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Hollingsworth dogs

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Raymond, Dec 17, 2009.

  1. dogmangee

    dogmangee Banned

    too me the over rated just my o pin
  2. Congoman

    Congoman Big Dog

    Dogmangee you really want to start something up with some of the guys on this board huh? Lol
  3. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    well what is good blood then? u have said that about every line someone has posted a thread on
  4. dogmangee

    dogmangee Banned

    it just what the board is a discussion so i say what is my opinion that it when they say some real shti ill say it real shit for my fans who follow me u can see i gave props when there due im not a hatin if i dont like it i dont like it just my opinion if it the real ima say that i aint here to hate just here for discussion that all i aint bout all the trouble i aint here for that cuz nobody knows nobody here i dont hide behind this shti i aint got nothing to hide im 100 4 real get with youll see
  5. First of all why don't you try to learn how to structure a fucking sentence. Have you ever heard of punctuation? Did you make it past 3rd grade? Trying to read babble like this is like trying to listen to chinese people speak english.

    It's more than obvious you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about these dogs, or any other bloodline for that matter. Your constant claims of seeing dogs "back in the day" is fucking ridiculous! Everybody here sees through it, but you're too dumb to stop it.

    For not being about the trouble, you sure as fuck go looking for it with all your bullshit poser posts.
  6. kayo45

    kayo45 Top Dog

    LoL but what do you like though? Seem like you hate just about every line out that wins
  7. dogmangee

    dogmangee Banned

    callme trouble man then u can think what u want but it all good it just a discussion rigth u have your opinion i have nothing to prove this is why i havea closed kennel to much hatin so i just do me
  8. dogmangee

    dogmangee Banned

    this aint english class and trust me im far from dumb i play dumb but i know more then what i let be known lol:dogkiss:
  9. You have a closed kennel because IF you breed dogs you couldn't give them turds away.
  10. dogmangee

    dogmangee Banned

    i bred more then just dogs but i do it the way i do it just know one thing aint nothing for free... i been paid my dues isj ..... only mess with the real i guess that why i only know a few of youll 4 real
  11. You're as fake as they come go away
  12. dogmangee

    dogmangee Banned

    i dont like i cuZ i aint seen none
  13. dogmangee

    dogmangee Banned

    i know i am but if u need a cattle or any liveSTOCk holla lol
  14. Congoman

    Congoman Big Dog

    I'll put it to you like this Boogieman I don't know who is real and who's fake. But there are guys on here that I think are worse than Dogmangee. He's got animals I can tell how he's talking. There are some true idiots on this board who have over 2000 posts in less than a year. The dude runs his mouth but he may have two animals period. I'm rambling about another poster but Dogmangee seems like someone that is bored and comes on here to get a good laugh in. There are a lot of lines overrated out there but I try to stay out of bashing the next man's yard unless he comes at me first.
  15. They are a turd plain and simple. Yacking and talking shit on every bloodline in every thread posted. If making himself look like a dumbass is his goal, well he's accomplished it with flying colors. ;)
  16. Congoman

    Congoman Big Dog

    Man just laugh at him he's hilarious. Lol it's a message board don't take it so serious. The things he is saying aren't all untrue. But some folks on here just don't know anything period. But they want to act like they do.
  17. dogmangee

    dogmangee Banned

    your rigth i do come here for laughs it funny to be i do have gud dogs im not a hater if i say i dont like it ..its for a reason im not just saying to say it i know what im talking bout i aint a newbie i just likeot discussion give a diffrent opinion that all im not here for trouble im a gud honest person who dont play no game and if and when im wrong u can see from on here like a man i say im wrong and i say im sorry if i dont mean it im a real dog man and a good person to talk to i know my shit trust me
  18. dogmangee

    dogmangee Banned

    one thing i dont do is lie... not my opinion u may not agree with but i dont lie about the stuff a say
  19. Congoman

    Congoman Big Dog

    Look man a lot of the lines you're talking about aren't that good. Some people grade animals on a lot easier scale than they should. They don't go by true breed standards but they go by their own cloudy system and end up with sub par stock. It is what it is.
  20. dogmangee

    dogmangee Banned

    so true like i said im hard to please..... just got to make me a believer .... i believe in my stuff trust that and everybody i bred to also believe thats y they coming

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