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Members, G-D and I need your help!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Marty, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. Nikita

    Nikita Big Dog

    I think that a great idea thank you all for the info as well I'm learning a lot form this forum:cool:
  2. Currently the only study done on tethering that has any credence is the one from Cornell University. There is also one from the CDC that is full of flaws and flat out lies. I spent some time doing an article to refute the "Denver Study". The article from the CDC is refered to as the Denver Study because the Denver Metro Animal Services did the actual study. I can post the article if anyone is interested.
  3. StopBSL

    StopBSL Top Dog

    I think that this is a good idea because responsible chaining is a part of responsible dog ownership. I would be happy to develop the site for you Marty if you need. Once all your info is together you can let me know, I will make time to do it.

    And, stop-bsl.com would be happy to link to it as an informational resource on responsible containment.
  4. mntman2003

    mntman2003 CH Dog

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