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My jeep..

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by DragOnRE2, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Here's a picture of him ;)

  2. houstonapbt

    houstonapbt Top Dog

    I like how you read what you want to see. I never called you a name. Game bred dogs are NOT rare (but should be). With your second (or first...?) sentence, I can tell you aren't resposible enough to own a game bred animal, so I'm glad you have made the decision to not own one. Responsible owners make sure their dogs do NOT get at each other by properly containing them. If they have "disagreements", why do you allow them to be together still? Do YOU REALIZE THAT GAME BRED DOGS ARE THE ORIGINAL APBT?? Without them there would be no "magnum" or "brit" or "mister", why must you say such ignorant things? Don't quote me girl, I ain't said that shit.

  3. americandream

    americandream Top Dog

    not trying to be rude or anything but i got a couple questions..... so im guessing hes "proven game" to be breed worthy then?. his tails too long, so im guessing conformation is not a factor of this breeding?
  4. americandream

    americandream Top Dog

    huston....... you said i know nothing of this breed. i have been studying every night for about 8 months. i may not know everything (not even close) but i do know lots about the breed.

    most of what i said was not pointed at you. your right i cant control a gamebred dog. and i wouldnt wanna have to deal with an "accident"
    not all original APBT were game bred. i have looked back on brits ped back to the 1870's, not all dogs were game. even the most famous names in there.

    my puppy bullys my other dogs. but never never does damage. thats why i say i might have to separate down the road.
  5. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Ok, this has gone about far enough. You are unwilling to listen and learn so there is no sense in debating about this on the public forum. I tried to be civil and even removed my original response so as to not start anything, but if you keep insisting on arguing a mute point theres no hope. Lets bring this back to jeep dogs and stay on topic.
  6. americandream

    americandream Top Dog

    at least im not name calling...........
  7. El Mexicano

    El Mexicano CH Dog

    why cant i see whatamerican dream is typing??
  8. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Her reputation is too low for your settings, you need to adjust it on your user control panel I believe it is.
  9. El Mexicano

    El Mexicano CH Dog

    i have looked back on brits ped back to the 1870's, not all dogs were game. even the most famous names in there.

    how could a dog be famous back in the day with out being game..with exception of movie stars like the lil rascals dog and war dogs.i know ur dogs ped doesnt consist of just war veterans
  10. americandream

    americandream Top Dog

    how could a dog be famous if not game........... i never said they were famous.. but obviously bred. go to yahoo and type in castillos red alexis then online peds....and click back on it til you gte back to the 1900's and take a look for urself.
  11. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Yes this thread did step off topic alil...but in a public forum it can be hard to stay on topic, as there are many oppinions....LOL

    As far as Americandreams post or reponses to this thread are concerned....Well, I sure am glad that there are still folks today that beleive in holding true to the standard of the APBT "gamedog" Those that choose to breed to selevtive stock, ie.. approved Bitches and Studs only under private treaty.

    Marty,Nice lookin dog you got there.

  12. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Then don't own dogs! Dog aggression runs in EVERY breed & "accidents" can happen! You having a bunch of dogs loose together in a house 24/7 is going to be a problem--whether it's now or 4 yrs down the road. By refusing to think that you & your dogs are immune to "accidents" you are being an irresponsible owner & putting your dogs' health & maybe even lives at risk.

    Then you need to read different books. Pit Bulls for Dummies doesn't cut the mustard.

    These dogs weren't being bred for other purposes until a few people had to go a try to make a name for themselves peddling puppies by using the name of the APBT. You say you don't want a gamedog, yet you still want to own dogs that you want to call APBTs (although they're not). To me, you are doing nothing but riding the name of an infamous breed in the hopes that the status & historical value the name brings to mind will bring you some sort of reputation/ego trip. If this is not true, then why continue to support back yard breeders who are ruining the breed by breeding for stockiness aka "bulliness", big heads, wide shoulders, pretty fashionable colors & then try & call those mutts "my APBTs"?

