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Gameness vs. Mouth

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Dream Pits, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    i dont think that was the point of bens statement, although i may be wrong, im guessing what he meant by that comment wasnt to knock stratton, but basically stop arguin this topic with somebody who "hasnt been off the porch" so to speak.
    again i may be wrong, im sure we'll find out later.
  2. Read the bloodline thread entitled Eli. This is just the carry over. It has been very educational around here today. IT hasn't made much sense but it has been good for a few laughs.
  3. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    not taking side or stickin up for folks but.....

    i didnt pick that up from his posts. what i got out of it was:

    bolio was matched one time.
    he rode the head/ear that match
    but that was ONLY 1 match, so whos to judge if that was his ultimate style of fighting.
    and just because you got an ear dog doesnt mean you got a curr,

    but if you got a ear dog that just holds the ear NOTHING else and doesnt wrestle doesnt do anything but sit there the whole time and "suck the ear" while backing up so to speak, than that dog doesnt have the interest in devastating his opponent, which is all a bulldog is interested in.

    now if bolio's style was to grab his head/ear than push his opponent into the wall and was only interested in breaking down his opponent than i wouldnt call him a shit eater.

    but if he was just there to stay out of trouble and fighting "scared" so to speak than i wouldnt call him an ace

    but again, i wasnt there so i have cant really touch that topic.......
  4. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    In this case you may be right. I just get sick of all the negativity aimed at Stratton who dont deserve it.
  5. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    i wouldnt knock stratton in any way, ive read all his books and think the man is educated.

    but lets say you were arguing with a rook, and you couldnt get through and said "go read another ed faron book, or another colby book"

    doesnt mean your knockin those mens credibility, it means "dude, your a greenhorn, ive been doin this awile why the hell are you arguin. go read another book" lol
    (no offense to YB)
  6. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    A dog that rides the ear is NOT fighting scared lmao A dog that is biteing consistantly with everything he has is more likely to be the rough curr alot of oldtimers thought dogs with freek mouths were biteing out of fear and were just rough curs. Alot of the time that held true. Ive never herd of someone culling a dog for its style. Most serious doggers could give a rats ass what style the dogs used as long as thay were sucsessful. Ever herd of jacko? Hank? the list goes on. there have ben manny a dogs over history who earned there keep and were proved bulldog useing unorthadox styles.

  7. I look at a dog that is able to keep a harder biting dog out as a master strategist. My view was of the dogs that were able to do this for a period of time and then went on to finish there opponent. That is what I meant.
  8. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Once again we are talking talented dogs who just so happen to be face/head/ear dogs with defensive styles. Not no tallent ear suckers who should have never seen a box in the first place.Big Got Damn difference.

  9. Thank you.
  10. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    im not sayin all that do are fighting scared. but theyre also staying out of trouble. to where the other dog can give 2 shits about gettin hurt, and just wannt go in a tear some shit up regardless of the consequences cuz he thinks he's winning even if he's losing.
  11. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    and thats what im talking about agnowledging the difference between the two.
    the talented bulldog that grabs the head and wants to rip it off

    and the ear sucker that just does barely enough to stay out of trouble

    as far as bolio goes, if he wasnt the first i mentioned, i doubt they would have been calling him an ace.
  12. Everyone loves the big puncher. People always root for this type athlete. I for one am as guilty as the next guy. The fighters that get the most respect and attention and are viewed as the greatest are those that have the least amount of damage inflicted on them. The fighter that is able to frustrate and bewilder there prey and then go on to fininsh when the big puncher cannot lift there arms as the say.

    Rocky Marciano was the greatest fighter ever. This is my opinion. Why is Ali called the greatest?
  13. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    The dog you are explaneing is one stupid fuckin pitdog. The object in any combat is to win period by whatever means or style that gets the W. If you think the best way to win is offence offence offence totaly sacrificeing ones own well being. You my friend are dead wrong . Go watch some Shugar ray lenard , some Julio chaves jr or some Floyed maywether fights.

  14. Chuck Wepner vs Ali. Sugar Ray Leaonard vs Tommy Hearns and Marvin Hagler. Buster Douglas vs Mike Tyson.
  15. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    i think yall are misunderstanding my point.

    im not saying that the offensive is always going to win. or is always the best pit dog.

    im talking about where his mind is at.

    im saying that the bulldog is thinking "im gonna kill you, and theres nothing that can stop me"

    the other dog is thinkin "oh shit i dont want to get bit so im gonna stay here and ride it out." (not all ear dogs)

    now while the second dog MAY win, because of his smarts

    i think the other is living up to what you breed for, and thats the "want" to be there.

    i wish i was better with my words, its hard to make your point when your typing. lol
  16. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Well buster was a wash up who got lucky that Mike decided the cocaine was a great workout suplament lmao. I agree with the rest.
  17. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    and when i mean bulldog im not talkin about a hardmouth curr. im talkin a deep game talented bulldog!

  18. I understood. As they say, different strokes for different folks.
  19. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    wasnt buster douglas a bum? who wasnt afraid to fight tyson, thats why he won.
  20. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    everybody who lost 2 tyson (im talkin bout the old tyson) lost because tyson had the fight won before it even started.
    everyone that he beat was scared to be there. hell i dont blame em!

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