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how is

Discussion in 'Photography, Artwork & Videos' started by JoeyNzoey, Aug 11, 2010.


    JRSPITS Top Dog

    Walking your dog around with that collar is one thing but doing exercise is risking multiple puncture wounds with one bad bounce, not smart IMHO.
  2. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    this is making the phrase of "if it's not one thing it's another" more and more and more phenomenal........

    I can see it five years from now when I continue to post pictures here, the same s*** will be on repeat about the infamous SPIKED COLLAR :nap:
  3. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    hey, you asked for it lol
  4. Poisoned

    Poisoned Big Dog

    Absolutely not... I for one stood up for her. I and for one did not know she was a she, didn't care either. She is a person and can do whatever she wants with her dog.

    And I'm a lady, well, that sounds too dignified - I'm a FEMALE who is into MEN, so no, I ain't chasing J&Z ;) I just think if you don't like something, that going to their pictures and going off like a wounded orangutan on drugs at them won't change their mind and makes you seem a bit lacking in the self-control department.

    If you don't like it, don't put one on your pups, but don't call someone else's choice "Fucking Retarded" because they like a different style than you... Honestly, that's an opinion, not a fact.
  5. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    thank you poisoned for having a mature head on your shoulders, really and I don't think any of my "supporters" like the collar anymore then you do but there comes that reality check when one just makes themselves look like a selfish un social being simply over the interest in a different collar then what you would find beauty in not an actual neglect or serious crime or lies where your behavior or comments would make more reasonable sense but it's fine you can't please everyone in this world and if you can't grow up and let it go and realize there is more involved other then worrying about a dog collar here as I have said before more power to you!

    boogie seriously sounds like an 18 year old in that post
  6. venom

    venom Top Dog

    Worlds longest sentence ^^^

    I didn't see the collar bashing thread, but i gotta agree with boogie.
    If somebody posts something in a public forum, why is it not up for discussion?
  7. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    because it's not a discussion it's clear bashing he already stated it's a stupid fucking collar what more is there to discuss? especially when this has occurred probably 3 or 4 times now when every time I had posted updated pictures of zoey. Why can't people PM if they have such a SERIOUS problem instead of hijacking the thread when my original post was asking how my DOG'S condition is looking not how her collar is looking that every one has more then likely seen on her already.
  8. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    I do like that Boogieman, tells it how he sees it no matter what anyones opinion is. You can always rely on Boogieman for that.
    better than being sweet to you then bagging you when your backs turned.

    But cant we just leave it out now and forget the damn collar?

    I would say after the initial comment Boogieman wouldve left it at that but with multipule replies its realy making the whole thing worse than what it was ever intended.
  9. KDW

    KDW Native Nightmare

    she looks great z&j,

    i dont aswell like the collar, but f*ck that, it's about the dog, not about the collar,
    otherwise we must start judgin' people on there clothes instead of there personality.
    Everybody got there own style, and like what they like, when i want to rock my sweat shirt and pants,
    i will not change it because somebody wants me to be acting like them... :p:p:p
  10. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    The dog looks in perfect shape for a pet but as far as the collar goes, one of mine would look better:)
  11. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    :goodposting:and thats the damn truth.

    j&z it's a nice enough looking dog but i just don't think the genetics are there where you're gonna see much of a difference.
  12. velli2008

    velli2008 Big Dog

    This site is becoming just as ridiculous as Feds-online. A buch of people argueing over a damn collar! It's your opinion, just like an asshole, everyone has one. keep it tucked away! You raise and dress your dogs the way you like and let others do the same. Grow up!
  13. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    thanks once again for those who can get past the collar bs and to see what I am really in tuned with about my dog so to those who want to keep blabbering away maybe you'll grow up some day when you learn how enough is enough.

    Naus I have seen her improve greatly and greatly so you can think however you like we're not stopping.
  14. venom

    venom Top Dog

    you asked.
  15. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    yeah I am sure I asked about her collar not about her condition

    it's amazing how much determination some have to keep a show moving.
  16. venom

    venom Top Dog

    i'm talking about naus response... you specifically asked about her conditioning.
    he gave you his opinion on it and u say "you can think w/e you like" as if he wasnt suppose to say that...
    i dunno what you're lookin for in replies to your original post??
  17. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    to me it just seemed like another reason to start something else but if that's truly how he feels so be it all I said is you can think whatever you like. It does come off as a "your dog is not cut enough to make it" without even waiting to see. It's not like I gave specific standards that I know I am going to see with her either but only about the progress she has made.
  18. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Its hard enough getting muscle to show on white dogs and just from what I've seen from your dog over the months personally I don't think she has it genetically to really show much. Shes in fine shape but I can't really see any definition. Just my opinion, not saying to quit working with her.
  19. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    fair enough but remember she just turned 2 and I have never really worked her as much as I just began to these past couple of weeks and your right on with it being hard enough to see muscle on a white dog.
  20. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    damn collar peddler LMAO just fkin with ya i plan on ordering 4 from you very soon

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