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Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Joker62484, Sep 9, 2006.

  1. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

  2. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    Just dont become an old crazy lady with 100+ animals all caged up.
  3. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    I dont understand why you would get this breed if the cats were a concern and you were not prepared for possibly having to separate them thier entire lives if need be.
  4. NC

    NC CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    You know nothing about me.. or my dogs or how they are taken care of. I didn't say I was more verse or had more experience than anyone.. I simply disagreed with what RH said, I didn't run him down I didn't insult him..simply disagreed. I never bragged about anything my dogs did.. there was a comment about the dog's and their prey drive.. I made the comment my 2 dogs have a high prey drive but have never gone after the cats.. then gave an example of their prey drive.. killing a fox and a possum, and that Boomer got hold of a stray .. which was not "runnin the neighborhood" as you put it.. considering my dogs are kept on chain during the day, and I live in the freakin' woods..not in a neighborhood. The dog was close enough for Boomer to get ahold of on his 10ft chain.

    I don't have a "good" dog.. hows that? Cause I don't fight them..they aren't "game".. My dogs are all good dogs.. they are well behaved..they listen, they get along great in the house and out in the yard.. they like OUR cats.. that makes them a bad dog?

    So again how am I an irresponsible owner? Because I allow my dogs inside together..because I let them associate with our cats..is that where I am a bad owner? I've never claimed to have alot of experience with the breed, I've never insulted anyone on here.. I also don't give out alot of tips..mainly because I know I don't have the experience to be handing out tips. But I do add an opinion here and there when I have experience in what the topic is about.
    Again I've never insulted anyone on here, because I have a common respect for other people. Which again is why I invited you to handle your problem with me in PM and not on forum... So anyway... Don't ever accuse me of not being a good or responisble owner. My dogs are fed, housed, their vet bills are taken care of, they are socialized.. they're good dogs. If you wish to continue this debate..again I invite you to PM me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2006
  5. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    Maybe instead of simple prayer, I should pray for deliverance!!ROFLMBO
  6. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    I dont have a personal problem with you.....

    Edit:I hate that pm shit,no need for it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2006
  7. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    Rowr! (Get it?:))

    Well, the sentiment bugging me is "Gee, sure hope the dog learns to live with the cats, or else it's buh bye doggie, cause the cats were here first."

    That is sad. Another rescue on deck, depending on how well he stifles his natural instincts. No love stories about kittys and doggies picking flowers together will help this dog. The bottom line is: no matter how well anyone else's dogs and cats get along, there is a chance this dog may not work that way. Why should he suffer for it or be punished by losing his home? Why of ALL dogs was an APBT purchased for this shakey situation?
    Can it work? Maybe, and goodness I hope so for the dog.
    This situation bothers me, knowing the poor dog was purchased conditionally like this.
  8. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    The OP, has good intentions.....they are here seeking knowledge, preventative maintnance.Hopefully, they will head the advice givin and learn somthing.

    Let it be known,I wouldnt and wont place an animal with Folk like this....but they already own the animal.....So,
    I want this person to keep thier pet and be happy but most of all .....act and be RESPONSIBLE!

    I might be a lil overly sensitive right now, as this lil 5 month ol pup has come to me under simular circumstances .
  9. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    stings don't it,,,lol,,,, truth is as these dogs get some age on them the more likely they're prey drive will kick in and poof!!!! DEAD KITTY KITTY and then ppl like to put blame on the dog,,,

  10. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    You are right Simms, and it is a good thing to seek out knowledge like this, that they may learn how to prevent an incident. It's just the conditional statement already being made about "dog must get along with cats or dog goes". My first thought is always- where? Where does he go now you don't want him anymore?

    Maybe this will help some: I own 4 parrots: A big macaw, a smaller amazon, a smaller indian ringneck, and an itty bitty cockatiel. The two smaller ones are fully flighted, and are out of their cages often, flitting around. (Only one out at a time!) The larger parrots also spend a lot of time on the couchs and their tree perches- not in their cages. A virtual playland for any APBT.
    My dogs absolutely positively KNOW not to even give the birds a sniff. It's what I expect of them, and they oblige. And yes, they have been known to share the couch occasionally. Sometimes one of the birds will do a fly by, and I know not too deep in their inner desires, my dogs wanna play catch the birdie. But they DO NOT. Do they love the birds? Hell to the nah!!!!! They probably detest the little screwballs, but they mind me. The birds are only out in pairs at the most, usually just one at a time, and the situation is always monitered. Plus, the hookbill can hold her own and they don't want none of her anyway (she's a GAME parrot, see.;)).
    Now, the biggest problem I have with the OP is the statement that the dog's fate is sealed if the cats are bothered. At least acknowledge the risk you chose to take, and act accordingly. If (Heaven forbid) one of my dogs experiences a brain fart grande and snaps at one of my birds, I see only one option: Discipline the dog for disobeying, bury the bird, cry a tear and that's that, don't kick anyone out over MY gamble.
  11. Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    If you disagree, that is fine. Yet, do you disagree that your case is the exception not the norm? Or do you think most dogs get along with cats? I may be way off here but it is my understanding that cats and dogs are natural enemies. The reason why I can see the pup in a shelter within a year is because, One: the owner will choose to get rid of dog before cats, Two: The dog is already practicing on the cats, Three: human obviously did not consider issues involved in having both types of animals. Hey, I stated he/she had no business getting this breed or any other breed of dog because he already has his/her hands full with the cats. In addition, the fact that they did not forsee any issues with having both dog and cats together is an obvious flag of inadequate ownership.

