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hurrican katrina

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Norvell57, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. pejay

    pejay Big Dog

  2. princess_koka

    princess_koka Big Dog

  3. the_flamingo

    the_flamingo Top Dog

    Glad to hear that some people made it out of that. I hope that we hear from more soon... Let us know what you need and where to send it.
  4. Whiskey Bay

    Whiskey Bay Top Dog

    Hi guys.Was able to get access for a lil while.I haven't been able to check out all the posts yet,but wanted to make a quick reply as I am limited right now.I will make a thread later,just wanted to let you all know we are still alive.Much thanks to everyone who has helped us out.Too much going on and not going on.Wanted to let you all know I love you guys and I'll post details soon.:( :( :( All my babies are gone.Had only 3 survivors of 20+.
  5. CB

    CB CH Dog

    Wow sorry to hear that whiskey. Hope to hear from you soon again.
  6. Judy

    Judy CH Dog

    Sorry for your losses Whiskey Bay. :(
  7. nappydawg

    nappydawg Top Dog

    so sorry to hear about your loss whiskey. gald to hear you are okay.
  8. jankab

    jankab Top Dog

    Sorry to hear your losses WB, I know its going to be hard, but try to keep your head up!
  9. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    My condolences Whiskey Bay.
  10. Norvell57

    Norvell57 Top Dog

    wow whis, i couldnt imagine having a lost like that it must be hard but pull through it

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