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Outcry over dog and Bike photograph

Discussion in 'Pit Bull News' started by SMOKIN HEMI, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. cutt

    cutt CH Dog

    Dum asses....

    So, then Cesarito Milan is training dogs to fight by letting them pull him while hes on roller blades also...

    Again, the ignoranace of society is determining the outlook on our breed.

    Only a lazy fat ass would think this is cruel.... execise, cardio, bike riding/walking, sun, fresh air..
  2. BustaH

    BustaH Top Dog

    Its crazy. people are homeless and starving, yet ppl walk by and ignore them? yet this guy is doing the right thing and burning some of His and His dogs energy yet the public scream abuse?

    wtf is going on?

    A year ago I had a person from the 'dog protection league knock on my door about my dog being on a 20 foot chain. now I explained to this woman 'calmly' that my dog is excersised daily and does not spend 24/7 stuck on a chain... I said the main reason the dog is on a chain in the yard is so that it doesnt run in the road and get hit by a car. also that the dog is happy on the chain I asked this person if they thought my dog looked in distress? she said no.....but its not good for a dog to be on a chain...

    anyway I said to this lady, go down town tonight...check out the homeless ppl sleeping in doorways, is that healthy I asked?

    Then I said look I realize you may be well intentioned BUT. All heart and no head is no good... you gotta meet in the middle somewhere, how do you feel about dogs that never get excersised sit on sofas in houses getting fat and lazy etc, I couldnt believe her response...she had not listened oe [believed] a word I had said, she said those dogs are getting companionship!:eek:

    anyway, I called the national centre for the organization this woman was from...I explained and ran through my routine with my dog etc, by this time I was pretty pissed I must admit, anyway the guy said...perfect, you are being responsible with your dog, and I can obviously tell you care about your animal!

    He promised me that this woman would not bother me anymore.. [she had been 3 times!!

    I even offered this woman to come to the park with us to see how my dog excersises.

    She even agreedthat she hasnt seen many dogs in such good condition... but I was still doing wrong by putting her on a chain.... wtf is wrong with ppl!!!!!!!!:(
  3. Bigu1

    Bigu1 Pup

    Yeah I left a comment saying I felt bad for dogs whose owners feel that exercise is abuse. Also how APBT owners can't even go out in public without idiots calling them something they aren't.
  4. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    I just read some comments people left,tied to leave one myself but I can find where it was posted.It's obvious from reading some of the comments to what level of stupidity the public goes to in their hatred for the APBT.It really makes me mad but some people just won't listen.
  5. Harvey

    Harvey Big Dog

    A tired pit bull is a good pit bull I always say. Big ups to the cyclist for tiring out his dog :-) As for those who wrote in claiming to be "disturbed" by the picture, they can s*ck my b4ll5. Why? because the only reason why they're disturbed is because its en-vogue to be "against dog fighting" these days. If the busts weren't in the media so much, if Michael Vick didn't exist and the USHS minded it's own business, nobody would say word one about this guy.

    I don't know who gets on my nerves worse... Stupid people, or the pretend-friends-of-animals types.

    Just sayin.
  6. Rampage

    Rampage Big Dog

    People are so stupid!
  7. roe1880

    roe1880 Big Dog

    PHUCK them people they don't know shit.... unreal the stupidity in allot of people...
  8. Rocko

    Rocko Big Dog

    I think everyone should post on there but need to keep it civil or it will just stir the pot more..I agree, I feel bad for anyone that tries to keep their dog healty and gets slammed for it...if it had been a collie or any other "non-bully" breed nobody would have looked twice...luckly I live where I can run,weight-pull,flirtploe,etc in my neighboorhood/yard and nobody has/would say anything.... But I do get different looks from when Im running with my pitbull compared to my ratterrier....
  9. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

  10. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    The public is full of stupid people who dont know anything, about anything. Most dog owners with common sense know that a healthy, exercised dog, is a good obedient dog. This photo should be about a guy taking time to exercise is nice pit bull, not training a dog to fight. People are just stupid!!!
    Even when your doing right, your still being wrong... Whats the world coming to...
  11. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    Some of this stuff is absolutely unbeleivable! People need to learn to mind their business point blank! I left a comment, hopefully it gets approved. It was hard to mask my anger and keep it business but I did my best. Thanks for posting that Hemi....
  12. real_one

    real_one Big Dog

    People never cease to amaze with their stupidity. The man is taking care of his dog....next thing you know we will be labeled as dog fighters for giving our dogs quality food, and even serving it to our dogs in bowls. So how are we supposed to get our dogs out in a big convention, and make a good impression on the public when we can't even be responsible owners without being labeled as evil vile dog fighters?.............
  13. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    Of course race played a part. Wrong color man with wrong kind of dog. End of story.
  14. RR3000

    RR3000 Big Dog

    Still reacting,instead of acting..........
  15. real_one

    real_one Big Dog

    Color? Give me a break Why must someone always pull the race card be it white or black. It is not about color it is about stupid ass people not knowing what they are talking about.

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