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NON gamebred dog breeds/dogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by viegas703, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. dumb ass thread
  2. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    Thanks, someone understands what i was getting at. I figured people would use them for the wrong reason but i have never noticed it. AND, i never said an am bully would win, just wanted to know if that match has been done and how it went.
  3. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    i read alot of threads on here, try to read everything new if i can deppending on my time restraints, and the pattern of the same types of people asking the same types of stupid questions it seems that the hypothetical is the flavour of the month! dont get me wrong anyone and i mean ANYONE has the right to post what they like i understand its a public forum, i just think some people have their head in the clouds sometimes. example, we have a guy who only five weeks ago was asking questions about APBT and when the answers were given that the Bulldog was the no one breed for its given job, he seemed surprised, surprised on the fact that he got those answers on a APBT site? or suprised that such a small animal he knew so little about could be such an efficient machine at its role.when the points were breached he has said he knew the answer allready, either to save face or who knows but the pattern is emerging that a question is asked then 3 pages in it comes out he knows the answer before it was asked.
    every second day there is a thread started with something about bullys doing this or that and then the bully bashing begins, then they get deleted before it gets too out of hand.
    if you allready knew the answer too the hypothetical question why ask in the first place, its pointless.
    same guy didnt know what to ask ten weeks back and then now on other threads they are answering like a seasoned veteran?
    when someone dissagees or breaches a point instead of standing his ground he will agree instead of asking the reasons behind their point and learn from realistic questions, instead of pipe dreaming a half alligator half shark in the box.
    the op has changed the meaning of the question three times to suit the answers allready given yet again making the point of the thread null and void.
    if some people see me as a grumpy old man for having a rant, but if i see a certain persons handle [not just you veigas so dont think its just me picking on you] i can nearly predict the thread topic as much as it was entertaining me its obviously giving me and a few others the shits.

    And Veigas i dont hate you mate in fact i dont even know you, dont take my whinging as hate.sometimes your aproach just irritates me thats all. and im more than sure that i have that same effect on more than a few people here!
  4. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    Im not going to take it as hate. I understand you have much more knowledge on the breed and its surrounding than I do. Im sure if I have been with the breed for years i would have the same responses to ignorant people(me) as you do. It is what it is. I wont bash on the bully breed even if i dont like them, maybe if my question seemed to have changed throughout the thread is because i stated it wrong in the beggining, it happens. My fault. In the end i just wanted to know if anyone has any experience with the bully breed or non game breed being using for the wrong reasons, i already knew they cant compare to an apbt. So after looking back, yes, my question was stated the wrong way.
  5. jrpitdog

    jrpitdog Pup

    So to Viegas, why do you want to know this? (your last stated question) Just out of pure curiosity? Im not trying to bash your question or even your motive for asking the question, but to me if your real question is" In the end i just wanted to know if anyone has any experience with the bully breed or non game breed being using for the wrong reasons" First do you think anybody here on a public forum called GAME-DOG.com, is gonna pipe up and say, ya I fight my Bullies all the time. Even if you did find people that do have "experience" once again very few if anybody on this forum even cares if non gamedogs are being matched. Once again Im not trying to bash, I think the point that I and a couple others are trying to make is maybe think about what you are asking and the likely answers before asking.
  6. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    First off, i HIGHLY doubt anyone here would use a bully, after all this is a GAME dog site. I already know no one uses them, obviously. I figured some people might have seen or heard of idiots using the dogs for reasons other than what they were intended for.
  7. feastodg

    feastodg Big Dog

    if i knew of a blue dog that was the truth i would take the money easy. as im sure there would be doubters and enough sucker bets
  8. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    lol yeah but blue doesnt necessarily mean bully.
  9. popper

    popper CH Dog

    lets evreyone get along and just enjoy our great breed of dogs
  10. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    true, but it still happens...
    ur not sayin anything new, just co-signin

    especially if u lied about the bloodline lmao
  11. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    If topics like this stopped cropping up maybe co-signing wouldn't be an issue huh?
  12. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    Dream pits always standing up for me. I appreciate it.
  13. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    i guess you lucky someone has taken pity for you.:D
  14. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    Lol guess so
  15. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    maybe a little bit, but this thread is more than over with.

    it probably wouldnt be :D
  16. xlordxboris

    xlordxboris goldenkingkennel2@gmail.com

    owner of tito said this is bullshit. u heard this on forum and claim as it 100% true while u saw what owner of tito said... tano choise was to die
  17. Lee Robinson

    Lee Robinson Big Dog

    I hear what you are saying, but FYI, some reports show that the APBT has been bred into sled dogs and even some greyhounds to actually improve their abilities. This was reported to have been done by infusing the APBT as an outcross and then going BACK into the line of dogs bred for its task...watering down the APBTs influence on those dogs while hoping to capture the specific trait they desired to gain from the outcross by selecting from the crossed individuals that carried that trait when they took they took them back into the original dogs.

    All that said, I wasn't there. I have just heard reports of such from very educated old timer dogmen.
  18. Lee Robinson

    Lee Robinson Big Dog

    Excuse my follow up...The AmBully never has been and never will be a performance dog. It attracts people that drive hummers on 24" rims sport tires than never go off road. It is "all talk" types. It doesn't attract people that are interested in performance aspects in any measure.

    <O:p</O:pConcerning the tosa in their pure form...I have owned one, and have worked SEVERAL. They are good dogs, but they are NOT game dogs in their pure form IMHO. Never have been. They are powerful fighting dogs, but they are not game dogs. That said, a well bred APBT x Tosa cross IMO would have a better chance at beating either the APBT or Tosa in their pure form. I have seen some of these crosses and bred a few. They are tough dogs. The cross doesn't make a "game dog" necessarily, but it does maintain a lot of power...and adds tremendous speed and a lot of stamina to the larger slower pure tosa that tends to tire quickly. The APBT x Tosa dog isn't a stand around "huff-and-puff" type that stands around breathing while out of hold. Reports show they will go and they will scratch...so it is no wonder that the APBT is being infused into the tosa even in Japan today to improve the Tosa as well as the sled dogs and racing dogs as I stated in the post above.<O:p</O:p

    Now why is this...well...it is probably because no dog on earth has gone through the hard selection process that the APBT has gone though. IMO, there is no tougher dog p4p, but as someone mentioned earlier...the world isn't always going to be p4p. This is why muggers look for weak opponents. This is why rapists prey on women. This is why bullying occurs on the school yard. In the real world, people look for victims...and that is why our program developed the Swinford. We want the intensity of the APBT, but more size and more power so the dogs could become a loyal family dog that is also one of the most capable man-stoppers in existence today. Determination combined with speed, power, durability, and stamina combined makes a formidable opponent.<O:p</O:p
  19. damu

    damu Pup

    Lmao...no matter what forum or board i go on its always the same shit a bunch of know it alls bumpin they gums and bashin sumbody elses line of dogs...
  20. doubledog

    doubledog Pup

    Bottom line is.
    Even if a dog is 1oolbs and is hairry as hell, the media will say an apbt ar apbt mix did it...

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