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I'm new here and I have a dog issues...

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by squirt07, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. squirt07

    squirt07 Big Dog

    and believe it or not its not my pit bulls fault....My sister brought over her dauchsund today and my dog would be laying there and he would jump over me and attack her. He did that all night and scared her to death...my sister went onto the dauchsund forum and they said that as long as he didnt draw blood then to let them do it..my dog is only 4 months old.
  2. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    Seperate them before one of them gets hurt. Also, it may cause your dog to be fearful of dogs which can cause alot of problems. You can easily ruin your dog by continuing this.
  3. squirt07

    squirt07 Big Dog

    well whenever she comes over i tell her to leave her dogs in the other room but she doesnt listen to me. My dog almost had a heart attack and my sister believes that because i have a pitbull i should let them fight becuase if spike ebats her up it will teach her not to be mean which i dont believe...im posting some pics..

    1- is me and my baby
    2 is of her
    3 my sisters dog maggie and her evil dachsund
    4 is of her

    Attached Files:

  4. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    wthats a pit bull nature ,to attack other compatiton,it was there past but you have to train it not to.
  5. Evil_Elvis

    Evil_Elvis Big Dog

    its called playing if bloods not being drawn then let them play lmao
  6. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    Wow, your sister has no idea what she is talking about. She is teaching your dog to be scared of another dog. You are teaching the dog that it will get attacked by other dogs. Therefore, it will be very defensive and more prone to attacking other dogs and acting out of fear (which is VERY bad). It can cause many other behavior problems. It is very traumatizing for the dog and it is ruining the dog. It will never live up to its potential if you continue this. You need to stop it.

    You shouldn't let it fight, period.
  7. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    It is not playing if the dog is actually being attacked and is fearful. There is nothing fun about getting the shit scared out of you and getting whooped. This is a perfect way to ruin a dog.

    The socialization between dogs should be positive. What she is describing is not positive.
  8. Suki

    Suki Guest

    I agree. Cease it now, before something more serious should occur.
    Agreed, your sister needs to gain some more knowledge regarding dog behavior.
  9. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I think you should kick your sisters ass and tell her to keep her damn dogs away from yours. That is just wrong all the way around. Don't let her push you around. She is visiting you she needs to respect your wishes. Those weiner dogs can be quite nippy. My neighbor has one and it kept messing with baby till she turned about 6 months old and she broke her cable and got ahold of that little shit and shook him up good. Now he doesn't do that crap any more and doesn't even come into my yard. Tell her to leave her dopey dogs at home. And protect your pup. She will turn out mean if you don't. I wouldn't blame her one bit if she killed them rotten little weiner dogs. It just isn't right. She sould be ashamed of her self and you should be also for letting it happen this long with out laying the law down and telling your sister to keep them damn dogs away from yours. That shit isn't funny at all.
  10. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    Loki was snarked at by a Dachshund when she was a puppy. She didn't take it seriously, more as if the other dog was starting up a game, but since then she's always reacted strangely to little dogs. As if she's not quite sure what to expect of them. At this point I am careful to keep my distance because frankly, I think like she does. Those little guys go from 0 to bite-the-big-dog in .5 seconds, and I don't want my dog shouldering the blame if something happens.
  11. OhRex

    OhRex Pup

    My APBT is 1 yr. and 4months old. My neighbor has 2 Dachsunds that get loose every once in a while. Those dogs come over to my yard and start barking and nipping at my dog. If I wasn't around Rex would kill those dogs. I let him let them know who is boss, but not too bad. Your dog could possibly be protective of you now. Or protective of a toy, food, etc. I think since it is you she is visiting, she should abide by your rules, or not bring her yippers over. And if you let them fight, it'll just make your dog think that is what it is supposed to do. That isn't cool. Your dog obviously doesn't like the pup, so they should be separated before anything too seriously should happen. I would hate to hear that you and your sister aren't talking anymore because your pitbull seriously hurt or killed her dog. Be Careful.

