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I'm New to the forums.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Nute, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Nute

    Nute Pup

    Hello, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Harrell, but all my friends call me Nute. I currently reside in the South Eastern United States. I've read a lot though out the forums for the last couple years, and figured it was time to join. I have quite a few dogs at the moment, and have had close to a hundred or so over the years. I currently have a Eli / Alligator pup, a Boudreaux / Gator pup as far as my game dogs go. However I have a Olde Boston Bulldogge, and a Blue bitch (Razors Edge) for my inside/outside family dogs. Only thing I ask is not to judge me based on my blue bitch.

    I recently got back into the breed after my wife brought home our blue bitch. I honestly though I was done with the breed. After years of seeing all these blue hippos everywhere I though there was nothing left out there that I could own and call a true APBT. However, after a good long while of looking, I found some good ol' boys and bought my 2 pups a month or so apart. Now, sitting here looking at my Boudreaux / Gator pup it brings back memories of a 38lb bitch from the OFRN strain I had years ago. It makes me smile to see there are still good dogs out there, and that everything hasn't been tainted by these recessive blue genes. Don't get me wrong, blue dogs have a place, just not in the same sentence as APBT's (my opinion). Hell I've even had a grey pup in a litter years ago, but I immediately gave it to the first person that wanted to bottle feed it, as I didn't want a blue eyed, grey pup associated with my yard.

    I recon I've rambled on enough. It's nice to finally be part of the forums. I hope I didn't rub too many of ya'll the wrong way, but an opinion is like an a$$hole, everyone has one! Thanks for reading my poorly punctuated introduction!

  2. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Welcome to Game-dog!
  3. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

  4. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    ..aw hell nute..there are decent blue dogs here and there..but yeah we feel you..welcome to the board post some pics when you can...we all love pics..
  5. Nute

    Nute Pup

    thanks guys. mccoypitbulls, I'll post some here tonight for ya!
  6. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    Welcome to the crazy house!
  7. Nute

    Nute Pup

    Thank you. Pictures being taken now of the pups. uploaded shortly.
  8. Nute

    Nute Pup

    Ricky Jack: Alligator x Eli 12 weeks

    Attached Files:

  9. Nute

    Nute Pup

    More pics of the other 3 tomorrow. Sorry guys
  10. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    Nice lil pups!
  11. ursaminor

    ursaminor Top Dog

    I wouldn't take them outside before they fully vaccinated but that's just me. Welcome.
  12. Nute

    Nute Pup

    :) I literally just bought the Boudreaux / Gator's shots minutes ago haha. Great minds think alike.
  13. Nute

    Nute Pup

    Tammy Lynn Boudreaux / Gator 7 weeks today

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  14. Nute

    Nute Pup

    "Blaze" Olde Boston Bulldogge 3 years old

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  15. Nute

    Nute Pup

    "Trouble" Razors Edge top and bottom 2 years old.

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  16. Nute

    Nute Pup

    Two more of "Ricky Jack" Alligator x Eli 12 weeks I couldn't get to load last night.

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  17. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    Awesome pics. I like the Ol Boston bulldog..looks like a happy bunch.
  18. Nute

    Nute Pup

    Thank you. I tie/Chain them all out during the day (with exception of Tammy Lynn) and bring them in at night. That will keep taking place until the 2 little game dogs grow up big enough to protect the yard. No offense to the blue dog owners out there, but to me they are not much of a guard dog. My blue bitch stood idle while someone stole my 16 week old hold back pup off of her. It was broad daylight, 10:30a.m. to be exact, while I was home, and she never made a sound. Who ever stole the pup had to walk past my blue bitch first. That was the day I decided I was getting back into the "traditional" "true" APBT's! I'll tell ya one thing, things like that didn't happen when I kept my OFRN strain, and good Carver dogs in the yard! You would hear barking, screaming, come out with a shotgun, and follow the blood trail! Times are different now.... To say the least.....
  19. Beatrix Kiddo

    Beatrix Kiddo Top Dog

    nice dogs, welcome!
  20. Nute

    Nute Pup

    Thank you, I appreciate it.

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