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My ukc champion was shot 5 times by undercover cop

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by JUSTICE4DAKOTA, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. *I think it need to be noted that Officer Kuhn had met Dakota two months prior, and had pet and handled her.

    On September 11, 2009 in Temecula, CA, 2 undercover police officers in an unmarked vehicle were driving by a residential home and saw a young 19-year-old male sitting in a front yard, smoking a cigarette. They made a U-turn to come back to this cul-de-sac after spotting him. They walked up to this male on to the property where he was sitting and began talking to him. The mother to this young man sees through the front window of their home, and goes out the front door to find out what's going on. Her mother, the young man's grandmother, also walked out the front door, and the family dog, a female registered APBT, UKC champion showdog followed after her.

    What happens next is horrifying.

    One of these officers (Kuhn) looked up and saw the dog 'Dakota', he gave no warning, pulled out his weapon and fired 5 shots at this dog. The dog was nowhere near either one of these police officers. Witness's attest that she did not come out charging, or growling, or barking in a threatening manner. The other officer with Kuhn did not feel threatened enough to even pull his weapon.

    Many have also offered statements that she has never exhibited any signs of aggression, that she was a well-trained, obedient, and well-socialized dog, that always appeared completely docile and friendly.

    This police officer offered no warning, as he stood next to the unarmed 19-year-old, the officer had time to pull out his firearm, aim it at the dog and then proceeded to fire 5 rounds at the defenseless dog.

    Three of the five rounds hit the dog. Even as the dog ran away, he still fired. The dog struggled, screaming, into the street, trying to get away from the fire, until finally she collapsed to the ground. The police officer then pointed the firearm at the 19-year-old, while he covered his ears in shock and disbelief. The police officer screamed, 'Nobody move', as the woman of the home was crying and attempting her way towards her dog's aide.

    This police officer stood there for what seemed an eternity while many cried and watched as the dog, 'Dakota' struggled and labored in mortal agony on the concrete street.

    These officers were never called to this home, they had no formal business with a signed warrant on this property, they had no right, no reason, to kill a family's dog.

    We have since learned that there was alleged speculation that the police officer, had been bitten before by a dog, and could have suffered what appeared to have been a panic attack.

    Should an officer of the law have the privilege and responsibility of a firearm under this kind of stress that obviously has not been dealt with, or managed? I think not.

    Even if this information is not corroborated, but merely speculation of him having a panic attack, would it not be a credible speculation, given the impulsive nature and panic of his actions? I think so.

    And how is justice for this family and the dead dog, Dakota, to be obtained? What about all of the other innocent defenseless Pit Bull Type of dogs that are shot and killed by these trigger-happy police officers? Did this officer have to shoot 5 rounds? This displays to many that it was done with intent to kill, and this cannot be refuted or denied.

    Five rounds, ladies and gentlemen, I challenge anyone whether it be a man or woman of the law, to try and explain or refute that this was NOT reckless and dangerous use of a firearm, abuse of power, irresponsible handling of the law, meant to protect and uphold its citizens...What happened here in regards to that?

    Justice for Dakota - The Petition Site

    BLU3BR1NDLE Big Dog

  3. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

  4. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    cant realy blame him

    its part your fault anyway

    your dog should have been secured
    in a room

    all the shit been going on about this breed its almost like a kill on sight rule in effect
    so if you love your dogs keep them secured and put up
  5. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    Terrible, not only will i sign but im gonna post it on facebook. This is why i hate the fuckin police
  6. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    isnt that what was going on in germany for a while??.....shoot on sight??:(:mad:
  7. chessfighter

    chessfighter Big Dog

    Now I understand why APBT's don't like pigs.
  8. farm curs

    farm curs Big Dog

    I read an artical about this and I think there is more to the story...on both sides
  9. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    frank you can be a real prick sometimes! dudes dogs been shot and all you can say is "you cant really blame him"
    next thing you know youl be reffering him to read your 'new day' thread!
  10. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    Dawg, if you want to let YOUR dog free in YOUR house on YOUR property and the police show up without a warrant and shoot your dog then thats makes you a victim. I would be hella upset, try to show some compassion.
  11. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    thanks for tha advertisment and yes they should read that thread

