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Going to try build a slatmill

Discussion in 'Products & Equipment' started by ausapbt, Oct 2, 2009.


What color slats with black frame

Poll closed Oct 16, 2009.
  1. Stained gloss

    5 vote(s)
  2. matt black

    3 vote(s)
  1. ausapbt

    ausapbt Big Dog

    hey Buck, got it from a store in australia called clark rubber,

  2. ausapbt

    ausapbt Big Dog


    made a start on the frame today....

    decided since i cant weld like most people i would use my head and think of a way to get around making the frame.

    I decided to give 50mm pvc pipe a go as it is strong, very lightweight and with a small amount of bracing should do just fine. although it is plastic is is still an expensive option by the time you buy brackets and angles etc.. steel frame would work out cheaper but if you cant weld this is a viable option.

    will paint it gloss black to clean it up once i finish attaching all the brackets and so on...



    Attached Files:

  3. pa2bull

    pa2bull Pup

    I think the PVC. Will have strength issues.
    Dogs are already runs vibration. Make it not work well.
    Section captioned Cup ย structure is strong and accurate.
  4. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    thanks for the link! Cheers., i got some info I'll send on but ,I'm not on my computer today, on my buddies:rolleyes:
  5. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    i need (2) 15'' strips of this:
  6. ausapbt

    ausapbt Big Dog

    i hope it works but if any issues i have another frame plan ready to go so all good
  7. Mextra

    Mextra Big Dog

    If the PVC doesnt work out try the slotted angle iron that way even if you cant weld you can bolt it together .
  8. ausapbt

    ausapbt Big Dog


    pvc not up to the task so back to aluminuim frame
  9. bohawg00

    bohawg00 Big Dog

    trial and error can get expensive huh?
  10. Rocko

    Rocko Big Dog

    seeing the PVC there is a pick on Peds of one made out of alumn tubing...looks like it is a all bolt together fence frame....I asked the guy how it work said great and very sturdy just very loud bc of the metal frame and metal rollers....
  11. ausapbt

    ausapbt Big Dog

    it ads up thats for sure, its all good as i would rather blow some coin making mistakes and learning than buying one of the shelf. at the end once ive mastered it i can build myself as many as i want

    i could have made it work but it required alot of bracing. at the end of it its me being abit fussy as i want it to look clean and not have crap bolted all over it.

    the only noisy thing is my roller bed but some grease should help i hope :confused:
  12. widerange

    widerange Big Dog

    what type of roller bed did you go with? do you have any pictures of them to post? i have my own slatmill project going on and have been keeping up w this thread. good luck with your own.
  13. ausapbt

    ausapbt Big Dog

    post #30 on page 2 has a pic of the rollers
  14. widerange

    widerange Big Dog

    sorry some how i over looked that. just wondering why not wood for the frame?
  15. ausapbt

    ausapbt Big Dog

    Thats my number 3 option if the aluminum frame doesn't turn out which i cant see happening
  16. widerange

    widerange Big Dog

    i have been wondering if you had thought of that. thanks for the post and keeing us updated on how its going.
  17. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    i appreciate being let in on the process. i been watchin
  18. ausapbt

    ausapbt Big Dog

    decided i wanted a clean welded finish so bit the bullet and sketched up some plans for a fabricator i found locally to make the frame from scratch for me,
    hopfully the cost isnt huge but at $90 per hour for his services im allowing at least $300 for my frame... on the plus at least it will be perfect..

    heres the plans for those who are interested in doing the same


    Attached Files:

  19. widerange

    widerange Big Dog

    one of the pictures didnt come up but thanks for the frame lay out
  20. ausapbt

    ausapbt Big Dog

    nah its just the layout i attached, the bmp file is the frame you can see on your screen

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