    Your situation is an exception not the rule. I hope you do not give the impression that most cats and dogs can get along.

    Just read your other post.

    From what you wrote, it seems like you are a good owner of YOUR dog(s). The issue I have is your assumption that his dog's and cats' temperaments are equal to your dog's and cats' temperament. In addition, you are also assuming this owner is equal to you in terms of handling his own. Too many assumptions if you ask me. I HAVE seen people owning both dogs and cats peacefully. Yet, I will not assume this is the norm.

    In addition, our well-bred dogs do not have the same pack mentality as other canines. Yes, there are some that get along and can be "buddies". This is not the norm and situation can change in a moment's notice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2006
  12. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    I always thought that cats and dogs naturally got along perfectly!! Cat is a natural chew toy for the dog!!LOL Just kidding just kidding!! I dont know about elsewhere, but the norm for Louisiana and Arkansas bulldogs and cats is that cat meets bulldog, cat dies. That is the norm from my observation. Of course, I am alllergic to them cats, so my dogs might sense my dislike of the cats and choose to help me out!!
    One day cats and dogs will get along just fine. That will be the same day that the lion will lay down with the lamb, when the King returns. Until that day, keep the cats and dogs seperated, especially unsupervised.

    As to the issue of this dog. I dog find it pretty irresponsible of the guy to have brought the dog home 'hoping' the dog and the cat would get along, and if they didnt the dog would have to go. I figure irresponsibility and not much smarts. Who in their right mind would choose a cat over a bulldog? Not I. I also feel like this dog will probably end up at a shelter, might as well go ahead and cull the pup and save it from suffering. The dog wants acceptance and to please its master, and the master is trying to get the dog to be something it probably wont be. Kinda like trying to tell a boy that it is natural for him to be gay. BONK! wrong answer Eli! Two men were not created to join together, the fella that came up with that theory I'd hate to see him put a jigsaw puzzle together, can you imagine the pieces forced together that werent meant to, and what would the puzzle end up looking like? Cats and dogs. Man, seems like there has been many books,movies stories written about how they dont get along, kinda like a cat and mouse.
  13. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    Dogs and cats are NATURAL born enemies. The predator/prey drive between the two is instinctual. Although many people out there have dogs & cats that coexist peacefully, it is NOT the norm. Those homes are still the minority.

    How is it that many people preach "never trust a pit bull around another dog" yet turn around & state that they will get along just fine with cats if raised together? It makes no sense & honestly worries me.

    Do NOT expect your dog to get along with the cats. My friends lab mix slaughtered 1 of their cats.....& they were raised together from kitten/puppyhood & were about 3 yrs of age when it happened. Don't ever trust enemies to get along. Nature has exceptions to the rule sometimes, but you cannot change nature.
    purplepig likes this.
  14. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    Props to you sister!! Preach it!

    Wondering the same thing.
  15. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    Personally cat removal is a positive aspect of dogs. I am glad they are natural enemies. They used to compete for food in the wild and small cats fell prey to dogs and small dogs to large cats. It is fair. I can't stand cats anyway so the less the better. Raise your pit with the cats. I think it is a grand idea. Just don't be mad at the innoccent dog when that cat pisses it off for the last time. After all cats are evil. They got them serpent eyes.
  16. NC

    NC CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    I completely agree with the fact that my situation is not the norm. MY dog's get along with My cats and each other. They will go after other cats and other dogs that happen around the yard. I also agree that this breed isn't for everyone, and people should think about possible problems before getting this or any other breed especially one's known for their prey drive when he already has a house full of cats.
  17. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    If you raise them up together she should be fine, as long as you are around. You don't want to leave them toether unsupervised no matter how well they seem to get along.

    Some of might depend on the dog but the majority of Pitbulls raised with a cat will be fine with "their" cat. Under your supervision of course.
  18. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    Let me first say, that my situation is nowhere near the NORM, lol. About 4 years ago, I started feeding a stray female cat. Before long, her 3 kittens would come to eat with her. We trapped the kittens, found them homes, blah, blah, blah. We kept one. We called her Meanie, because she was the biggest bitch of an animal I had ever known. At this time, we had our Sorrell's bred APBT Kain for about 2 years, and a little brindle APBT pup. Neither had ever been around cats (that I know of). Now, for some reason these two dogs took to this bitchy cat. They never liked any other cats, but never once touched her. Meanie even had a litter of kittens in Kain's doghouse. She did not like people other than my husband and I and our kids, but God she loved Kain. She was not a house cat, and always stayed outside, though we tried our hardest to keep her indoors. She retained some feral instincts, and always had a wild look in her eye. When Kain passed last year, Meanie disappeared. We haven't seen her since.


    Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    look you will be ok if you raise them together sometimes they will have a pecking order. You need to watch them very closely though. At 9 wks I think that cat would get in that ass right about now...
  20. Re: Just Got A Pit & Need Some Advice

    PEOPLE, where is the logic in your statements?????? You acknowledge that our dogs are not safe with their own kind but will be OK around other animals???????

    I imagine you are the same people that believe raising multiple game dogs together will make them a pack and will be fine. :rolleyes:

    For those who believe these gullible statements, this breed is not for everyone. No offense intended, just pointing out conflicts in logic.

    I do not like cats at all. Yet, I respect all animals and their right to exist. I do not condone any type of animal abuse even at the expense of cats.



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