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He Bit!! And I never thought he would

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by malachi, Jul 6, 2007.

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  1. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    well the question i have for you is why then did you come here asking for advice that you are going to refuse to follow.you are refusing to do the right thing that you know in the first place is the right thing so why waste everyones time with this thread if your just going to do what your going to do anyways? you are so ignorant it is not even funny you know the right thing to do but yet still you are not doing it and that is not only ignorant but irresponsable.you own a dog that is a hazzard to the public and yet another black eye for our breed.you have no buisiness owning this breed or any dog for that matter if you refuse to do something that even you yourself know is the right thing to do.
  2. JuckingFerk

    JuckingFerk Big Dog

    I agree, if that STERN HAND is holding a hand sledge or a pistol. That is the only STERN HAND that will correct a man biter.

    Malachi, you ask how to handle this dog, but you refuse to listen. You act as of the people suggest you put down your man biter don’t love their dogs. Well, you are wrong; I love all of my dogs. I rotate out every night what dog gets to roam the house. I don’t have to do that, but I do because I love my dogs. You know what I love more then my dogs????<O:p

    1. I love my freedom. If one of my dogs ever bit someone and hurt them I would go to jail. <O:p
    2. I love my family. If my dog every bit anyone it could cost me thousands of dollars that I don’t have in legal fees. I could be sued and could lose the home that my family lives in. Worse off, one of the dogs could attack a member of my family like yours ATTACKED your boyfriend.
    3. I love the breed. The breed comes before my personal dogs any day of the week. Wild mouthed man biters like yours do nothing but allow more laws to be passed against our beloved breed. If you cant handle your business you don't love the breed, you just own one. <O:p</O:p

    It might make it easier if you play dress up with the hammer or pistol. I mean if you are not responsible with those items they can kill a person, just like your dog.<O:p</O:p

    Ferk out<O:p</O:p

    PS: If you don’t do the right thing you have no business owning a dog of any breed. I would try fish, just not game fish.<O:p</O:p


    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2007
  3. Phebes

    Phebes Guest

    I have owned HA dogs (towards strangers) most of my life. I like a dog that would attack a stranger coming on my property. I have said this many times on this forum.
    I have only owned 1 dog that ever bit a member of my family, or growled at a member of my family, that dog died the next day and his brain was sent to the health department to make sure he hadn't been given a bad rabies vaccine and he was free of rabies. He was also the last GSD I ever owned.
    There is a big difference between a dog who is very protective of his family and property and a dog who attacks a member of his family, pack, circle or group.
    What ever you want to call it a dog should know who belongs and who doesn't and under no circunstances does the dog ever bite a member of his group.
    You really need to understand the signs this dog is giving before he seriously hurts a member of your family.
    IMO you are living with a loaded gun.
  4. short1

    short1 Big Dog

    I can see it now the dogs gonna reach about 2 yrs old and attack or kill the pug and they will have it put down for being dog aggresive ( but not for bitin the human )
  5. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    your wrong ferk,,, even ol timer will tell you,, it probroly could be corrected but not by a pet owner,,

    he might test my patients once but i'd would have thrash him good,,,he would have remembered it trust me,,

    it was alot of other things leading up to this i'm sure was let go and not dealt with for it to question it's authority with its owner,,

    he might question me once and if he didn't remember the @ss wooping the first time,,, he'd get a dirt nap..

    but i'm alot different than most,,, when he bit me i would have knock him out,,,

    a dog person could correct it if it was a dominace issue,,,,
  6. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    Some of ya'll are a bunch of clueless, inexperienced, close-minded, shit-talking arrogant wannabes who wouldn't know a game dog if it crawled into your bed and gave you a Dirty Sanchez.

    Kill your dog at the advice of a few macho internet doggers who are too lazy or too ignorant to teach a little corrective behavior, or too irresponsible to simply contain an aggressive canine, then you're an idiot. Nothing less.
    If you allow your dog to bite someone without reasonable cause, particularly after showing past signs of aggressive behavior, then you're not only an idiot, but also a criminal who should be imprisoned.

    My advice: Keep the dog and get rid of the boyfriend. What kind of moron uses his hand to try to clamp a dog's mouth shut when it's baring its teeth in a threatening manner (which some game dogs will do, btw. It isn't all that unusual)? Something tells me this dude probably had it coming.

