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Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by pa2htown, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    thanx joker!!!!
  2. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    thanx naustroms
  3. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    and who said that i didnt kno ANYTHING about parvo..u idiots assumed that...im just not closed minded and know that i can always learn more from the people who are willing to share their knowledge...
  4. fblb

    fblb Top Dog

    Listen up you snide little prick, this is not a time for learning this is a time to take your god damned pups to the vet, and do whatever you can to help them, and not sitting in front of a fucking computer screen asking questions. You obviously don't know anything about it or you wouldn't be asking, you would be doing. Now who is the idiot?
  5. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    adivina,, ur talkn about me not reading about parvo,,YOU need to read the post b4 u comment...I SAID,,,iv done research!!!! can u not read???sum ppl on here worry more about talkn shit n ginv their dumb ass opinion than they do about answring the question n tryn to help out!!!
  6. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    fblb wrote:Listen up you snide little prick, this is not a time for learning this is a time to take your god damned pups to the vet, and do whatever you can to help them, and not sitting in front of a fucking computer screen asking questions. You obviously don't know anything about it or you wouldn't be asking, you would be doing. Now who is the idiot?
    u can eat a dick as well!!!,if u thnk im doing nutn for my dogs n just sitn here on my computer waitn for replys then ur not too bright a fellow lol...im not a dumbass like u who thinks because u know sumpn u cant b taught more...i bet iv learned more n 2-3 days @parvo than ur dumdass wld ever know..i did everything that the vet wld hav dun n then sum!!! and just for the record since ur sooo concerned the pup lived and is eatn n shit is turning normal..just because ur dumbass cld not hav accomplish this doesent mean anyone with half an i.q. cld not hav!!!!
  7. Ctnz

    Ctnz Pup


    How is the pup? did you figure out the source of the Parvo? another dog or someone tracking it in to the yard maybe

    ATEXAN Big Dog

  9. fblb

    fblb Top Dog

    You are an assuming fucking moron. A stupid little gnat at best. Know you know, and have done more than a vet could ever possibly do, huh? LMAO! You come on here looking for answers about how to cure your pups for parvo like a jackass saying I have been studying home remedies for parvo....oh wow. You know it would have done you well to study before something like this happened, but I am sure that you are far to stupid to consider thinking ahead, and learning about things of this nature. Sling insults all you want, but at the end of the day it is you that can eat a dick. I don't wish ill will on your pups for you being a steaming pile of worthless shit....before you call someone a dumb ass maybe you should learn how to spell it. WAY TO GO!
  10. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Why? because "dumbass" is rampid! You should have broke down the steps that you were already taking, prior to you asking your original question. Basicly you set your self up....
  11. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    ctnz,,the pup is doing well!!! eatn,jumpn,playn around..i gonna wait about 10 days or so b4 i letm around the other dogs tho..iv got 2others that hav it now but i was givn them early treatment so i dnt thnk they'll be too bad..thanx 4 askn!!!
  12. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

  13. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    simms wrote:Why? because "dumbass" is rampid! You should have broke down the steps that you were already taking, prior to you asking your original question. Basicly you set your self up....

    yea,,4real huh...i didnt think that i had to explain myself...i didnt kno eveyone wld be so judgemental...jus answer the dam question n help out or move around..i thnk sum ppl read threads just to talk shit...i agree... dumbassitess is running rampent!!!!lol
  14. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    I would never take a dog to the vet, especially with parvo. Your chances are so slim for them to survive. You are better off just trying to deal with it yourself. Take them to the vet and you'll have a dead dog and a $1200 bill:eek: If I can't take care of it myself, they get put to sleep.
  15. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    wardog,,please enlightn sum of these fools!!!!
  16. Boy-boy 416

    Boy-boy 416 Big Dog

    i got a heighbor two doors down from me have three dogs die within the last month from parvo its a dangerous game but your definatly better off dealing with it your self i got that ken'l-lan-128 constinatly cleanin keep my dogs in the house re vaccinated them and im still keeping a close eye on all of them so i can notice any simptoms early shit right now i got for fukin dog cages in my bed room just so i can keep close eye on them good luck tho homie sounds like you already on the right path n u rite people talk shit for sport fukem keep it pushin dats my motto:cool:
  17. chucho

    chucho Big Dog

    My pops use to give his dogs alot pedialite when they were showing signs of parvo. Sometimes he would force it down, he made sure they got enough of it. That worked for him.:D
  18. MinuteMan1979

    MinuteMan1979 Big Dog

    As I said,

    The one dog in my litter that went to the vet, dead.

    The ones I took care of on my own... ALL LIVED.

    I'm with wardog. I don't hit the vet unless it's something I CANT take care of on my own.. like a C-Section.

    I understand the sentiment, but I doubt you same guys go running to vet everytime something goes wrong.
  19. Bullnuts

    Bullnuts Banned

    Op You are doing the right thing! I saved a litter years back by forcing Colloidal silver down there throats and subcutaneous distiled water under the skin on the back of the neck to keep them hydrated. I got lucky they all survived! An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure with parvo for sure, But you are doing what any vet would do! Props hommie!
  20. I still don't like your attitude but I have to give you props on knowing what Colloidal Silver is and to use it... it is true, you should have told us that you knew or did something for the pups when you posted, because in the hands of someone that knows nothing, the pups have a better shot with a vet so that is why you got the replies you did.

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