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Game vs Ability

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Dream Pits, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Erie Outlawz

    Erie Outlawz CH Dog

    Give me the yard full of deep game dogs every time if you really knew then you would know that just cause your dog bites harder then mine dont mean you win the fight seen plenty of them pack it in just being fustrated with a game dog and you see that in all combat sports GAMENESS is first the rest is just a bonus lol and ill keep saying it.
  2. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    so the hard choice to make is which would you use to breed if you could only choose one:
    1.) the better performing dog, that has proven to be a better performer
    2.) a dogs whose gameness and heart is unmatched eventhough its ability isnt that great
  3. ganja

    ganja Big Dog

    hon sounds way better :D if the hon was directed at me! I don't want to sound like an idiot again :rolleyes:

    the second one is cool for me... as said before, he could built his ability in the box, after a few matches then we'll see if I would or would not breed him but that's the pup I would take, and hope for the best ^^
    would breed him to a female that compliments what the male misses and vise verca and see what comes out of the 2

    I don't care for [] dogs if they lack the gameness...
    gameness isn't all, but it's the hardest to come by and a trait that's not natural to them, ability is something IMO a dog can learn
  4. yrrej

    yrrej Pup

    A German Shepherd has athletic ability, but not much gameness usually....
  5. EBT

    EBT Big Dog

    How can you argue with that?

    What is the APBT's intended purpose; from whence did it evolve; and what is it more than any other breed? What is the quintessential pit dog?

    A fighter.

    A winner.

    And there is only one true form of gameness - DEAD GAME.

    Winners win, losers lose or die.

    The most valuable dog is the one that wins every time - no matter how it wins. They were the dogs that made money for the dogmen of yore, they were the dogs that kept yards going, and they were the dogs used to breed with - that got us this far - to bring us to where the breed is today.

    Winners. Not game losers.
  6. EBT

    EBT Big Dog

    But for the record, genetics is always bit of a crap shoot, so there's no guarantee which dogs will pass on which genes. So for that reason, Super Sport gave the best answer.
  7. Colby Eli

    Colby Eli Big Dog

    Sounds like a plan I would do

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