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Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by 215pitts, Jan 3, 2005.

  1. 215pitts

    215pitts Top Dog

    Ok people! Don't get upset but I didn't find a section for grooming! Here's my question, my pup is 1 1/2 years old now and I was never able to trim his nails. I always walked him out side on the cement so he could scratch away, also even the vet can't trim his nails. Well today I tried to do it and he was actually good until I got to the back paws.....as soon as he saw me bring the nail trimer to the back paw, he give a loud suprisingly goar and I smacked him (sorry it was relfex). Any ideas on how to approach this?
  2. AC

    AC Big Dog

    What we do at the vet's office is wrap them up in a towel tight enough so they can't get their legs out voluntarily. Then you grab a limb and expose the nails and if needed have someone hold them down while you do it. If your dog/pup growls that's definetly not a good thing. Try gets a spray bottle full of water and spray his face if he ever does it again. Hopefully he'll learn.
  3. AC

    AC Big Dog

    P.S. Use a muzzle if you have to!
  4. PADogman

    PADogman Top Dog

    Try clipping his nails when he's a sleep thats when I clip my dogs nails.no problems yet.
  5. 215pitts

    215pitts Top Dog

    I've never thought of that but.....I think I'll pass on that!

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