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Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by rocksteady, Jul 3, 2004.

  1. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Hello Howard nice to see you on the board. We have met a few times. You were helpful. When I was green as grass at my first dogshow you intraduced me to a few folks. Glad to have ya around
  2. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    yeah I said A LITTLE
    now a little to you may not be much but to me its a not just peds on line
    I know a few people that know people to
    and I looked at the nebletts line hard and all I could find were the bully type dogs or catchweight dogs way to big for my liking
    so yeah Ive done a little
  3. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Frank dub, for the most part you are right the line does throw some catchweight bulldogs always has ben a larger line of bulldogs. Beartrap himself was Catchweight. Howerver Polar Mccoy, Bullhead Mccoy and other standouts from the line were not catchweight. Also wen crosed the size comes down on Mccoy dogs.The large bully looking Mccoy dogs were most likely down from the Lockery dogs Howard speeks of or the Mccoy/watchdog crosses that were the fad in the Mi. area. People were cashing in on the big dog fad. Alot of the blood that wasent ruined with the bandogs was ruend with the Watchdogs Blu Bully Stuff. You would be hard presed to Find people who Know more about the Mccoy blood than Us who personaly know the SOURCE of the blood. Also The Scott dogs have absolutly nothing to do with the Rozmus Mccoy dogs.
  4. WWII

    WWII Banned

    You'll have to look pretty hard for some honest McCoy stuff now. It's out there, but you won't be finding a lot of it.

    And what Howard said:
    This is true./\ But, he forgot stubborn in there. Forget about working one when it doesn't want to work.
  5. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Amico is perdy stubern huh. I havent had that problem with Belle althow she hates bikework. The bike spooks her
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2009
  6. WWII

    WWII Banned

    No bike work here either. He gets bored with walking and will just lay down when he's had enough. If you get him back up, he just lollygags.

    Flirt pole
    weight pulling

    Those are the only things that keep his interest. And the workouts have to be short and intense.
  7. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    This really sucks. I was hoping to get a dog down from the Rozmus' McCoy dogs someday. :( I grew up in that area and they sort of hold a special nastalgia for me. Sigh...
  8. Knightmare

    Knightmare Big Dog

    First off lets get something straight.
    John's dogs were not "MCCoy" dogs from Dan McCoy they were from the Neblett bloodline.
    Neblett carried Corvino/Hemphill and others but was mostly Colby with some of Dan McCoy's Lightner blood in them.

    Big Game is right, Harddrive is a good dog but Sgt Storm I understand his heart is in the right place but when it came to the ability to hunt was short on tools.
    Howard is right about a great part of the bloodline of John's having this cross.
    Many in the area knew about it and which dogs had it.
    Marty doesn't take to many calls from people.
    Get ahold of me and I will get you threw to him.

    As for the TN. blood of Beartrap, Dan is the Man!

    Oh BTW Dan, you know I know the "Yankee Boys", call me and I'll tell you about the real truth about Mammy

    BTW I hear the Millwright isn't doing so good in health.
    Tell him and his wife hello for me and I wish them well and hope they stay with us for many more years!
  9. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    You got a ped on her? If so Id love to see it.
  10. big dan

    big dan Big Dog

    This Scott Man Some Of U Have Talked About Was He From Ok.reason I Ask Is Cause I Went To Ok And Picked Up 3 Bitches To Breed To Beartrap .but My Uncle Never Did Bred Them For Some Reason.it Seems To Me This Mans Name Was Scott For Some Reason.i Do Know He Said Trap Was The Last Puebreed Rozmus Mc Coy Dog Alive.weather He Know What He Was Talking About I Dont Know.
  11. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    NOOOOO Beartrap was most definatly not the last Rozmus dog left. I dont know anything about them Scott dogs.
  12. big dan

    big dan Big Dog

    He Did Not Say He Was The Last Rozmus Mc Coy Dog Alive .he Said He Was The Last Pure Bred Rozmus Mc Coy Dog Alive.what He Meant By That I Have No Ideal
  13. Red Devil

    Red Devil Big Dog

    Some good Rozmus crosses still around in MI. Sgt. Storm was a very proven dog. Hard Drive was said to be good also. Both are RIP now. Storm has a fantastic son named Wild Turkey.
  14. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Who was the dam?
  15. Red Devil

    Red Devil Big Dog

    Sorry, but this is as much as I'm gonna say. These are not my dogs and it's not my place to speak on behalf of someone else's dogs without their permission.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2009
  16. Red Devil

    Red Devil Big Dog

    I'd love to get my hands on some GrCh Beartrap stuff or even some pure Neblett blood down from R. Scott and G. Emmert's dogs.
  17. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    So there was a line of Scott Neblett dogs huh? I stand corected. I also would love to get some beartrap or mrs beartrap stuff.
    How have ya ben Red Devil? Herd youre bitch droped 4 healthy pups congratts. Good luck with them. Good to have you around.
  18. Red Devil

    Red Devil Big Dog

    Yep, 4 little heathens! Roger Scott from OK has been around for many years and runs the old Neblett blood which is actually tighter on the old Bob Neblett blood than the Rozmus dogs are. Roger is one of the most respected conformation judges in the country! He judged the Saline show a few years ago. From what I've been told, he doesn't let to much of his blood out to the public. Here's an example of the Scott Neblett dogs http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=92990
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2009
  19. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Oh Ok I have seen the Emmerts Blood before.In I.C.C.'s Clide etc..
  20. Red Devil

    Red Devil Big Dog

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