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Gameness vs. Mouth

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Dream Pits, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. Of course it is. You are correct. But, according to Ben, if he is a smart head dog, he is a shiteating cur. I don't get it either.
  2. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    there is a big difference between a ear sucker & a dentist. hitting a spot & keeping one out are apple to orange. a defensive dog will ride & dance won't go forward, a bulldog comes to party.
  3. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Simple answer is you dont breed for onesided dogs you breed for the whole package. Nuff said.
  4. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    As far as ear dogs being shiteaters...thats complete hot stankin ass garbidge. Lmao
    A good ear dog will frustrate and take over when its time.Over history everytime there was some hot barnstorming destroyer type dog makeing a name for himself there was a smart dogger prepareing a smart ear/head dog to beat him.If you dont like ear dogs and like a straight foward type bulldog that is a preferance and nothing more.
  5. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    I think it comes down to a difference in what you're after which is why different people have different strains and bloodlines. For me it's about having good quality dogs that are game above all else. Someone could come along with a rough hard mouth dog and moo the floor with my dog and I would still be proud of him as long as he gave me all he had. I know it's supposed to be all about winning and having the best dogs but for me it's about doing their best and not quitting. I'll take an average dog with a HUGE heart and lose to a rough detroyer who would quit on bottom and to me I'd still have the better dog.
  6. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    idk bout that yardboy but i get where ur going with that haha. Its all about preference
  7. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog


    and also Agreed!
  8. I guess that dog that performed plastic surgery on that house dog from Ny was a shit eating cur. I guess Ch Greenwoods Strider was a shit eating cur as well.

    I would love to own one of those shit eating curs Ben.
  9. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    yardboy a defensive dog don't finish that's why they called defensive. & a smat dog don't wait around for shit they hit spots & finish as quick as possible. it wouldn't be too smart to wait for a bleeder to get hit go into shock or run hot & burn out would it? also they are far from fresh after all that defensive BS.
  10. There have been plenty of hard nosed head and ear dogs that have kept there opponents from hitting there spot. They have then put them away. Come on man.
  11. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    PLENTY of hard driveing straigt foward offencive minded dogs have quit on top lmao Likewise, Manny eardogs have proven to be finishers. A finisher is a finisher plain and simple. Wllingness to finish has absolutely zip to do with the style the dog use's
  12. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    LMFAO redgoodbye. & how many so called "ear suckers" got frustrated by a bulldog that keep coming & just stood the line because it wasn't getting anywhere ? the reason some get label destroyers is because they break them down there ain't any dancing with no wheels.
  13. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Plenty of ear suckers have ben bested by offensive type dogs ben. It goes both ways. Its not black and white like that.
  14. And those destroyers that got there muzzle crushed. Or that destroyer that got a rhino plasty. Or that destroyer that had a face lift. The smart head dogs have always been prized.
  15. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    WTF how do you finish from ear sucking?

  16. You frustrate the other dog. The other dog breaks down because he is tired and is exausted. The head dog goes to a different spot because he softened up his adversary. You have never seen this happen?
  17. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    im not saying it don't go both ways. im saying a defensive dog is not a something that is looked at as a good thing. there is nothing smart about a dog that wait around for it's win because in good comp they stay till the cur come out.
  18. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Ear sucking is nothing more than a smartass term used by those who dont like eardogs. Or an eardog with no ability to finish when the time comes. We are talking talented ear/head dogs and or defensive minded dogs. Big difference.

  19. Bolio, Greenwoods Strider. Curs. Good thing that they didn't listen to Ben..
  20. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    A dog that goes on the defensive when needed is and always has ben desiered.A good defensive type head/ear dog will rise to the top even when overpowered thay still find a way to win not just blowing there wad on a dog that is obviously going to win in a slugfest so to speek. How smart is it to get into a slugfest with a puncher?

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