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I would like some more information on the apbt breed.

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by courtneyd137, Apr 30, 2012.

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  1. back2basics

    back2basics Big Dog

    Then your already on the right track. Get a lp registration so you can compete in fun classes for you and your dog. The shows are great places to meet all sorts of people and buy books on the the dogs your inquiring about. Or at least the breed that matters in my opinion.;)
  2. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    :) how would i get one of those registrations
  3. back2basics

    back2basics Big Dog

    Go to the ADBA website. You'll be able to get the proper information there. You'll fill out the paperwork and send some money and youll recieve an id card with your dogs picture. This is not a pedigree or adba registration. What it will allow you to do is compete in fun events. Starting to put in time, finding something constructive to do with your dog will pay off considering what breeds constructed it. It will also allow you to have a deeper sense of pride for your dog that will, in a way let you understand why most owners defend their dogs so deeply. Listening to people's advice on here and using the search tool might help you to avoid some of the pitfalls of others before you who came here hardheaded and left with hurt feeling.
  4. Then you wonder why you get the answers you get LOL

    Does anybody hear the swirling of the water in the toilet yet? I can't do it.......this is too much fun!
  5. I knew I served a purpose somewhere. I just wasn't sure where or what it was till now LOLOLOLOLOL
  6. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    boogieman we have let all this go please do not reply on this topic anymore i have moved past it and im done with it
  7. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    can you please change my title back to normal
  8. back2basics

    back2basics Big Dog

    Courtney don't force yourself to be kicked off the board or have your thread closed by letting your typing get ahead of you. Maybe what you want to be changed will be when you change. Humility and tact go along way, here and everywhere else.
  9. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    im not trying to get kicked off im just polietly asking him to drop it like i am
  10. Jdll13

    Jdll13 Big Dog

    LMFAO this is pure comedy
  11. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Gosh Damit! I have been waiting for you to show up LOL ... All we need is Ghost to finish this one off LMAO!!
  12. Game Dog was the wrong place to come with this shit. Go to PBF, they're much nicer.
  13. dutchy954

    dutchy954 Big Dog

    HOLY SHIT! I can't believe I've had the awesome pleasure of going through and reading all of your 573 threads you've created along with your immature comments. Courtney, dear, take your apbt/american bulldog/dalmation mix-mutt n take care of it. Feed it. Love it. Play fetch with it. Take it for walks. But PLEEEASE stop posting the same shit over n over again! :banghead:


    Boogie man- can't believe you've stayed so quiet!
  14. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    shes not dalmation i can assure you that... and i havent posted 573 threads and i dont post the same stuff over and over. and my stuff isnt immature im just replying to what the other people say but its ok yall are the reason i get so mad since a mod wont close the thread
    THREAD CLOSED by me I dont see how asking for information on 2 breeds turned into yall insulting me instead of giving me the info how come a mod hasnt said something for changing the subject
  15. courtneyd137

    courtneyd137 Banned

    What is PBF
  16. LOL I'm about to push the lever on the toilet.

    Old, tired, stupid, boring........CLOSED
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