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My pride and joy :D

Discussion in 'Photography, Artwork & Videos' started by ATX_KENNELS, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. fblb

    fblb Top Dog

    I bet Rex could smoke anything you got on your yard.
  2. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    it's a shame folks equate price with quality. i will take my dirt cheap or free pups from a frind over a 2k pup from a internet kennel any day of the week. every pup i spent high dollar on just ended up expensive fertilizer. you live you learn. " a fool & there money are easily parted"
  3. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    I dont like to get into the dog bashing but man it has to suck to get it on both boards. Nothin wrong with having that type of dog as long as you aren't clueless and know what you have. Between this thread and especially on the other board their is plenty of info about your lines tho. Good luck with the pup
  4. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    LOL i just couldnt belive they were ripping on her over there also
  5. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    never been on that forum but it wasnt as bad as i thought. It seems more like people who know the truth but just like those types of dogs so they use them anyways which is fine by me. I was expecting all of them to be misinformed morons to be honest lol maybe this breed isnt doomed after all:eek:
  6. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    o think the big difference between there and here are they know what they have and dont realy get shit for having bullies there as long as they say yea hes a bully or w/e but here someone trying to pass a bully pff as a gamebred dog or what have you is not acceptable so then it is time to rip into them lol
  7. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    yeah i see that. But some people might not like my dogs so who i am to say what someone else should have? I almost rather most people have them than game bred dogs, that is alot fo responsibility. I just want them to know the difference haha. Thats all i ask
  8. That is the point DP, ATX clearly doesn't know the difference since she is telling us her Whopper bred dog is "closer to the original pit bull" than the game dogs here. Nothing like spitting in the face of history eh?

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