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MT: Keep eye on dogs; wolves out on prowl

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Vicki, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. Erie Outlawz

    Erie Outlawz CH Dog

    Oh dam here we go now coyotes are beatin up our dogs too lol ya right them bastards are only around 40 pounds and absolutly no match for a gamebred dog. It would be worse then puttin a border collie against a apbt.
  2. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    shit when i was younger my mother had a damn cocker spaniel that would fight anything and that lil bastard killed a coyote
  3. Erie Outlawz

    Erie Outlawz CH Dog

    lol that would be funny just 2 watch!!!:D
  4. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    Wolfs and coyotes are pack animals, when ever they atack its mostly in a pack of 5 or more, In brother lives in a suburb where the mountains are litery his backyard and there are jack rabbits , rattle snakes and coyotes back there, these coyotes are smart, they will use a female coyote in heat to lure any dog that is loose in the suburbs, by the time the dog is on the trails its too late, the coytes eat em up.
  5. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    this is very true the same dog i said killed the coyote came home one night after we let him out to potty and had been attacked by many coyotes he drug himself onto the porch and scratched the door how he didnt die is beyond me,one day i was riding horses and come up on a mother in a den with half dog half coyote pups and the cocker spaniel was following right behind me the coyotes circled me and the dog only way he didnt get killed this time was because i had a 44 caliber muzzleloader on the saddle no bullets just black powder with wading (my father done civil war reinacting) i fired all 6 shots and they retreated luckily but i came back a few days later alone on horseback set some meat with poison and took care of all of them but one pup so i carried that lil shit home with me and my dad shot it as soon as i showed it to him he said that all would happen is that pup would call more coyotes even closer to the house and we would have an even bigger problem
  6. popper

    popper CH Dog

    some wont even eat meat with poison...sometimes they know
  7. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    I have seen 'em bigger than 40 pounds around here in georgia. coyotes
  8. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    Hell yea In fargo I seen them look like more like 50 or 60 lbs I shot one that was 49 and he was for sure not neer the biggest one I have seen in the woods. I think yhey crossed with the red wolves or something they are much bigger then the lill runts I see around here.

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