    I don't understand, & never will, why people feel the need to "want" an APBT, but actually change the breed to something entirely different but still give it the same name & deny that it has anything to do with their own reputation & egotistical wants. I'm with simms. I sure wish this breed wasn't available to the general idiots, I mean public. (and NO I'm not calling anyone specific any names).
    Marinepits likes this.
  13. americandream

    americandream Top Dog

    ya o.k.... having a game dog would increase accidents quite a bit dont you think? i already told you im probibly gunna have to separate. as for now....... no an accident would never happen.

    i have not been reading book i have been researching the net. pedigree's online tells the dogs accomplishments and you can see if they have titles.

    i do not support back yard breeders how do u get this information?? non of my dogs are "bully"

    you are gunna be complaining about these "mutts" forever why? cuz over 800 litters of these "mutts" drop a year.
  14. simms

    simms CH Dog

    So do I have to be a premium member to view this thread in it's entierty?,,,LOL

    Pitbulls for Dummies....hehehehehhahahahaha

    Ok, never mind I figured it out...LOL

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2006
  15. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Well, if you don't own them, then you should be complaining too! Because in 10 yrs NONE OF US will own ANY of these dogs or anything that even resembles them! And I for one REFUSE to sit back on my ass & do nothing while I watch humans destroy something once again all for the sake of money & ego!

    So if you're going to do nothing but read online pedigrees, most of which are fake anyways, then go ahead & take some time out to take plenty of pictures of the dogs you own now. Because soon you will NOT have them & if you're lucky, you won't be fined out the ass & possibly face jail time for owning them anyways.

    I sure hope you find ignorance fun. Because I find disgusting that you are so unwilling to try & help the breed you supposedly love.

    Like most others here, I am done. You want nothing to do with truly educating yourself nor nothing to do with helping others. So do us a favor & stay outta our way b/c honey, the fight has just begun!
  16. americandream

    americandream Top Dog

    no matter who you try to educate or what you do it will not make a difference. i do not own a "mutt"

    i dont JUST read online peds...... there ya go assuming. agian. i have been reading all these threads and going to plenty of sites msn boards too.

    tell me what can i do to stop these "mutts" from reproducing.......... give me a good answer.

    stay outta ur way? the fight has just begun...... what the heck is that supposta mean? am i in the way?
  17. simms

    simms CH Dog

    [​IMG] Re: My jeep..
    <HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->no matter who you try to educate or what you do it will not make a difference. i do not own a "mutt"

    i dont JUST read online peds...... there ya go assuming. agian. i have been reading all these threads and going to plenty of sites msn boards too.

    tell me what can i do to stop these "mutts" from reproducing.......... give me a good answer.

    stay outta ur way? the fight has just begun...... what the heck is that supposta mean? am i in the way?
    <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________

    Makes no difference??? You are a student and a poor one at that.

    What you own is merely a dog toting the name of the APBT. You do not hold your dog or dogs to standard....you have established this. You are a name toter like many.

    "Show" standard was and is based upon the gamedog....function to form. What you are and many like you are showing and breeding is not to standard.

    As you stated....you can not handle a gamedog and that is what the APBT is and that's what sepperates this breed from all others the deffinative difference.

    you been at this 8 months??? god bless you for trying....But you lack the Experince to even debate what is to standard or even comment on what would compliment ones breeding program.

    Spay and nueter is how you can help.

    Shud up...listen,learn.

  18. americandream

    americandream Top Dog

    yes this speach makes me wanna learn some more right........ nope i had it with this site. i try to help people with weight pull questions......i try to help sign a patation and i get points taken off......this is fuckin bull shit.....bye
  19. simms

    simms CH Dog

    C'mon now......surely you got alil more than that in you?

    What this boards laying on you is nothing in comparison to what these legislators and humainiacs want to do to you....Take note... listen, learn.

  20. americandream

    americandream Top Dog

    no that patition thing CROSSED THE LINE! i couldnt sign cuz i am canadian.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2006

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