    And who the fuck uses a .22 to cull a bulldog??? I once saw a .38 ball round ricochet off a car windshield. How many times you gonna shoot the poor thing before it finally dies???
    NC and (deleted member) like this.
  7. short1

    short1 Big Dog

    well that still is no excuse for the dog to bite! I realize he was worning him to back off
    but there it is most dogs arnt so quick to bite!(unless previous wornings have failed ) (meaning the dog has been giving sighns that it will bite for some time now)
    I can tell the problem is the lack of respect for the owners but one of my dogs ever bites me and sorry but it has nothing to do with machoism or what ever you want to call it the dog is going to be put down no if's and or buts about it and Im preatty sure a 22 to the back of the skull will do the trick as will a 38 357 40 45
  8. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    a 22 won't do it as quick as you think,,,
    may take hours of clueless flip flopping

    but rockstar is right,,, malakui,,, the dog could be corrected and i'v seen dogs that didn't like certain ppl,,,,i've also seen them want to bit if you tryed to hold there mouth shut,,,theres a million reason,,,

    get you a newspaper and they hate to be spated with those and get him everytime he don't mine you,,, but be veery firm and don't budge,,,

    just make sure it's corrected
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2007
  9. Precisely my line of thought. Who behaves so should have no contact with dogs . And to teeth-thing .... well you can never say 100% this or 100% this. But how many Bulldogs you know who often show aggressively the teeth and growl? I have never ever seen this with my dogs in 8 years. Not one single time. But maybe my dogs are not normally ....? I can nibble with my dogs on the same bone ... everything what they do is wave with the tail and lick my face. I never had to hit my dogs. I talk with my dogs only quietly.Or maybe they are not game enough......?:D [​IMG]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2007
  10. NC

    NC CH Dog

    Finally someone speaking some sense!! Thank you Rockstar
  11. Texasbulldogs

    Texasbulldogs Top Dog

    Typically I’d be one of the select few if not the only one saying don’t cull the dog as it can be corrected. Given you’re responses and excuses all ready only a day or two since the accident…the best advice is to cull. From my perspective you have 3 choices; 1) seek professional help ASAP, 2) placing the dog with an experienced owner, or 3) cull the dog! Not anything you are your boyfriend will correct on your own-not enough education and experience! The dog is only acting like a dog…you and your boyfriend are the problem and a major one.<O:p</O:p

    Malachi has never really showed signs of agression to people or animals.
    He has its just you and your boyfriend never knew it! He was training you and has done a damn fine job at it.
    Michele I agree with you 100% when we were making Malachi work for everything and still loving him too he was not acting like a fool.
    You never were hence the reason you’re having problems! Don’t make excuses for the problems you and your boyfriend created for yourselves and most likely will for all of us that own anything resembling a “pit bull”. If he actually knew who the boss was you wouldn’t be on here with this story, boyfriend wouldn’t have a bite wound, etc.
    Now that he is just around me and I have gotten away from making him work for things in his life I am seeing the problem.
    Hello, earth to Malachi! Can you not hear yourself and the excuses you’re making? The dog is a year and a half from what you say, been with the two of your since 7 weeks-he knows y’all. You’re boyfriend is away only during the week according to your post…big deal! I don’t care if he left for 3 months, the dog will still know immediately who he is by sight, smell, and sound. We’re not talking about he only meet him once when he was 7 weeks so he was a complete stranger.
    Many people on the forum have said the same things as well NILIF.
    WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU! The two of you lack experience and knowledge and will easily be fooled into thinking the dog is “obeying” when simply doing it to get a treat. SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP!
    However I am taking the advice to stop treating him like a baby, to make him respect and know who is boss, and to work for what he gets.
    Great but I seriously doubt you’ll accomplish anything other than screwing the dog up, and endangering those living in the house along with possible guest. You even know what you’re do is doing? How he views you?
    And he has been trained and listens very well like I said previously since my boyfriend has been gone during the week I have let him have too much freedom, etc.
    More excuses justifying something that’s unjustifiable! Hello the dog listened because of what’s between your legs. Much like back in high school, it’s getting late, the boys telling the girls; “oh baby, I LOVE YOU”. We all know why that happens…they want to hit it. With said desires, come the boys doing stupid stuff to better the odds of them reaching such goals. Your dog thinks you’re his “girlfriend”. He’s maturing and reaching sexual maturity and you’ve given him all the signs and okays to affirm in his mind-he’s getting some! Boyfriend just not his type or he’d be thinking the same damn thing in regards to him too. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was currently humping both you and your boyfriend’s legs, all the while the two of you laughing about how cute it is.
    Seek professional help and not something like a Petsmart type trainer! Plus remove all those stupid cloths from the dog, and then throw them in the thrash. You want to dress something up, pull the doll collection back out, don’t do it to the dog!
    1 person likes this.
  12. uh i think old timer already made his stand perfectly clear in this thread. he prbly doesn't need you speaking for him. you should go read his post if you missed it.
  13. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog


    read post number 27 of this thread boogie '

    thus i understand and totally agree with his accessment in the post also,,,i didn't speak for him,,,

    come on boogie you can do better than that,,
  14. ghost, i'm confused. the reason i said what i did was because it seemed to me that you were advocating keeping the dog. thus why i said go read his post. he posted 3 times and clearly states he would not keep the dog. old timer had made his stance on man biters clear not only in this thread, but many others. i don't think there is room for any blurred vision on his stance. maybe i just didn't get what you were saying.

