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Not sure what to think of new puppy

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by bigcity, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    BC, I mean nothing personal about you or your character, yet you show clearly that you are totally clueless about these dogs. You've either not retained what you say you have read and heard, or you just have too much misinformation and other unfiltered shit to hose out of your head so you can learn some of the reality of these dogs.

    START OVER or just don't continue at all unless you can learn to listen and heed the advice of the more experienced. You say you have had these dogs a long time yet you are here, asking such remedial questions. That doesn't add up to anything but your pride getting in the way of doing what is best for the dogs you say you endear.

    Take a step back. Hose that shit out of your head and listen to the advice of experience. Don't refute good advice for the sake of your own ego or image whereby the dogs will be the ones paying the price.


    ...make sure your pup has been brought out and emptyed himself off piss+crap...before you settle him in a crate for the night..feed once a day in the morning bring him out a few times a-day and that will help with this problem ...............i assume you put papers in the floor of the crate......???
  3. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    I feed a pup as much as he of she can eat until they are about 12 months ! how big is the crate ? If you give too much room or crate is too big ? Yes they will empty ....I am guessing.your in a situation were you have to crate...I do not like to crate a.puppy that's just me..I won't do it...But if you have to then u have to...my advice is let the pup be and wash him and the crate daily...I just don't like the idea of cutting a pup off at any time of food and water ...I wouldnt even down size the crate...try news paper in a certain area of the crate...its also a sign to me that this pup isn't getting the time he or she needs to run and play..
  4. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    I respect your opinion. It has 3 years since I had a puppy around. To be honest that dog was simple and was very calm. He picked up on most of the basic training stuff very quickly. Never really had to adjust anything. I'm sure I have some misinformation and definitely do not a lot. I think most of my obedience training was based on general practices, not specific to the breed. I'm doing my best to learn, take advice, and get better at understanding my pup.

    I get home from work, let him out, feed him and give him water. Then play with him and let him run around for about 45 minutes. Then I let him out again. Plays a bit more. Then outside outside one last time before bed( I work nights). I try to keep the same schedule even on my days off.

    I do not put papers in the crate. I was using some small old towels, but all he would do is poop on the towel and then roll it around. Still getting poop on his paws.

    The crate is a large dog crate. I have half of it block off so he has enough space to lay and circle around. Yes I have to crate him. I wish I didn't, but he is a puppy and will simply destroy everything. He tries when I'm sitting right next to him.

    You said you dont crate puppies. What do you do with them when your not around?

    I am going to take your advice and wash him and the crate daily. Just going to get a medium size plastic crate so it is easier to clean. Also will try the newspaper idea. I'm not hard on him, I know he is just a puppy. I just didnt understand the playing with his poop thing. Never saw that.

    I do take him out 3 times a day for longish walks. Bring him to the park to play once a day, he loves the playground. Also will sit and play fetch in the house with him. He also runs around and plays with our cat.


    It's probally to big and cause ya have it divided.(crate)...he mite see it as inside-outside...put nothing but news-paper,in the crate....he will grow out off most of it ..he will learn when he go's out to crap,,try and walk him till he poops outside..when he do's let him know he done right.....was mistakeing him with other persons pup.....he be ok..given time.....
  6. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    My pups have a kennel with plenty of room after they are 15 weeks old...I don't know how long your walks are but 3 a day and he should be resting a lot better than he is..Most pups play real hard and it don't take long for most of them to wear down at such a young age ..They sleep quite a bit when young..So to me the type of behavior your describing just tells me he isn't getting the play time he needs...And it also could be you have to leave him in a crate for long periods of time ? how long is he staying in a crate in a session?
  7. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    make little chain (2.5 feet in your living room )(or 12 feet in your garden )
  8. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    Yea just bought him a smaller crate that's plastic for the time being.

    I just spent an hour walking and playing at the park with him. I do my best to get one long session and 2 shorter play( burn energy out) sessions.

    I work 4 days a week. I leave for 9 hours. My dad lives up the street and comes by ant lets him out about 3 hours after I leave for work. So he is not in there more then 4 hours, other then sleep time. He will usually wake my wife after about 7 hours and she lets him out. sometimes she lets him lay in bed with us for an hour or so till I wake up. Not sure if that's a good idea.

    I live in a loft and have a great wooden beam that I can do this with. You think he would be happier on a small 3 foot chain in the living room? I just worry that he will have more reason to poop in one area and stahl our housebreaking

    On a positive note. After the bad incident where he had to lay in his poop and I had to give him a 20 minute bath he has not pooped in the house or crate. I'm thinking that did not make him happy.
  9. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I pretty well like your reply that was to my quote, BC. You're trying and I can appreciate that and that you are listening to decent advice. Just be cautious of Blew 8 Bulls or you'll be SYFH all day. HAHAHA


    If ya have'nt got a yard/garden...for-get about tieing him up in the house...put newspaper beside the door,ya will notice he be more inclined to use the paper or want to go out-side..time what the best time to feed and when he poops outside..ya will find a balance..and he should learn very quick....


    ...DON'T MIND THAT TDK FELLA...HE DON'T LIKE ME CAUSE I WON'T JOIN HIS FAN-CLUB.......lol...........lol.......
  12. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I have no fans. Well, the one helping the cool air from the a/c get across the room. LOL And, Blew, I don't dislike you at all. I just think you're Timmy Tons o' Fun at times. HAHAHA I enjoy it when you make a sensible post without all the horns, bells and whistles in the way to read it. LOL


    have to do some when i'm in the haze...honk-honk...lol.....pulling your leg..tdk......respect....
  14. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    I live in a loft and have a great wooden beam that I can do this with. You think he would be happier on a small 3 foot chain in the living room? I just worry that he will have more reason to poop in one area and stahl our housebreaking

    bama told you already a bit .

    he wil not pie on his own place or crate les you let him wait 6 hours
    let us know if you first need a curso to make the puppy potty clean .
    meaby we start first with that .?
  15. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    So I am more then perplexed. Tried real hard to figure out this pooping in the crate thing.
    Feed him tonight, and over the next 4 hours let him outside 4 times with ample time to use the bathroom. He pees every time. Just no poop. I finally had to go to bed. Within 30 seconds he poops in his crate. This is after 3 play sessions and 4 outings outside. I throughly cleaned his crate today due to him pooping in it earlier in the day when I went to the store for all of 45 minutes. I wiped down to natures miracle no mess as well. It just makes no sense. 30 minutes outside no poop. 30 seconds inside crate and he poops. if it was simply a control thing he would have went outside, it seems he simply believes he should poop in crate. His poops outside are becoming few and far between. And I am cleaning poop out 3 times a day. if any amount of time passes while I'm not home, he has smeared it, and push it to the sides of the crate, and quite possibly ate some.
  16. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    Get a outside kennel or small pup chain. He'll poop outside then. End of story.
  17. Mr.Revolution

    Mr.Revolution CH Dog

    You need to walk him till he shits no matter how long it takes.
  18. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I like Treez' suggestion. It makes it cut and dried as to where he is allowed to decide to poop. Out of his hands now (and off yours, lol) as to his options and he'll get in good routine with it without a doubt.
  19. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    The pup thinks the crate is where he is suppose to go to the bathroom..So have to reverse this and show him where he is suppose to go..You going to have to stay outside with him a lot more till he gets use to going to the bathroom outside..Kennel outside would be good with a doghouse...Doghouse would kinda represent the crate...So when he has to go naturally he will come out of the doghouse and go on the ground.This should help him to realize where and where not to go...he really doesn't know right now where he is suppose to go..Up to you to show him.
  20. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    meaby he is afraid for you lol......

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