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My jeep..

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by DragOnRE2, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    Mmmm.. Curr-Burgers!!
    The Watcher likes this.
  2. CRG

    CRG Top Dog

    Curr-Burgers lmao.....Good one SFK
  3. DymondsEdge

    DymondsEdge Banned

    Why are we comparing males to females? Why not compare males to males?
  4. seeingredcrin

    seeingredcrin Banned

    Yea girl ! why dont we do that
  5. ricki

    ricki Banned

    A lot of people on this site talk real big, but when it comes down to it you just might have game dogs like you claim but you yourselves are likely a bunch of lame ass pussycats.
  6. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Such hostility towards complete strangers you interact with anonymously over the internet isnt healthy......
  7. seeingredcrin

    seeingredcrin Banned

    couldnt say it better myself...such hostility...all im saying is why are you people comparing males to females ?? how 'bout comparing some males to males and must we fight about it ? a little bit rediculous if you ask me
  8. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    I think the OP was looking for a mating partner, without coming out to say it as the thread would of got closed. However, this is just an assumption.
  9. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Ha Ha, Some on this site do infact have gamedogs and some infact don't.....that's No secret...LOL

    I for one choose not post peds, and rarely make any comments on peds or particular breeding's, but then again I'm not networking.

    So for being a lame ass pussycat.... I'll take that on a msg board...LOL

    You got anything else to contribute?
    Got a ped?

  10. ricki

    ricki Banned

    my ped DAD=GAME

    Your ped PUSSYCAT
  11. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I wish I would have seen this before I posted....LOL

    Good one :)

  12. simms

    simms CH Dog

    At least you have a sense of humor....LOL

  13. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    I agree & am with you on this. I do not facilitate the use of pedsonline or any other similar service because I have seen what this kind of internet papertrail can do to people. I do not post pics of 95% of my dogs b/c their mine. I do not sell puppies, I do not offer breeding services, & nor do I care to broadcast to the entire world what lies within my back yard. I post pics of what, 6 dogs? & most aren't APBTs. And that's when I own 47. There is no reason to "show off" things that we do not wish to have taken from us.
  14. simms

    simms CH Dog

    No Bueno anymore....Close the circles folks.

    Good post Miakoda.

  15. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Have you ever thought of just making "close the circle folks" your sig so you dont have to type it all the time Simms. LOL I'm just playin with ya...........

    we know you got it copied for quick copy/paste actions ;)
  16. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    sounds to me like a bunch of pack dogs,,,,a true pitbull stands alone..,,,lmao
  17. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog


    Whatever. But true APBT owners have & will always stand together!
  18. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    just j/k mia ,,, everyone so serious????why is that????:confused: this site i thought was to educate and teach those to love the breed who don't know about it,,
  19. Judy

    Judy CH Dog


    Simms I really did think that it was going to be in your sig line, sooner or later :)
  20. Mercenary

    Mercenary Pup

    i agree there
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2006

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