    it's becoming clearer the longer this thread goes on that the inexpereinced owners cannot handle the dog, nor will they really do what needs to be done to correct such issues if they even could be corrected at this point. trust me i agree with you on the dogs knowing who's boss. mine do and the minute they don't they find out real quick. it all starts from the day you get them, and you don't relax on it one minute of one day.

    sorry if there was any confusion. ;)
  15. Michele

    Michele Guest

    Texas: I agree with this 100%.

    I see now what you and a few other's here are trying to say with regard to the pet owners. IF this dog were in a "doggers" hands, this would never have happened to begin with.

    I really think either NILIF is in order or the "other" option. If you choose to do NILIF, you better be responsible 150% of the time.....no slacking off.
    If this was me, I would give the dog up to someone who really knows this breed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2007
  16. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    the biggest thing is to kep the dog under control,,, alot here would cull it,,,

    i've never been in this position,,,i had a friends try to bite me once and it got thrashed good,, i never had a problem again...

    but raised with displine from day one this issue wouldn't never have happen to begin with,,, i'm sure other things happened leading up to this,,,

    it's hard to give advise on a sitution like this cause its a catch 22,,, if a pet owner doesn't take care of the issue then it becomes a liabilty which none of us want,,,so being its someone who does treat the dog like a child, its hard to say whether the issue will be addressed properly,,

    so i totally agree with ol timers accessment of this issue and feel he is correct,,,now what i'd do if it was mine is different,,

    right on boogie
  17. zacdaddy77

    zacdaddy77 Big Dog

    This is the dumbest shit I've heard!The dog is human aggressive,that is out of standard.What the hell is NILIF?What the hell is a dirty sanchez?And what the hell are some of yall doing with bulldogs?There is about 10 people on here that sound just like them retarded animal right people.Its just an animal thats not right in the head.AKA a CULL!If you don't have the heart to cull it yourself take it and get it put down.There should be no question or exuses about it.I'd be interested to see what everybody on here thinks is a cull.If you don't cull a human aggressive dog what do you cull.Do you keep every damn dog you get?Thats why this breed is shanging so fast.Everyone is keeping there junky ass curs and breeding them to someone elses curs.If you're going to keep it atleast call it an AM staff so it don't make my breed look any worse.

    Is Rockstar a real dogman?....Lol

  18. short1

    short1 Big Dog

    here is also part of the problem

    "Every once in a while he will see someone he is not sure about and growls and the hair on his back stands up but thats about it."

    That about it are you joking me! thats a huge problem
    (sounds like your dog lacks confidence and is actually a fearful dog )

    My boyfriend is not injured Malachi did not bite down really there is just one puncture from a tooth.

    really only one puncture well then I guess it ok
  19. zacdaddy77

    zacdaddy77 Big Dog

    A dog that lacks confidence, is exactly what a cur is.Thats the best why to describe a cur.

  20. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    I'm sure the answer to that question depends on who you ask.

    From my completely subjective viewpoint, a dog that serves no purpose other than simple companionship is a cull to begin with, regardless of whether it displays tendencies toward human aggression or not. And a person that has to come to a dog forum and ask "What should I do?" after his/her bulldog bites someone shouldn't own a bulldog in the first place. These are my opinions, and because my opinions are purely based on my own personal experiences, goals, needs, hopes, logic, limitations, etc. I will not attempt to convey them as some objective "right way to do things." There are far too many politicians doing exactly that, and look at the sorry shape we're all in as a result.
    It just seems to me that far too many people here are so quick to suggest killing a dog based on no more information than what lies within a few lines of a text box. There's almost a sadist quality about it. Who's to know that so-and-so's boyfriend wasn't secretly raping the dog every chance he got? Or maybe he's some vile child molesting serial killer. Probably not, but there certainly isn't enough evidence presented to allow any of us to know for sure. I knew a guy who frequently beat the shit out of his girlfriend's dog, just to show who was "boss." The girlfriend never knew what was going on. One day the dog finally said, "Fuck this," and bit the boyfriend's thumb off. Justified? Strictly a matter of opinion. It appears some people would put their dog down for biting the burglar as he beat their children to death with a baseball bat while they slept in bed.
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