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injectible baytril for dogs and other antibiotics for dogs????

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by lansford101, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. lansford101

    lansford101 Banned

    ok what do u folks use injectable antibiotic or a pill form or powder say for a really bad yard accident and like the above said what do u think of using baytril or cephalexin what are your go to antibiotics
  2. 21 dre

    21 dre Big Dog

    Start low with just fish mox caps and penicillin then, if need be, bring out the other stuff.
  3. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I use 500mg. Cephloxin capsules mostly here but will use whatever is available in a time of need.
  4. Hachiman

    Hachiman Big Dog

    I start with a shot of Penicillin then follow up with 500mg Cephalexin 2 times a day for a week. I only use the really strong stuff if the infection seems to resist my normal treatment.
  5. lansford101

    lansford101 Banned

    nice thanks guys
  6. 21 dre

    21 dre Big Dog

    What's the difference in the Cephloxin and Amoxicillin?
  7. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    amoxicillin is penicillin based

    yep, googled it and thats all i can find LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2012
  8. 21 dre

    21 dre Big Dog

    LOL!! Good stuff. Then what's Cephs base?
  9. tigerboy5

    tigerboy5 Big Dog

    Baytril.. or whatever is on hand. Never used any pill forms though.
  10. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    couldnt tell ya bud, im not one to get real nerdy about the antibiotics. lol...as long as they work, thats all i care
  11. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    I'd recommend not jumping right to Baytril. Should be left for very serious infections.
  12. 21 dre

    21 dre Big Dog

    Sometimes that's like killing a fly with a sledgehammer. Best to start low then work up to the heavy stuff.
  13. 21 dre

    21 dre Big Dog

    I feel you!
  14. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Cephloxin is a step up from amoxicillin. Totally different antibiotics.
  15. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    Its important not to overdo it, save the havy stuff for when its really needed. Don't wanna build up a resistance, ceph works great
  16. tigerboy5

    tigerboy5 Big Dog

    My answer of baytril was in response to the op as a worse case senario. Like others have said in this thread it shouldnt be used for minor problems.
  17. cutt

    cutt CH Dog

    The severity of the issue should determine on what ABx your goin to use. With that said, I would learn the diff classes of ABx. PCN for minor superficialas its used to prevent infection along with keepin it clean..Amox- more than a superficial and keepin it clean Ceph. will take care of majority of serious issues along with keepin it clean and if that aint workin then Baytril comes to mind along with keepin it clean.
  18. Flipside

    Flipside CH Dog

    Definately not a good plan...Pen G is pretty much good for the first time use and before infection has set. Amox and Ceph are good all around use...most of the time this is all that's needed and easiest to acquire. Baytril is a top antibiotic...
    I would suggest first that cleansing and disinfecting of the wounds is best line of defence.
  19. Hachiman

    Hachiman Big Dog

    Oh definitely that IS the first step. I assumed that was a given.
  20. BullDawg

    BullDawg Big Dog

    Amoxicillin=A good “all purpose” antibiotic that is compatible with many other antibiotics.
    Amoxicillin is good for wounds of the flesh. It is best used as a *preventative* antibiotic, given before an infection is present. It can be used to treat actual infections that develop, but there are better choices. It comes in capsule form and injectable. Both work well. The oral dosage for Amoxicillin is 5 mg per pound given every 12 hours. The injectable dosage is 4 mg per pound given IM every 12 hours.

    Cephloxin=is stronger than amox=which is considered a mild antibiotic. Ceph= is to be used if amox fails to do its job (is too weak a drug) Ceph is a very 'good drug for skin and flesh infections, as well as mastitis and infections of the bone. In fact, Cephalexen is one of the best "all-purpose" antibiotics you can find. What's more, Cephalexen is also easy to come by, and very inexpensive. Cephalexen only comes in oral form, and the dose is 11 mg per pound of body weight given every 6 to 8 hours, depending on the severity. If you are using a maintenance dose, give every 8 hours. If the case is severe, use every 6 hrs. ceph is considered to be one of the muct have drugs.
    with any

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