    Im just saying my dog would have never been out there the last thing I want the cops to see is a free running bulldog coming out the house
    rest assure they are gonna do what it takes to protect them selves

    hell if I act like a threat they will shoot my ass and Im the same species as them

    so people its like this if the cop is in your yard unwelcome or not put your dogs up please put your dogs up

    cause they will kill your shit
  12. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    Im gonna say this they can come and question you in your yard without a warrent but if you step inside your house they cant come in and get you with out a warrent

    Its kinda the same with the dogs if the dog was outside on a chain it could turn flips if it wanted to but it was secure and no threat to the officers

    but if the dog is running loose barging out the house just as excited as the angry owner cause this bleep bleeping cop is harrassing my son
    then its more of a chance that the dog was showing signs of aggression
    because of the energy level of the owners

    to make a long story short the dog shouldnt have been there at that moment
  13. wisconsingame

    wisconsingame Big Dog

    F*uck that sue the shit out of that department and have that mans job. And frank ur an ass if the cop came on ur Property and Shot ur dog u would be on here cryin and complaining. The cops shot my friends 3 dog 3 months ago when theywhere chasing someone and they hopped the fence in to his yard. now those cop dont have a job and my friend is sueing the department
  14. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    if a cop was questioning someone in my yard I promise you my dog wouldnt
    be there

    as far as the cop jumping in the yard and killing your friends dog thats another story

    but if my dog is running loose and threatens someone it may be put down because of it

    but it would be my fault that my dog got shot because I didnt have the gumption to secure my dog and prevent it from getting in these situations

    so to hell with how you feel about me but


    it will keep the cops from shooting my dog
  15. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    well thats fine that YOU would put your dogs up but the point is its your yard! U shouldnt have to worry about your non HA dog gettin shot in your own yard!!!
  16. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    man yall need to be for real

    these dogs are just that a dog

    not everyone sees your non ha dog as friendly it can be wagging it tail and licking at a person it may be play to you but to the person it could be a horrific event
    for them

    an example of this is my wifes friend came by to get her hair done her and her two little girls

    we have a smalldog(8lbs) that runs free in the backyard so while they were here my daughter let the dog in to show them and I have never seen someone so scared of a dog
    it was like they were having siezures all three of them

    and my daughter didnt understand and was standing there with a confused look on her face

    but I bet if the lady had a gun she probly would have shot the dog and my family while tryn to shoot the dog

    all Im sayn is to secure your dogs and enjoy them but not everyone likes them and one of those people may have a gun a kill your dog out of fear:D
  17. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    TEMECULA: Police investigating pit bull shooting

    Here's the news story.....

    A Temecula police officer shot an American pit bull terrier Friday night in the Starlight Ridge neighborhood, a housing development at the southwestern corner of Rancho California and Margarita roads.

    The dog, a show dog that was known as UKC CH Temekus Blue Diamond Dame of Oregon, died later that evening from injuries she received during the shooting, said her owner, Staci Chiaese, a Temecula resident who lives in a home on North Star Court.

    Lt. Charlie Wilhite said Tuesday afternoon that the department is investigating the shooting. The officer, who has not been identified, was working with the department's Special Enforcement Team, a group of officers that investigates narcotics activity and gang-related crimes.

    "Any time one of our officers discharges a firearm, regardless of the circumstances, we conduct an investigation," he said.

    Chiaese, during a phone interview Tuesday, said the officer fired five shots at the dog.

    Crying while describing the scene, Chiaese said it was heartbreaking to watch her dog, whose family name was Dakota, struggle to try to get up after the shooting. One of the shots had hit one of the dog's front legs.

    "It was traumatic. We're all in shock," she said.

    Wilhite did not provide a contrasting narrative of the night's events, but he said there are multiple pit bull terriers known to live at that home on North Star Court and he said the department and county animal control officials have received numerous reports of "loose and vicious dogs" that have escaped from the home's backyard.

