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How do i tighten up a bloodline??

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by DaGreatestPits, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog

    There's no such thing as a 'good BYB' ....

    BYB is not nessecarily a LITERAL term, it's a title dubbed on people who breed carelessly without any regard to the breed nor the animals produced in a nutshell. The LAST thing you want to be is a BYB.
  2. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    It aint for money because i will never make what i spend. I even been told by a couple of local breeder who got a good reputation in this area that i spend too much money on uneccersary stuff for my dogs and i cant make money that way. The laugh when they see the fancy expense dogs house and dog bowl, the food i feed and building kennels becuase i they use barrel dog houses and and chain with their dog no kennels. So its not about money for me my dogs sre spoiled. Ill be fine if i break even and if i dont owell my dogs are happy and i made a family happy with a nice dog that will hopefully be there forever.
  3. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    i was being sarcastic pit bull pride lol sorry
  4. Crystal621

    Crystal621 Big Dog

    DGP, you gotta grow some thick skin to be in these dogs...through all the negative comments and the insults, there is advice, good advice. Just like I wasn't able to talk nicely at first, we all love this breed so much and most of us have had this same conversation like a MILLION times...so after a while you just can't be nice anymore!

    Also a BYB, is not someone who breeds dogs in their backyard..it's a misnomer I guess, kinda like kennel cough. It is someone who breeds just any two dogs together for whatever reasons besides to better the breed. They do not prove their dogs in any venue of being worthy to be bred. Their dogs are there basically to make them money, and they don't know or care where their offspring is. The dogs fill up shelters, have numerous health problems, temperament problems, and so on.

    Here, I took this from this site which kinda explains it better, but I liked this :)

    A good breeder takes a LIFETIME interest in ALL dogs produced. They want to know how your dog does in it's new home, love getting calls and cards from you and are always there to advise you of a problem comes up. If a medical condition crops up, they want to know so if it is potentially hereditary, they can alter the program and try to stop the problem in future generations. A good breeder is a mentor and best friend to all buyers and dogs they produced.
  5. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog

    JUS checkin


    Well, on a serious note, NO sarcasm or 'mean-ness'........

    If you aren't breeding for money, nor to breed proven titled stick, the WHAT IS your reason for breeding your dogs besides the fact that you love them because they're your babies, and you've gotten compliments on them from some people?

    I'm just trying to at least be able to REACH the same page you are on....

    I think I'm missing something.

    I LOVE my dogs too, but they ALL are NOT worthy of breeding. Even as an established kennel, that has MANY wins at POINT shows, we have had VERY FEW breedings amongst our dogs! All which have proven themselves, AND, we stay in touch with ALL the pups we've placed (as there is so few).
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2008
  6. Crystal621

    Crystal621 Big Dog

    And you guys would take any of them back if need be...NOT Havoc! LOL
  7. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog


    I think um that uh Havoc is in a bad envorrnment ummm.....and I must go confiscate him right away......

    yeah.....that's it.......

  8. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    There is a huge difference what alot of the folks here are doing and what you are doing / have done.

    A real breeder cares about what he puts on the ground and most importantly ...they know what they put on the ground and the reasons why. Its not for money either cause majority of the people here breed for the preservation of the breed and thier own personal stock not for the JQP nor to line thier pockets.

    If breed preservation is not #1 on your list as to the reasons your breeding then you shouldn't dabble in the reproduction of the breed.....honestly no one needs that kind of breeder. These dogs are under some serious enemy fire with the BSL they face and the last thing we the fanciers of the breed need is more unstable, poor represenations of the breed from breedings that have taken place by the clueless.

    So if your wondering where all the anger and outrage comes from....thats the reason why you will find hostility on this subject. I refuse to sit back and keep silent while people like yourself help destroy the breed that I love very much. When its all over and done and all the pieces are left on the ground majority of the people who helped destroy the breed will move on to the next fad of dog that comes along while those of us who truely appreciate , love and respect the breed are left with nothing but memories.
  9. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    Dam this site is addictive and resourceful im almost 2 hrs late for worklol. It started from me liking animals and i always wanted to do something with animals espacillay dogs. Then i ran into this breed and loved there personality, and their looks. I like that they can be the most loving animal in they world but if messed with they can be your worst enemy. Then i seen that everyone had there own style of Pitbull some big some small. Everybody stands behind the dogs they raise and breed like its their kids. Rooting for them in the show ring and weight pulls like a soccer mom would do at a game. I wanna do that produce something and put my name on it and stand by it against any other dog. I wanna produce good family pets and make families happy. I wanna be one of the good breeders you hear about when you hear pitbulls being mentioned. I wanna show people that Pitbull arent just killers and are family oriented just like other dogs. I wanna go to ADBA nationals UKC national rooting for my dogs and being happy if they win or not as long as they tried. Me & my girlfriend loves these dogs and the helps with our bonding too its a family thing and we both love it. I made a couple families happy this year and want to continue doing so. Belive it or not i am selective to who i serll to sometimes i didnt return phone call from people who called for pupus because they didnt sound right. I was giving up sales but i was confident enough that a good family will call. I could go on on why i wanna breed but im late for work i will respond to yalls comments in a couple hours.
  10. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    Im not trying to destroy the breed!!!!! I will just ignore you colb dogs you wasting your time.
  11. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    And i will take my dogs back if the owner does want it anymore. I have enough space to do it in my "BACK YARD" its quite big so .....yeah
  12. Crystal621

    Crystal621 Big Dog

    Basically you have no good reason to breed. Just because you love them doesn't mean everyone else has to. I am perfectly fine with not eveyone owning these dogs or knowing the love they can give. The less the better. Call me selfish. I do want people to know the truth about them, but I don't want everyone and their mom to have one.

