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How do you contain your Pit Bull(s)?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Marty, Nov 6, 2004.


How do you contain your Pit Bull(s)?

  1. Chain

    138 vote(s)
  2. Cable Run

    25 vote(s)
  3. House

    116 vote(s)
  4. Kennel

    90 vote(s)
  5. Other

    14 vote(s)
  6. Running Loose

    13 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Marinepits

    Marinepits Big Dog

    When I'm not home, they are kenneled in our heated basement. When I am home, they have the run of the house, except the kitchen (they can all open the cabinets).

    Outside they are always leashed and walked because we live in a heavily populated area with lots of kids and some stupid people that let their dogs run free up and down the street. When we hike in the privately-owned woods behind our house, they are off leash as long as we're the only ones on the trails -- I usually walk them at "odd hours" when other people are at work or school.
  2. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    have an inside bulldog thats crated when im not home, have a few that do better in kennels (of course they are cemented, padlocked, & have roofs), and chained of course. I feel that chaining is the best way to keep bulldogs, as long as you have a SAFE & secure set up. Same thing w/the kennels. If you have kennels make sure you have cover'd every inch of it (roof,floor, etc.).
    Have a bitch that likes to chew her chain :( (grrr!!), but when in a kennel she doesnt bother a thing...
  3. mikelia

    mikelia Big Dog

    Right now I am living in an apartment so mine is crated when I am not home and free when I am and always leashed when walked. When I move she will be on a chain behind a fence. With the stupid ban here in ontario I can't take any chances of her getting loose and she can jump my moms 4 foot fence at ease. If you ask my dog "where is it? Get it" and point at the ceiling, she can reach the ceiling so I don't think many fences will hold her, and she's already demonstrated the ability to break through the bars on the rat cages.
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Yes it is the owners ..NOT THE PIT...That is the problem we are all trying to fight...You own one ..or how many...and Still believe everything you read...To have a Pitbull or any dog..for that matter you must have time to socialize them when puppies...With people and other animals..If you dont...Then its YOUR FAULT!!!

    Blame the Deed Not The Breed
    Some one against..BSL!!!


    chain, cage, kennel
  6. asaj

    asaj Big Dog

    In the house, back door opend to the yard. The yard have 8 feet walls around so they can not get out, and no other animals can come in.
  7. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    Stockey is a house dog.
  8. PitBull_30

    PitBull_30 Top Dog

    Does anyone else find it disturbing that 8.83% of people on this site leave there dogs running loose?


    Smokey is in the garage. I take him out when i get home from work. My fiance takes him out when she gets home.
  10. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    Yes, but after reading post by willfully ignorant owners, I'm not that surprised.
  11. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I am retired and normally home when I am not at home I bring in all of my dogs (7) and put them in their crates. Out side I make a device that has a chain welded on the end. I take at 3' piece of 1/4 inch 1inch by 1inch angle iron, weld a one foot long piece of heavy chain to it. I then drill a hole half way down and put in a half circle piece of iron bolted on where I drilled the hole also drilling a hole center of the flat side of the half circle. It will form as a wedge when it is tried to pull out of the ground. I have Five pit bulls tied out this way and never have had a problem I put a heavy spring at the end of the cable to take the shock of the dog running full throttle to the end for a cat or what ever. I used the cable that has a 1500 pound working load. I do have to replace the cables now and then because the dogs just wear them out. I never leave my dogs out all night or while I am not at home. I have made hundreds of these things for friends and people I meet and never once have they failed.. I have used this thing for more than 30 years now and I do have some in use from the very first one's I made. Probably more if I know who all had them.
  12. davidlau_2002

    davidlau_2002 Top Dog

    10 ft chain when i am not home.
  13. Our female is an inside dog but she has a chain if I go outside and there is alot of kids playing in the streets. All the kids are welcome to come and see our dog when we are outside but I dont want anyone calling the cops because the kids are outside and my dog is not tied. If it is early morning or late at night, I will just send her out to go relieve herself. If it is an overcast day and no kids are out I will bring her out for some off leash training and a good game of fetch. It is realy all circumstantial. On all occasions, she know she is to never leave the yard. I trained her this way. Her chain can reach the sidewalk but she never ventures that way. I used to worry about it until I saw someone walk a small dog on the sidewalk and she did not even try to go and see the dog.
  14. chain setup here made by me custom welded axles 7' chain and large bullsnap welded to the end. have had no accidents since i switched from car axles
  15. Attila

    Attila Guest

    yes I do! and the use of cages.?! Some times I get the impression that some have more dogs than they have time to spend with and train. I can let my dogs off the lead or cable and they not leave the yard. I wouldn't do it if I were not out with them though. I say stop they stop. I have trained them to stop, sit, stay, lay, get (retreive), just simple words. I am retired Army and have little else to do but. Maybe folks should learn to train one at a time and not get a bunch of dogs they can't control. If I can train one of mine to herd sheep and hold one at a time with out hurting it. So can any one else. I do train dogs for other folks have been for more than 30 years. Both Army and Civilian contracts. I would be glad to instruct others to do the same. I have worked with all breeds. I have not found one that wont train to be obedient. I will do it for free if some one wants to learn. I am disabled and wont be able to do so forever. But I have a few good years left. Keeping the so called bully breeds busy is a main factor.

  16. short1

    short1 Big Dog

    chains for older dogs kennels for pups and whelping
  17. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    Well I am going to disagree with you and have imperical data to prove my case. So I don't have to read about it because I have lived it! I have a pit/staff mix...ohh she was socialized and did the doggy play group bit and she was such a good girl (my ignorance shining through), she has been raised with love, affection, structure and did ok with other poochies....she was always a bit high strung, and then one day about 18 months into her little life she was no longer a "doggie play group kinda gal". Wow what happened to my well socialized happy little pit bull??? Answer: NOTHING, she is a Pit Bull and at 18 months she turned on. I have spent thousands of dollars training her, and hundreds of hours trying to understand her behavior. And the conclusion is, she is so normal ...... she wants to fight with other dogs simply because she likes it, it is so much a part of her that when she does what she is told...like ignore that other dog (after K9 training and Pit Bull seminars and leadership training)....it rocks her to her core, and the only reason she does not do what is so natural for her is she is fighting every natural instinct of her being to please me. So open your mind and tap some of the resources on this board, listen and learn, no need to read about a thing when it comes to Pit Bulls because the memebers here are very learned and knowledgable about the subject.....so happy you have a pit bull that is so easy to control, I would suggest it is a Staff, but even staff/pit mixes don't always fit the profile you paint, and proof of that lives with me and her APBT house mate...both housed and crated when we are not with them.
  18. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    I put "in house" which is where I keep my dog. Is anyone else troubled to see 40 votes for "running loose"? Its a wonder the breed dosen't have more problems than it does.
  19. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    I do have an invisible fence, with proper training it works, but I do not trust it 100% and my dogs are always supervised. I am constructing some pens/kennel runs soon, and will be fencing in part of my yard. Containment for now is house, invisible fence, and cable run.
  20. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    hi is wunt to on od

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