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Not sure what to think of new puppy

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by bigcity, Jun 27, 2014.



    ...just balance his feed time ...to ...his going out time...fast him for a day clear him-out..then when ya give first feed,,bring him out a few hours later, and when he poops ya will get a idea how long it takes to go threw him..and adjust to suit you+dog..remember the dog will prob;..poop a few time after feed,,...or just put him in garden...
  2. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    Ive got 3 more months on my lease. Going to get a house with a backyard when Im done here. For right now that's not an option. I am thinking of getting a small chain and attaching to a beam. So he has freedom, but cant get in trouble.

    What did you mean by this?

    I am just going to work on it. I know its going to take time. I really appreciate everyone's help. Your answers have been invaluable. I hope I can contribute in some way to the fourm
  3. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    On a side note. He is a energy filled little guy. Took him to the park. He lvoes going down slides and running around on this obstacle course they have. He latches onto tires and won't let go. Walked by the rubber swings, he jumps oup and tries to hit them like a spring pole. Once he gets ahold of it he just simply doesn't let go. Very determined! Doing some research on when to start working him on a spring pole. Already made a make shift flirt pole for him. I need to give him something productive to do with all his energy and motivation. I've already stooped playing tug o war with him, becasue he seems to get too aggressive and defensive with his toys then. I'm already trying to break him from his food aggression. Don't need to create any other bad habits.
  4. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    So after this

    Attached Files:

  5. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    I decided that crate training was not going as planed. Got an indoor chain set up. See how this goes.

    Attached Files:

  6. XLR8

    XLR8 Big Dog

    If you can't be at home all the time he is obviously gonna shit inside the home when he needs to go because no one is there to let him out. Dogs learn by repetition and yours has learned that the crate is the correct place to shit, sorry but that is your fault. Pups shit a lot, they normally shit after playing, after waking up and after eating, when they are young some people feed 3-4 times per day (a lot of shit!) and this is reduced as they get older. How old is your pup and how many meals per day do you provide? Dogs normally have a routine before they unload some will scratch the ground, some will sniff around, some will walk in a circle etc does yours do anything like this? If so key in on noticing this behavior and take your pup to the place where it is allowed to shit when it does the behavior. You will need to teach the pup that you want him to shit outside so take him onto grass (grass and soil is naturally absorbent and is usually a very encouraging place for a dog to piss and shit) and don't go home until he shits, immediately reward him with something like a freeze dried beef liver cube and he should learn fast that unloading on grass equals delicious snack. Do this on your day off. Also you need to provide a place for him to go when no one is at home to let him out. I suggest you build/buy a dog potty with artificial grass/turf on the top. Once he has learned to go on grass outside, going on the turf when inside should be an easy transition. As he grows older he will shit less and be able to hold his piss for longer as his digestive system and bladder increase in size and volume of food decreases. As soon as he can go 8 or 9 hours without needing to go for anything remove the potty, until then clean it after each use or you will discourage him from using it. When you are around always make sure he goes outside and reward him for it. The potty is just for when you are not around.
  7. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    I can't tell nobody to not get a dog but this is a good example of why I didn't have dogs for a handful of years. I was in between houses and staying in a apartment and IMO a dog like this shouldn't be cramped up in a apartment setting. Like XLR8 said, it's your fault that he's doing this and it's on you to break this bad habit. Next time I'd think about your living situation before you get a dog that you're not able to properly contain and train. Hopefully you can get that house quickly. Good luck with him.


    ...your going to have too show this dog your in charge when it comes to taken any-thing off him...don't let him get-away with anything .....because when he is an adult ya could have trouble...when he don't want to give anything up to you,,give him a kick up the a***E...this go's for any breed of dog...but spec;..big-dog's....
  9. 305APBT

    305APBT Big Dog

    I can't believe these pics, this is not a good solution. Your dog is a pup, they need to be taken out 10+ times a day. I would try the crate training again and put a divider in the crate at the half way point. Their should only bee enough room at that age to turn around and lay down. That being said pup should not be in crate for more than 3 hours slowly working up as dog grows. How often is the dog taken out? Maybe your feeding schedule should be adjusted to better suite when you or anyone can let dog out.
  10. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    I decided that crate training was not going as planed. Got an indoor chain set up. See how this goes.
    poor pup lol
  11. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    the floor he is on is already a horror for a pup .
  12. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    ...just balance his feed time ...
    cleuless lol
    a pup need to eat good ...and have a good walk/exercise evryday ...
    and in the mean time you make him potty clean .
    whenyou use your brains ..you make him poty clean in one day ..
    only cleu less ones are bisy with it for months


    .....too many overfeed pups,,even if they need a few feeds a day...he can cut it down to twice a-day......plenty for a pup of that size................clueless ..........curstone.......phewwwww
  14. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    poor pup lol

    LMFAO, no kidding.
  15. bootsbjj

    bootsbjj Banned

    I can't wait until the dog chews up that hardwood floor....

    Seriously, they dog will eat the floor if he gets board being around that pole. I'd work on figuring out how to get him empty before being put in his crate. This pole set up looks like trouble.
  16. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    Plus if he doesn't have a swivel, he's really in trouble.
  17. bootsbjj

    bootsbjj Banned

    Yeah, man...Seriously, bigcity, you need to make SURE that your pup isn't going to wind up strangled by that setup. If there's a way for him to do it, he'll figure it out.
  18. Forever-So REAL

    Forever-So REAL Quintuple Grand Champion

    :ohshit: dam can't stop :lol::lol::lol: :wedgie: that crate it look like the pup try hold it for a long time are it's real sick nasty! and nice chain setup
  19. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    truh ..but also a floor like that ..its bad the bone structure to get strong
  20. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    that living room chain ...has to be on the wal
    meaby pup got nuts fom turning around that pale

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