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how is

Discussion in 'Photography, Artwork & Videos' started by JoeyNzoey, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. kayo45

    kayo45 Top Dog

    i think naus just meant ty hat genetically speaking, your dog wont look as physically nice as a bulldog since the dog is a mutt and there is no telling its genetic backround. Dont think he meant to insult you or your dog just giving his opinion, which you asked for.
  2. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    well did you see his reply and my reply after, nothing serious there I said fair enough that he believes she will not look any better I didn't attack him for stating his opinion but I am still not finished with working her which was why I felt the way I first did. Plus I am not expecting her to look like a drop dead gorgeous specimen but I still know she has more to offer me which we will see in time if she does or does not.
  3. I don't think Naus meant what he said insultingly, in fact I think he was complimenting you that you did good work with what you have on your hands genetically.

    Some dogs are simply more muscled even in their unworked state due to genetics. Lil Bit is an extreme example of this. To give another example the dog below looks to be more conditioned/worked than your girl, but in the picture he is really in unworked house fat condition. To give a sense of scale, since the close up picture can be deceiving this dog was not overdone or huge - as pictured he was about 45 lbs chain weight / house dog unworked condition.

    To further on what another poster said - white dogs do not show muscle tone as clearly as other colors do, and to add another strike they don't seem to photograph as conditioned as they look in reality. The dog below was a brick shithouse of muscle in his unworked state, and even the picture I am showing you looks like he only has a bit of tone.

  4. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    a few of the hound in my av from another thread. he was a very fit dog without much work. a small one too, low 30s.

    sorry about the thread jack. keep up the work, enjoy your dog. maybe you'll both prove me wrong and she'll come back shredded
  5. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    No arguments there I knew that was not naus intentions after all and I do agree it's harder to see definition and muscles in white dogs. I notice I will see more under certain lighting's and when I do try to take pictures when she looks her best as far as showing more muscles, they don't all show still. I know she may not be genetically proven to be as ripped as most but I want to see first after finishing her up further the next couple of weeks what she will look then and if not I know she does look the best that she could possibly look.

    Naus I like him a lot almost has the same marking as my girl.
  6. Oldskool Brent

    Oldskool Brent Top Dog

    I missed the collar story, what's that all about? Why do you have such a vicious looking collar that is probably quite uncomfortable for the dog?

    Nice looking dog though.
  7. catchdog

    catchdog Top Dog

    does that dog have to sleep in that collar, id say I doubt it,
  8. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    she sleeps in the nude
  9. kayo45

    kayo45 Top Dog

    LoL i dont know why but this was funny to me lol
  10. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    haha well they asked :rolleyes::p
  11. popper

    popper CH Dog

    Naus that is a well built dog.... very nice
  12. She looks great. ;)
    F*ck what other people think of the collar.
    If you like it, that's all that matters.
  13. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    thank you pink ;) what matters the most to me is how she is progressing with conditioning :)
  14. Any time. :)
    Your doing a great job.
  15. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    it aint so bad a pretty girl walking a dog with a mental collar like that.not so much stigma as if a bloke was walking it like that.personally.....if i saw her walking the dog like that id laugh n think its funny....if it was some fella with gangsta wannabe gear on id be different....lol...
  16. beanieman

    beanieman Banned

    aren't we a bit hypocritical :D
    But it's true i agree :rolleyes:
  17. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    mate i am very hypocritical...so im not....:D
  18. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    These pictures are off my phone so they are not the best but thought I would share these and no more until we are really done ;)






  19. Daddy

    Daddy Banned

    Get a leash on the dog when it's outside without secure fencing... Especially in front of the house...
  20. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog


    Joey, do you ever do any pulling excersises or spring pole work? Flirt pole? Treadmill? I'm just curious as to what methods you're doing with her. She looks good, but I think some strength training would help with the definition.

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