    Even if your dogs prove breedworthy, that doesn't give you a reason to breed. I've got a friend with ADBA champions on her yard that have never, and will never, be bred.

    IMO, The ONLY reason to breed is to better the breed, breeding closer to the standard-not away. Function, Form, Temperament, and Health should always come first. I'm trying to get somewhere, like Krys said, on the same level with you. What are you doing that will BETTER the breed as a whole. Everything you mentioned was for you, not the dogs themselves.
  13. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    not trying to get socio-economic here, but i have a question that i believe wasnt asked yet....

    do you OWN your home, or are you a renter? (this is a serious ?)
    in other words- is your landlord gonna get bent one day when he finds out that you have a dozen or so dogs living there?
  14. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog

    Ok so besides the making a name for yourself thing....

    WHAT good for the breed are you doing by breeding your lot of dogs?

    If it's really because you LOVE the breed, and you care about the breed, like Crystal mentioned, become an advocate, do positive things with the dogs you have, get them all CGC and TT tested to add to the positive statistics, join the fight in BSL, write letters to congressman, train them well and take them out in public to 'show them off' to the public so you can show them how good these dogs can be.

    I *LOVE* this breed, I am passionate about these dogs, besides my little family, these dogs are my LIFE. I am damn proud of my dogs, and the POSITIVE impact they have on people.

    Good example, my lil black bitch Five-Oh.....her pedigree is a damn good one, I've had a FEW people contact me already trying to arrange a breeding, that would shell out a pretty penny. Do I have a planned breeding for her? NO. Why? She's gotta prove herself to be a phenominal representation ALL AROUND for this breed, before I'd ever consider reproducing. I'm not worried about 'making a name for myself in these dogs' as far as bloodlines go.... but I WOULD like to be known for being an advocate for this breed and standing up for this breed and fighting for the preservation of this breed. For that, I do not need to have a yard of breeding stock.

    See where i'm goin here? If it's TRUELY deep down for the LOVE of the breed, you would COMPLETELY understand where i'm coming from.

    I speak from experience as well. I worked for animal control for a LONG time, and HUNDREDS upon HUNDREDS of pit bulls died in my arms. And guess what? There were some 'real pretty' ones in the mix too. Purchased likely on a whim by the -some- of the SAME people that you have/can sell puppies to. Some that just took irresponsible paths in life, and some that were just undecucated and didn't know what to expect when they brought home that cute lil bull dog. But as long as people keep pumping out litters just because 'their dogs are pretty' and people out there will pay, our breed is forever going to be in more danger.

    You know, this happens in EVERY breed. But In the pit bull dogs, I feel it's damn near the worst. Seems like owners of this breed are either damn good ones, or damn shitty ones. Never seems to be a medium.

    Now I got myself in a tizzy. i'm going to go pop an aspirin and grab a Pepsi. I could totally go on all night about this.

    Am I making sense here?
  15. jr102770

    jr102770 Pup

    how long did u work for ac? just curious
  16. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog

    I wasn't anyone special there, I just worked in the euthanasia room is all. I've been a Vet Tech for the majority. Three years too many.
  17. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    DGP - Did you ever stop to think these "reputable" breeders might be laughing at you b/c you & not with you?

    Barrel houses - most bulldogs have barrel houses b/c pit bulls are destructive & most pit bulls cannot tear a barrel house up. Furthermore, a barrel house is usually more comfortable AND warmer.

    Kenneling - Did you know that chaining is usually more secure AND it usually offers the dog more living space? For example, a dog who is in a 10 x 10 kennel has 100 sq ft. of living space, while a dog on a 10 ft chain has 400 sq ft. of living space! So which is better?

    I suspect my friend that they are laughing at you for a reason. You might want to check out why.

    =^^=GYPSYKITTIN Big Dog

    I would seriously consider a spay nueter contract to those wh want the pups off your ckc female to avoid more sensless breedings, understandable the mistake of the breeding that took place but without pprs the pups are just backyard breeder fodder!
    good luck and please consider that!
  19. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    actually a 10ft.chain spot yields 314sq.ft. of living space ;)
    Area= 3.14x r2

    for comparison, my dogs each have 300sq.ft. or space in their kennel runs.... 5'x60' = 300.....x3= whole lotta fence:eek:
  20. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    Ok...to rally racer i rent my home and my land lord is a good friend of the family. He doesnt care if i have 100 dogs because i keep up the property wayyyyyy better than his previous tennants who only had 1 lab and 2 cats. I even fixed what they messed up so he is grateful and he is plannig to get a dog from me this christmas for his kids. Secondly most of his properties are spacious so he is used to people runnung some type of businesses on his properties. mechanic work, dogs etc.....So thats not a problem i got a 1/2 acre or more to work with. I only have 7 dogs and 2 are just pets. So they have room to run freely with fenced in space i made sure of that. My girlfriend ans soon to be wife has 25+ acres willed down to her and we are trying to figure out what to do with it now. Build a house or buy a brand new mobile home or something to put on the land and start from there. We will have alot of room to do other stuff like horses and maybe one day have a sanctioned show on our land.

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