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More Of Shrek

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by shrekthepit, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. Shrek and Phatty Girl

    Attached Files:

  2. zombie106

    zombie106 Big Dog

    Those look like some big pups. How tall are they and how much do they weigh?
  3. Shrek is about 4.5 feet on his back feet, very big, I think it was the baby formula I use to feed him : ) Last time we put him on the scale he was 72lbs

    Phatty she is smaller, not sure how tall. She was 55 lbs last time we put her on the scale.
  4. Vador

    Vador Big Dog

    Shrek looks great, both look like nice dogs.
  5. zombie106

    zombie106 Big Dog

    I agree, both dogs look awesome.
  6. Thanks! Hey do you guys ever have a problem with blisters/bumps on the skin?

    Shrek is very sensitive with his coat, not sure if it's the grass or what, it doesn't happen as often anymore but when I would let them back in the house he would walk in looking like a nutty bar full of bumps, they go away after a while but still it worried me for a while. He hasn't had them lately, maybe he's use to the grass now?
  7. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    It sounds like hives, which is an allergic rxn to something. A few of my pups break out every now & then when they decide to graze on grass in the back yard. When you notice them, give some benadryl (1-2 mg per lb of body wt.....ex: 50 lb dog=2 25 mg tablets) If you notice it a lot & are still concerned about it, there's no harm in seeing your vet. :) Good Luck!

    Love your dogs!!
  8. Is that what it is? The first time I saw him I was so scared I didn't want to touch him, he was looking at me with his tongue hanging out thinking I was crazy. They don't itch b'cause he never scratches but I guess it is the grass.

    He has issues, he picks something up and then lays it on the grass and starts rolling over on it, why I don't know. Is he trying to get his scent on it?? He looks goofy doing it, he just lays on it and starts wiggling around then picks it up again and runs. Do you think he's use to the grass now? he hasn't had them in quiet a while but poor guy looks funny full of bumps.
  9. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    From your description, that is my opinion. However, I am not giving a 100% yes diagnosis. ;)

    He has issues, he picks something up and then lays it on the grass and starts rolling over on it, why I don't know. Is he trying to get his scent on it??

    Sounds like it!! As long as he isn't rolling in something dead or rotten, let him have his fun. Sounds like he's a trip.:D
  10. He sure is he has a couple of issues one being Q-tips, he loves to chew on them. When he first had his ears cropped I cleaned his ears every 3 days, I think he became addicted to them. When I catch him I say "OMG what are you doing??" and he spits it out quick and pretends it wasn't him. I think he gets pleasure out of it, I caught him the other day right infront of me, he laid down and his eyes were half closed and he was all into it, he forgot I was there!!!

    He also thinks Phatty Girl is his dog, he will stand infront of her and hit her with his paw like he does to us so that she can nibble on his chest!!! He stands there and looks off into the distance (he's very conceited) and waits for her to get a clue. She follows him like a fart.

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