    P.S. Welcome to the site! Your dog is lovely.
  12. squirt07

    squirt07 Big Dog

    Thank you to everyone who r eplied to my daughters item about her sisters dachsund attacking our pit bull puppy squirrt. She is 4 months old and just precious. Very smart and laid back. Her sister gets on the dachsund forum, and they give her very bad advice that she takes as gold. I have told her not to bring the dog over anymore and now she is angry with me. It just really stresses all of us out when she brings Mr. Spike over and he acts up. He will literally jump ov n sn t get to another. My eleven daughter has been diagnosed with Crohn 's disease and she doesn't need the excitement. It is kind of funny, i never thought i would ever have a pit bull-my daughter brought him home without permission, but i l0v 1t.
  13. squirt07

    squirt07 Big Dog

    yes but you dont know my sister. she thinks that because she works at a dog kennel she knows everythng. tellng her not to do something is...not done.
  14. LegendsMami

    LegendsMami Top Dog

    I think it would be better for your sister to be mad at you for telling her not to bring her dogs over than her being upset and angry that your dog chewed her dog to pieces! She'll get over it! If it is an emergency and she just has to bring them over tell her they have to stay in a crate or in another room.
  15. diva

    diva CH Dog

    If your dog is seriously getting scared, then it's not playing. Put a stop to it. Every dachshund I've ever had would challenge a bigger dog in a heart beat. They may be small, but they aren't scared. It will get to the point to where your dog defends herself and you have a big mess on your hands. If it were me, I would remove the dachshund (put it in a crate, different room,outside,etc.). After all, it is the trouble maker and it is your house. :)

    Here's two pictures of my pup playing with his "cousin" Riley the dachshund. They are two weeks apart in age. These two pups play well together. Although, sometimes the dachshund does make my APBT back up. lol

  16. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I have a brother like that. They do understand a broken nose and the words Get the Phuck out of my house. So she makes $6.50 an hour cleaning shit out of kennels. That doesn't make her a pro on dogs. I don't let my brother, mother any any of that side of my family in my yard or my house. They are not intelligent to be here. Just because she cleans up after dogs and feeds them doesn't mean she is smart enough to be a pet owner. I do understand those like your sister for sure. Send the bitch packing and if it helps you tell her Attila said so. Have her Pm me her number and I will tell her for you. I got people just as smart as her working my farm and kennel too. They also wash my car up town and change my oil.
  17. laurajean

    laurajean Top Dog

    Hey Attila, don't pull any punches now and don't try to be considerate. Just speak your mind right up!
    I agree with you(Attila) about letting people impose their will on you in your own house. Your house=your rules. If they don't like it, they and their dog can leave
  18. a supervised time of play with proper play etiquette should go a long way

    as long as you the human are incharge of all parties invovled it should go
    very well .. if at any time there is an exchange ,, nip it in the butt, even
    if its sis... respect goes both ways..with kindness it can be worked out
    my personal opinion.. sis is letting the dog do what it will as a replacement
    for inner feelings of neglect in the past... haboring resentment can do
    some really messed up things to an individuals brain...just an opinion as
    no one in my family would care to even pretend to hurt anothers feelings
    such an act of blantant disregard is usually based on inner pain from
    resentment in the past...... heck could be you got the cherry lolly and she
    got the grape one and dint like it... either way ...gently lay it on the line
    if she cant understand ...separate the dogs and tell her they cant play or
    be together if communication on how you want to run your life isnt accepted
    and good luck to you.....your baby is absolutely delicious...peace pilgrim
  19. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    It sounds to me that neither yourself nor your sister understand canine behavior. My suggestion is to get all dogs involved enrolled in a reputable (Petsmart & Petco are NOT reputable) obedience classes & I also suggest some heavy reading (do a search on here for which books are worth the read & which just give bogus information).

    If the dogs are playing, let them play. Some of my dogs that did and/or can play together have some scarring from rough play. They are dogs....they have many sharp teeth & nails & they use them in play....it's just the way it is. Growling & lunging can also be play behavior BUT you must have a personal knowledge of canine behavior to differentiate play behavior from aggressive/defensive/attack behavior.

    If they are NOT playing, then the answer is simple....don't let them "play"....ever. APBTs weren't bred to be companion animals to other dogs, especially small ones which look like small vermin/game.

    For now, since no one can tell what is going on with the dogs, keep them separated. Buy a crate/kennel & make it your dog's favorite place to be.
  20. squirt07

    squirt07 Big Dog

    lol yeah im just going to have to talk to her but she makes .5 a hour shoveling crap. i work at kohls and make 6.84 an hour but im a senior so thats ok. my sister is just really hard to tell her anything because then the arguing starts and then she throws in her punches so its not pretty..i love mny dog she is so sweet and always happy to see me and she actually sleeps all night.

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