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Home of the Geachiman blood.

Discussion in 'Breeder Discussion' started by AGK, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Except my Jackie girl. She's a fat ass right now. Came out winter looking like Baby D. :))

  2. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Puro Odio enjoying the nice weather while we socially distance ourselves. Lol.

  3. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Maximus turning out to be a spitting image of his daddy. Other than that white stripe on the face. Acts just like him too.

  4. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Jackie Rough and Maximus working out their differences.



    They are around 10 or 11 months old now.
  5. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Harley Quinn grazing in the sunshine.

  6. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Charlie, while not from my family of dogs yet still is part of my pack.
    He lives a bit different lifestyle than the others. Parlayin with KK.


    He's my daughters 5 O'clock shadow.

  7. stickler

    stickler Banned

    Is there the chance a paw is going through the fence ? This can be terrible.
  8. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Sure, it's very possible.
    Not very common of an incident here but a paw or a snout has been grabbed a time or 2 through the kenneling over the years.

    My Harley Quinn is the most likey one here to do it. Most of them will just ignore the other dogs in kennels when let out of their kennel to run, individually of course..
    Harley though, has a real hard on for her mother Pumpkin so she's the only one here I really have to supervise when out of the kennel. Only time they can even do that is if I have one loose in the backyard.
    Smoke42084 and david63 like this.
  9. stickler

    stickler Banned

    Know a dog who lost a leg in such a way. Just put some rabbit fence or whatever on it for protection ... is what I would say.
    AGK likes this.
  10. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Thanks for the tip. The yard isn't finished yet. Been a work in progress since having to convert to kennels around 3 years ago now from chains.

    Once the building I'm having indoor/outdoor kennels built goes up, the yard will be divided by it so a free running dog will have no access or view to the other dogs.

    It's not really an issue here otherwise I'd already have smaller paneling put up like I do with the divider panels between them since this has been my set up here for the last couple of years.

    It's a never ending work in progress what can I say.
  11. F.W.K.

    F.W.K. CH Dog

    Many years ago I was called by a guy who's in panic due he'd a big brindle bull terrier he couldn't handle.
    Took the dog in and put him in a kennel inbetween two pit bull's in their seperate kennels..
    When our daughter came outside to feed the dogs, the bull terrier was trying to atack her, launching through the bars as an maniac trying to bite her. So she was afraid to open the kennel and keep it closed, a wise decission.
    And as he'd a much longer snout then the pits, who weren't able to get hold on each other through the bars, the bitch at the left just remarked she'd the change to cause ruckus and got a firm grip on the bully's nose pointing out through the bars next to her.
    According our kid it didn't take long that the bully realised he was on the wrong spot and when released he was tame like a mouse, lesson learned.
    Gave the dog a week later back to his owner and he was surprised he was corrected so well, LOL.
  12. stickler

    stickler Banned

    Stop building kennels. Just put your dogs on chains again.
    Nobody cares anymore, so far :D
    Protect your family and loved ones.
    Don't shoot too many. Take a knife. ;)
    Enjoy ! :))

    The dog I mentioned was pretty close to an ace. But again, they did not see. =))
    Ernie x Dett's bitch. Took a m and a f pup from B.B. for a Ch. Rosita daughter who did not take when bred to Speedy. One of them 2. don't know which one.
  13. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    That's aweful advise.

    I assure you, they care very much still and would love nothing more than to euthanize the dogs and jam me up legally if the opportunity arose. We're in the middle of fighting 2 purposed bills currently here, hense me getting a jump on putting up a building otherwise I wouldn't waste my time and money on one.

    I'll stick with the plan but thanks anyway. Rather than fight the enviable and risk my dogs, my freedom or my family I'd rather just be legit and not have to constantly worry if AC is at my yard while I'm at work because I'm not complying. It's a lot easier to say fuck them and fight it out to a win if my ducks are in a row legally rather than try to fight them after infraction after infraction that leads up to more and more charges in their favor.

    Lol that advise sounds like you've never really been involved with the law reguarding these dogs before. I have so I'll just rely on what I know and have experienced instead of trying to blatantly break the law to make some prideful point that in the end will do more harm to me and my dogs than it will to the animal nut jobs.

    Ask Wardog Kennels how that worked out for him and his dogs.......
    Smoke42084, SMD760, Holocaust and 2 others like this.
  14. stickler

    stickler Banned

    ... fighting bills ... =))
    listen inside ... germany and holland is calling
    fed is down and in POTUS hands.
  15. stickler

    stickler Banned

  16. c_note

    c_note CH Dog

    She know she want that cookie!!
    AGK likes this.
  17. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Not sure what ANY of what you wrote on this page has to do with anything. Nothing Trump does or the feds in general do is going to reverse any animal laws. In fact" Trump signed a very damaging farm bill into law in 2018. Gave the feds domain over animal cruelty laws through PACE act which amends the animal welfare act.

    The federal reserve means nothing to me in reguards to animal laws. They have nothing to do with those laws. Kind of silly to even mention them. This isn't a money issue it's a state and local PA law issue for which the federal reserve has absolutely nothing to do with... Nada.

    The majority of the animal laws that come out are at the local or state level not federal. Battles are fought at the local and state level to shut them down before the can get to the federal level. Once it hits the federal level it takes a lot more to fight it. Like lobbyists for the cause.

    Point being, none of that political brainwashing crap is relevant here.

    Laws get shut down when people stand up and come together to stop them from passing or fight it out through the courts to change existing laws already signed in to law. Lobbying, calling representatives, protesting etc. That is how our system works if you want change here. Otherwise you just stick your head in the sand and ignore them, which was basically your advise, however that don't give you much leg to stand on when trying to fight the charges once they come and start taking your dogs and putting cuffs on you. Complying with the laws while trying to invoke change in them will go much further than trying to fight laws while your breaking them.
  18. stickler

    stickler Banned

    We all will get new laws made by the law of nature.
    We are stepping out of the matrix right into the paradise.
    Can't you see the light ?
    Did you listen to Bob Dylan ? Check when he posted this national anthem like song.
    It's over. Now it's time fir a new beginning.
    Do you think I'm crazy ?
    Well, future will prove the past.
    Good luck. You deserve this. You are a good guy.
    You and your family, stay safe !
    AGK likes this.
  19. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    After re reading our posts, I think your refering to the federal government being down not the federal reserve. The reserve is what I typically think of when someone mentions the feds.
    Lost in translation but I think you were actually talking about our federal government.

    Lol I assure you, it isn't down either. They are working tirelessly right now to hold up giving us our money back while trying to add in a bunch dumb ass nonsense into a stimulus bill.
  20. c_note

    c_note CH Dog

    Like that 600$ weekly unemployment bump! Here the max benefit per wk is 268. That plus 600 is 868. I don’t make that GOING TO WORK and neither would 90% of the ppl getting the boost

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