    "These dogs are dangerous," he said. "We have responded and taken reports and we have had to use pepper spray in the past."

    Chiaese said she was targeted about a year and a half ago by a neighbor who called the police multiple times about her dogs.

    The officer and a partner stopped at the house when they spotted Chiaese's son sitting on the grass in front of the house smoking a cigarette, Chiaese said.

    The two officers approached the teen and started to talk to him while standing on the home's front lawn. When Chiaese's mother saw the officers, she called over Chiaese, who opened the front door and started to walk toward them.

    Opening the door unloosed Dakota. Chiaese contends the smallish, 49-pound dog was not dangerous and that the officer literally jumped the gun by shooting at the dog five times.

    "He told my son 'don't move' and started shooting," she said.

    Chiaese said the proof of her dog's temperament is her participation in multiple dog shows.

    "You can't show a vicious dog," she said.

    Willa Bagwell, executive director of Animal Friends of the Valleys, which provides animal control services in the city, said her office has received numerous complaints from multiple neighbors regarding the dogs.

    "We've received about 30 complaints in the last three years," she said. "Thank God it was an armed officer at the time. Every time one of our officers went out there they feared for their lives."

    Bagwell said she doubted that the dogs being pit bulls had anything to do with the outcome Friday.

    "It's not breed specific, it's her dogs," she said.

    Call staff writer Aaron Claverie at 951-676-4315, ext. 2624.

    TEMECULA: Police investigating pit bull shooting
  18. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    well there you have it:eek:
  19. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    Temecula police kill dog dies, owner cries foul

    Temecula police kill dog dies, owner cries foul

    08:28 AM PDT on Thursday, September 17, 2009

    The Press-Enterprise


    An earlier version of this story contained incorrect information about the dog owner's son.
    Police fatally shot a Temecula family's pit bull Friday evening when the dog slipped out the front door and ran barking toward an officer who was standing in the front yard.

    While police in the southwest Riverside County city blame owner Staci Chiaese for failing to control her pet, she says police stepped over the line shooting a dog in its front yard. She insists her dog would not have harmed the officer.

    Lt. Charlie Wilhite said authorities have been called out to the Chiaese home at least 20 times in recent years over complaints about pit bulls there.

    On Friday, Chiaese's son, Corbin, was sitting on the front lawn of the family home on North Star Court, a cul de sac near Rancho California Road and Cosmic Drive, after 7 p.m. when plainclothes officers from the Temecula Police Department's Special Enforcement Team saw him and stopped to speak with him.

    The officers, whose job includes monitoring parolees, got out of their car and approached her son. While Chiaese was walking across the lawn to see what was going on, her mother opened the front door and Dakota, a 5-year-old pit bull, escaped.

    Before the family had a chance to restrain the dog or call her off, Dakota had come within a few feet of one of the officers, who pulled out his gun and shot her.

    "He just said, 'Don't move,' " Chiaese said, starting to cry. "And he kept shooting as she tried to run away. He shot her five times."

    Chiaese, who has several pit bulls, raced Dakota to a nearby emergency animal hospital, but the dog could not be saved.

    Wilhite said the incident is under investigation and could not confirm the exact number of shots fired. Unlike cases in which officers shoot people, officers are not placed on paid administrative leave if they shoot an animal, Wilhite said.

    He said the officers were familiar with the family and their dogs because they had recently served a search warrant at the home.

    "I think the history of these pet owners speaks volumes about what did or did not occur," Wilhite said.

    Willa Bagwell, director of Animal Friends of the Valleys, which provides animal control services for Temecula, said her organization tried to have Chiaese's dogs taken away several months ago because there had been so many problems.

    "We've been extremely concerned about these dogs," Bagwell said. In the past seven months, Bagwell said Chiaese appeared to have taken measures to contain the dogs.

    Chiaese said she had installed an "electric fence" and that Dakota was wearing a collar programmed to shock her when she reached the edge of the yard.

    Reach Sarah Burge at 951-375-3736 or sburge@PE.com

    Temecula police kill dog dies, owner cries foul | Inland News | PE.com | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

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