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Not sure what to think of new puppy

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by bigcity, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    This dude renting a house lol...Man buy you a house and some property out in the sticks if you want to enjoy this breed.
  2. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    What did you mean by this?

    sometimes they are afraid for punishment .....
    then they stay pishing .
    already when they hear the front door you coming .
    making a pup potty clean is 36 hours concentraded on the job
    not one hour evryday for 3 months
  3. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    You asking what I meant key ? I was telling him buy a house and property in a more secluded area...It was to the OP .
  4. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    Bama, I think Key quoted what part he was questioning.
  5. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    Originally Posted by keystone [​IMG] meaby he is afraid for you lol......
    What did you mean by this?

    no not to you bama
    when im read back i understand you ask lol
  6. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    I understand what your saying. I did not have him for the first 2 months. When I got him a month ago hew already had theese bad habits. He will be 5 months old 7/25. I feed him 3 times a day. He is feed a raw prey food diet. I slowly eased him from the dry food a few weeks into getting him. The thing is he doesnt seem to have a certain time after eating to evacuate. I have let him out in 30 minute intervals. Staying outside for upwards of 30 minutes. Only to have him come inside after 30 minutes and poop on the floor. I have tried rewarding him with freeze dried beef liver after he goes outside. Still he poops in the house more then out of it. I have also tried pee pads. While he will use them sometimes, he will still poop in different places.

    Honestly wasn't trying to get a puppy. The women who had him before us did not realize what she was getting herself into. He was probably going to end up at the humane shelter, and that's usually not the best place for a dog. I'm sure most people would have there hands full with him. I am getting a house in a few months. Till then I am doing the best I can

    I think I didn't explain this solution. I only put him on the chain when I am home. I can not let him roam free at all without supervision. he gets into nearly everything and will poop and pee where ever he sees fit. I take him out 8-10 times a day. I did try the divider. Not sure what to use in the plastic crate we got. I put a cinder block in a cardboard box in the metal crate. He chewed the cardboard up and knawed on the block. I bought the plastic crate becasue it will be easier to clean with messes.


    What is wrong with hardwood?

    Can you please explain how to do this. I have had 3 days off in a row. Let him out every hour. Feed him the same times. Took him out for exercise. At night within an hour of being in the crate he pees in it. A new thing he is doing is licking the urine up. I have never had this hard of a time potty training a dog

    Have you seen this? My floors are coated in a clear gritted clear coat.

    I know. He is only on this when I am home. When I am doing stuff around the house and can not watch him.

    This was after letting him out like 3 times. Then leaving for 2 hours too run errands. That's what I came home too. I was outside for 30 minutes with him we played and walked. it was 2 hours after a meal, and he had every opportunity to use the bathroom

    He cant turn around the pole. The crate is attached too the pole so he can only go left and right.

    How would I get this done in 36 hours. I have off 3 days in a row. weds-fri. I am will too try just about anything. Even bought him on of those indoor laws. Thinking maybe if he gets use to always using the lawn it will help him when he goes outside.

    I honestly did not respond to this thread for a few days. Wanted to try and figure it out. I am spending half my day letting him outside. He just does not seem to get the correlation. I put him in a small crate he poops and pees. I feed him and walk him. I make sure he gets play time outdoors. I put him in the crate and he pees within 20 minutes. I just do not understand what i am doing wrong.
  7. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    On another note. Feed him when I got home. Gave him about 1 ounce of water. Came inside. Showered and was going to let him back outside. Within that 10 minute span he pissed on the floor right in front of me. I have been using natures miracle no more markings to clean all the places he pees
  8. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    i hear you
    tel you one thing
    when you come in ..first thing you is put your doggy on the street not after you shower lol
  9. bootsbjj

    bootsbjj Banned

    That gritty clear coat just means he'll ruin his teeth AND the floor.

    I hope everything works out for you and your pup, but it really seems like your housing situation is going to make it rough for you.
  10. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    visios cirkel
  11. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    Yea I did let him out. Then showered and was going to let h out again. Before I could he was pissing on the floor.
  12. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I am very jealous that you have such a high drive mouthy pup lol You shouldn't feed the dog as soon as you get home from work. Play with the dog and exercise it until it craps, then crate rest it for 45 minutes. Let it out of the crate so it eliminates again, feed it and put it in the crate for 45 minutes. Then let it out to pee and let it out one more time before bed time. If you play with the dog enough, the exercise will stimulate digestion but always let the dog relax and calm down before feeding to avoid bloat. Also, don't exercise the dog after it has eaten, the exercise and games come before feeding time.
  13. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    How long can this thread go on ? Any bets ? Over a guy who can't house break a dam puppy !
  14. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    LMFAO @ bama, so true though.
  15. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    Good too know. I will try this

    I am happy he has a lot of drive. I like to be outdoors and like a dog that can keep me motivated to go out in the winter.

    Well last 2 days have been good. So finally looks like I got a hold of it. I did learn he likes to poop of leash. He seems to poop as soon as the leash comes off.
  16. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    ok and al lived long and happy together .


    ....if he do's it in the house,,jus make sure he know's ya ain't happy straight a-way......
  18. Tiznow

    Tiznow Big Dog

    Too much confinement for this dog. That's the root cause of all the problems.
    Get you some SECURE space OUTSIDE asap.
  19. bigcity

    bigcity Pup

    Went and looked at 2 houses today. Both with back yards. So he will be fine. Probably going to need some assistance with a chain set up. I will cross that bridge when I get there. Pup really seems to be thriving on the RAW food diet. More of a constant energy stream, vs hyperactivity and then exhaustion
  20. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    truh lol...............

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