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Histories Percentages

Discussion in 'APBT History' started by ELIAS'PISTOLA, May 22, 2015.

  1. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    what knows cecil ????lol
  2. cik

    cik Big Dog

    Cajun it was you who said Mayfield lied to you, I would have thought you would have told us exactly what it was, and now you go on to say that he lied to you many times, so you don't want to believe the billy and eli story based on that, but don was many things ,and im not going to say he was a saint, but what you refer to as a lie im guessing was what he probalby beieved was tru if it was about a dog, as don wasn't in the habit of lying about the dogs he bred , so what did he lie to you about Cajun? tel us about don the lair lol, at least give the bone you have thrown out some meat to chew on, and like I said im sorry for you that you knew rod k, but once you were introduced to him by don , it was upto you to to buy or not to buy, its a shame you never got dogs from don back in the 70s early 80s , then I don't think you would be moaning to much about it .
  3. cik

    cik Big Dog

    Hi postmandan, what exactly are you talking about you have left more questions than answers , what in regard to don lying are you talking about .
  4. cik

    cik Big Dog

    dsuty I see you don't reply with ok Floyd may also have been at fault, you just go into your ill informed Mayfield hateing rant which doesn't make anything about billy or eli and less true ,so why don't you be as gracious as I was to you and say maybe you are wrong and Floyd lied considering you have less facts to go on than me, or are official adba records sent in by Floyd and floyds own words classed as hearsay where you come from ? you cant have it both ways , dusty, and lucky for Floyd/ Patrick/ hammonds /and others that dons dogs and breeding was so poor because without them they would have been unknown .
  5. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    hahaha ...................................
  6. Bones1

    Bones1 Big Dog

    PMD is saying Cecil knew Don. Cecil knew Don would tell ppl things that weren't exactly true (lie). Cecil was PMD's mentor. Being from the old school "core" , Cecil knew more about long forgotten things then most would chose to believe.
    Let me ask you this , if a person told a lie and the only ppl who knew the truth were dead why would they admit lying and changer their story? So until caught in a lie....You've never lied lol as far as I know.
    Kinda like Rods dogs never lost , gotta play to win or lose
    Wonder what mr Burton opinion is about all this. Can someone ask while he's still alive ?
  7. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    don was for a cople of years life on the chat evryday and you couls ask ..evrything you want
    was no problem to ask the same qeustion in 500 different ways ....but Always the same answer.
    its al about understanding ..and that is coming with time ....
  8. postmandan

    postmandan Big Dog

    yea thats where I met you key. and don and I talked about some of the stuff him and cecil ponds did. I knew Mayfield a long time before he was on line. I meet him and quite a few others when I was a young man.and yep cecil ponds was my mentor and my best friend. like I said in the above post many times don was known for stretching the truth-- as some of the old fellas used to say
  9. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    can you give cople of example 's where stretch the truth ?
  10. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    tel what was not possible to tel for years .....
    or what i did mis on the chat ...my knowlegde of the laugauce is stil poor ...but way back in the chat time ...it was worst ...
    so when you talked with him on chat ..you just said ..yes don .....instead of telling him ..he don stop streching the truth here ....
    where you paid to keep truth hidden lol if yes by who
  11. cik

    cik Big Dog

    hi postmandan, please give examples of don s lies, are we talking the kind of truth stretching in regards to playing the game with other dogmen, like don talked about as the con in the talking, because I don't think the story he told about eli was one of the lies you talk about , im guessing it was more to do with playing the game type talk amongst the core, which is not the same as faking a ped on purpose , or claiming another mans breeding as his own, so please let us know what you mean pmd, and lets not forget the only one here who has been talked of like a saint is Floyd , so if don like most all folks are not perfect, that's onlybeing human, but theres lies and then theres damn lies , so which is it pmd .
  12. postmandan

    postmandan Big Dog

    no sir like I said i'm really not interested this subject in that much. I knew don for most of my life, drank with him smoked with him and yea saw a bunch of his life. all I will say is in his favor he was a heck of a dog man. did he get delusional as the years passed. yes he did. and many things he just wasn't right about. that can happen to any as they get older.
  13. Dusty Road

    Dusty Road CH Dog

  14. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

  15. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    lol stop hating dust
    from first time you wrote something to me ...i said to you ..you are in the dark ..and its til like that
  16. cik

    cik Big Dog

    postmandan , I think if you made the statement you did about don , I think its only fair you put some meat on the bones, otherwise it looks like you said it to just put doubt into what many believe is the truth about eil , and also billy not being bred as he is, althougth billys story is really one anyone could have looked into without mayfields help, the facts are there for all to see , so I would ask you to be a little more forthwright about your original post, and by the way from what ive been told, Floyd might have come across as a saint but many didn't belive a word he said , so maybe seeing as you have a long time around the core players you might tell us how you seen them also ,not just don .
  17. cik

    cik Big Dog

    dusty if im a zombie make a case for why im wrong on billy , and like I said you have not given me the same courtesy of saying maybe im wrong , so could you say maybe im right also , or does being open minded only go one way ?
  18. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    This about sums it up. I didn't know DM or speak to him until the 90's. But the DM that I met and spoke with was not the same guy I heard the stories about from the early days, period.

    March isn't the only month for Madness!!
  19. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    pmd is not saying enyhting lol.......
    but what can you do when you cal yourself cajun or elias ......keeping up floyd
    floyd been more in the core then fwk
    but is the difference between them ....not so much just age
  20. Bones1

    Bones1 Big Dog

    PMD Is saying he did what you didn't. Talk to Don face to face not over the phone nor a chat board. PMD ain't telling you nothing knew fact are Don was off a bit in those last years. lol Why would you expect a man to remeber a lie he heard over 30+ Years ago from a guy he wasn't best friends with? CIK or Key can you remeber the last lie you heard from someone you meet a few times ?
    Problem with DM fans is they don't except this FACTS. Don was KNOW as a cheater and a good one ! With a rep like that no matter who you talk to or what you say. It will be looked at with a suspecting eye.
    While I'm sure Flyod is no saint he gets the benefit of the doubt for most ppl based of his reputation. Howard was accused of stealing a dog from Corvino who stole his first dog. Who intern had dogs stolen by Tudor who thought Don how to cheat.
    Must ppl don't care about this because they are to busy feeding an breeding their own dogs. One's living an working in this era they are trying to prove their understandings not someone else.
    "The value of a teacher is measured in the success of his students" based off y'all success or lack there of Don wasn't a good teacher. Reason Don wasn't success full like Floyd is he focused on $$ over quality. Quality don't come around like quantity , quantity provides steady $$$. The quality wasn't there because Don wasn't active when he was breeding for the public. Tudors name was his sales pitch "tights (Tudor's) Nigger". Ppl don't recognize the dog Don had breed when active , They were more focused on his conditioning. Don didn't start breed for the public till he needed some extra $ in the later years.
    Now the reasons Floyd an Gary did better with their respected breeding program regardless of the blood. Is becaus ppl liked them an would bring the proven stuff back to them for breeding out of repect. Most of Aron's went to Europe and what didn't Don didn't have access to after he sold it. For what ever reason.
    Hears a valid question for you CIk. Did Floyd send the paper work on Billy to the ADBA before Or after Earl/Howard died ?

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