ818, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. twiztidpitz

    twiztidpitz Top Dog

    Im my opinion...this dog would not be a cur...he did go 5 matches undefeated. Now depending on if he quit himself or he was picked up, or just lost, that would be diffrent. Say if the dog quit himself, he would have a nice spot on the yard, no breeding for him. Now, if he was picked up, say the owner noticed him getting beat real bad, I would give him a good spot, and put him up for stud. If he just lost, well then he lost to a better dog, so breeding would depend on somethings.
    If the dog was bred, I would keep all pups and see how they turned out. And depending on how they did, would determin his breedings.

    Now thats me, everyone has their own ways of raising these dogs and culling, and so on. Thats what makes the world go round and all the good stuff. If everyone did it the same way, well, who knows what. Maybe we wouldn't have some of the dogs we have today. What about the dogs that never went in but were some of the best producing dogs ever?
  2. EDOGZ818

    EDOGZ818 Big Dog

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Rocky's Human
    Money is the blind-fold that leads to a deterioration of the dogs over time.
    I agree 100%. And that goes for many things in life as well... Searcy Jeff

    3rd That. Not to contradict the reap of money, but DOGMEN should have other ways of getting money. Thats to say love other things besides dogs, make money elsewhere, besides the dogs, so you won't abuse it. (Peddling)

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  3. Unfortunately, I have no Bulldog who made this Distance. There are also not so many of it. What concerns my definition from gameness, I put very high claims. To myself. Fact is many famous Bulldogs were quiter. Think about Bullyson who produced Honeybunch. Honeybunch herself was later not souch a bad producer or? You had culled Bullyson (no exuses)
    and with it added a big damage to the Bulldogfamilie . Many other great producer were quiter. How can that be? Well I think one point is it plays for sure a roll how a dog quit. A dog that quits after 3 houers is for sure another caliber than a dog that jumps after 10 minutes with a scream out of the pit. Here to say quiter=quiter cur=cur is simply stupid. Everybody must think independently and meet decisions. There are no guidelines.And one thing is completely clear, without any excuses we would have lost many good Bulldogs A N D most important awesome producer.
  4. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Dogs are kinda like guns. Eventually you're going to run out of bullets.
  5. 215pitts

    215pitts Top Dog

    You know in a way your right! Nothing last forever, that's why you have to work with what you got if you truely believe what you have is GOOD work it till the very end because once it's done, it's gone.
  6. MinorThreat

    MinorThreat CH Dog

    realonebulldog, These dogs are about the scratch, if the dog is able and doesnt, the dog is a cur. Their are a lot of famous high ability curs, what people do with their dogs is their own business but they cant change the fact that their dog quit.

    my last post on the thread
  7. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I would like to commend you all on a maintaining and staying with in the rules....LOL

    Minor, I respect your PO and your contribution to this thread. However hypotheticly speaking pre 76, most will never have the pleasure of an animal of that calibur nor witness.
  8. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    Some dogs hystorically considered acceptional had a difficult time claiming the honored title of being game by some doggers....Chinaman. How would one know if this dog was truely game if he quickly obliterated his competition every time??? Dogs that win all the time may not be considered as game as others that don't have a comparative win record. How and why does the dog lose? You can read about dogs that were acceptionally game but in the hands of the wrong owners could not demonstrate this ability, most of the time due to lack of conditioning. You can have a dog that has all the heart in the world - but without the body to support it may not appear to be so. I think assessing the game of a dog is probably one of the most difficult things to do, I guess I would only put value on that assessment coming from someone who (as simms says) had seen what the game had to offer on a large scale of samples.

    A trait like game and the potential of this trait is in my mind only reconizable by those who are skilled with seeing it on a large scale.
  9. EDOGZ818

    EDOGZ818 Big Dog

    "TRUE 'DAT"
    (Good analogy)

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