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I would like some more information on the apbt breed.

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by courtneyd137, Apr 30, 2012.

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  1. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    please dont call my dog a mutt call her mixed breed i dislike the word mutt. she is an apbt/american bulldog mix I dont call her a mutt
  2. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    i think yall should get banned for changing the subject from me asking for info on both breeds to calling my dog a mutt and insulting me.. if i did that i would get banned

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    your dogs a mutt. A.k.a. Mixed breed. Im going to stop clicking on your threads you start cuz they are all a complete waste of time and aint nothing informitive on them at all. Stop posting, stop starting threads, and READ for a change. You blab about nonsense and go on and on and on. Then ask for the thread to be closed?????? How bout you stop starting them.
  4. D.Dogg

    D.Dogg Big Dog

    Telling people how to speak on a public forum isnt going to fly.

    Be glad they did not call it what they normally call them mutts, which is a Shit Eater!
  5. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    all i wanted was some information it wasnt supposed to be informative to yall. i just wanted info on the breed
  6. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    i also did research but didnt find anything besides just the characteristics of the breed not the temperment and etc
  7. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Don't call your dog an Apbt because it's a disrespect an insult to everyone on this forum who owns Apbts bred to the highest standards and traits these dogs were selected for GAMENESS. I don't appreciate my dogs being lumped in with your inferior curs and I am sure no one else here does either. You see the sword cuts both ways.
  8. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    I don't know about that but trolling is def a reason to get banned and so far you have done a pretty good job of that I have a feeling your time here is almost up so quick better go start 40 more threads it's troll hopping season lol.
  9. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    im not trolling im asking good questions. and posting pics of my dog and my familys dogs thats not trolling
  10. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    sadie im not calling her an apbt im calling her an apbt MIX
  11. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    MY dog is an apbt MIX you act like im calling her purebred any why does it fucking matter how she is bred im not going to show her i feel dogs should be used only for pets not to win contests and gets them just for show DOGS SHOULD ONLY BE PETS

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    Good questions?? No. sadie asks good INFORMITIVE questions. Just look at NGK'S thread. Good questions and informitive answers. Here on this thread, B.S., B.S., and more B.S. Please close this thread and any other courtney starts.

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    And all the cursing now!! Calm down court. Aint that serious. Only one I enjoy cursing is crimsong and boogie. Classic.
  14. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    i want to know who changed that think under my name to that. and this thread isnt bs i was asking for information on the breed how is that bs yall are the ones coming here starting stuff instead of giving me information yall insult me
  15. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    I swear a mod better change that under my name this is fucking bull shit i know my dog isnt purebred i know she is a mutt i been saying that this whole damn time
  16. back2basics

    back2basics Big Dog

    Sometimes when you ask a question you might not get the answer you like
  17. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

  18. back2basics

    back2basics Big Dog

    There's more than a few people on this site that have invested their entire life to this breed. It's quite possible that more than a few might find it insulting to hear you ask certain questions about your dog without first heeding their advice on spay/neuter. Being stubborn will only open you up to more ridicule. Having a mixed dog or mutt will not produce consistency, thus the information your searching for might not be valuable to you at all. Take the time to love your dog, feed it, and give it plenty of exercise nothing else really matters if it's your best friend, mutt or not. Not to sound arguementative but chopping the nuts/guts is a must. There are too many crossbreed animals running around.
  19. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    my dog is spayed
  20. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    shes been spayed since she was 6 months old
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