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Ivomec treatment... demodex.

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by ganja, May 4, 2010.

  1. versatile

    versatile Big Dog

    what's wild is most vets have never heard of this. when they do their skin scraping nothing will come back if you use the mitactin ($19.95 is hard to beat).
  2. hardluck

    hardluck Banned

    that seems like a nice product, but i have experience w/ taktic for cattle and swine. its very easy to use. mix 1.3ml of taktic for every 3.25 cups of water and apply with a sponge all over the body avoiding eyes, nose, genitals and anus. ANY MEMBRANOUS PARTS OF THE BODY AVOID AND WEAR GLOVES WHILE APPLYING. you apply the taktic once a week to the dog and after the body is fully covered let it dry completely dont take a towel to it. if used with the recommended dose of daily ivermectin, demodex will be gone in a month and a couple of days or way less. i used the PBB when i treated for this , just giving credit to a damn good book.

    VERSATILE how long did that bottle last? is that bottle gone by the time the mange was gone? that taktic lasts like 500 treatments or more if dosed like the way it is written in the PBB and that only cost $50-$60 depending on were you get it from. the bad thing is if you only ever have to treat 1-2 dogs now you have a ridiculous amount of taktic left over lol. i have lent it out to a few people and still have a shit load of taktic left. that is the only draw back but i dont beleive there is a experation date on it either, but IDK.
  3. Crazy reactions? That sounds a quite silly. If you're giving the proper dosage ivermectin is quite safe for APBT's.

    If you think the mites are only where the bald spot is you're quite uninformed. This is about as silly as it gets.

    Use the ivermectin for treatment people! It's by far and away the best and most effective treatment there is.
  4. 6sN7s

    6sN7s Top Dog

    i spoke to 3 different vets and they all they didnt feel for ivomec as a treatment for demodex. got ectodex instead with amitraz. but it depends on the vet, some indeed gave ivomec. just be careful with the doses .and true that its best the treat the whole body. if there is 1 or 2 spots you can try local treatment tho
  5. Mr.Revolution

    Mr.Revolution CH Dog

    I only had to treat i dog and i ordered the taktic and it cleared it right up.So i got plenty if i or friends need it again.I started out using sulfanx and it was working it just wasnt cost effective.
  6. versatile

    versatile Big Dog

    the bottle they send you will be more than enough for two or three dogs. if using it on one dog it will last at least 3-4 months but you won't need it that long.
  7. versatile

    versatile Big Dog

    the demodex show up during times of stress or when the immune system is compromised. the mites don't more fast enough to get away from the spray. even if you use the ingested medication there will still be demodex mites that wouldn't die. your argument holds no weight. after one flare up of demodex the dog won't have another one. giving poison to your dog is not the answer. listen to him if you want but i have a sure fire solution for you that will save you money and the dog's hair will return faster than his method. if you catch it right away and apply the mitactin it will take 2-3 weeks to completely return. if the demodex ate away at the hair/skin for awhile it will take 2-3 months to heal.
  8. versatile

    versatile Big Dog

    the sulfanex just soothes the itching and irritation. the mitactin is the real demodex mite killer.
  9. hardluck

    hardluck Banned

    actually its hereditary brought on by a weaken immune system. its passed by the mother to the pups. poison you should know that the vaccines you give your dogs are poisons. would you stop giving vaccines to your dog? ivermectin is not any more poisonous than your monthly heartwrom tablets you give your dog. the reason that you didnt hear of the ivermectin and taktic uses at you vets office is because its not federally regulated and too many people will overdose there dogs and kill them. if you know how to properly use them then good, but your mitactin is not the magic bullet. what was mentioned was and has been used by many APBT owners for years. your mitactin would be low on the weight scale if you compare it to ivermectin and taktic.
  10. You're a fucking retard and everything you post is useless. There is that clear enough? LOL now ivermectin is poison. What a dumbass. You honestly don't have a fucking clue.
  11. While the injections of Ivermectin are good to combat the mites while they are suckling, it is only one half of a complete treatment to fight against demodex canis. Along with the ivermectin, you should also change the dogs diet to a higher quality food (such as natural cooked foods) and also you should be giving a medicated bath with Amitraz (Acarex) during the treatment.

    And most of all,, you should look for a competent vet.

    *I am giving this advice based on my personal experience with it, not something I read or heard about.
  12. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Actually ivermectin CAN be harmful IF strongly overdosed.
    Not sayin i wouldnt use it, but if u do.......be careful about dosages!

    I think some of you folks should check out a product called "VETRICYN" 100% SAFE AND SUPPOSEDLY WORKS WONDERS!
  13. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Caninos! Lol
  14. Icepick

    Icepick Banned

    Maybe I missed it, but I havent seen the age of the dog. I'm guessing since you said he weighed 33lbs. he's an adult. The reason I ask, is because if he is an adult that you have treated once, just to have another outbreak, it sounds like a poor immune system as mentioned earlier. If thats the case, my experience is that it will always be a battle. Good luck in that situation!
  15. I made that perfectly clear when I posted

  16. versatile

    versatile Big Dog

    i only give heartworm medication 3 times a year and i try to limit the toxins i put in my dogs. anyone out there who wants someone else's advice who has seen this method work use it. anyone who wants to pump their dog full of chemicals....use the other method. hereditary means passed genetically. the inability to handle the mites is the hereditary immune deficiency. it could be passed from mother or father. the mother just transmits the mites.
  17. Mr.Revolution

    Mr.Revolution CH Dog

    oh yeah it came in a kit with mitactin spray and some shampoo.Like i said it was working just not cost effective
  18. More proof you don't know wtf you're doing with these dogs.
  19. versatile

    versatile Big Dog

    they try to sell the other stuff but the mitaction is all that is truly needed. just make sure to rub it in twice a day. the raw fats will speed the recovery.

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