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Philly Undercover

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by claidheamhmor, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. Do you guys have this program on Nat Geo Wild channel over there in USA? They started showing this program a couple weeks ago, showing how this group of cops are going around busting up the dogs and the people involved with them. Now from looking at the program one can see that most of the dogs they are taking to be put to death are kept in the most deplorable of conditions. It got me to wondering if those people that got the dogs should even be able to have them at all. Most of the dogs are kept in such disgusting conditions that it has made me wonder if the dogs should even be allowed to be kept in urban areas. I think its better for the dogs to be out on the plots and farms away from the cities and interfering public. You can't keep these dogs in a basement stacked one on top of the other in crates so their waste can fall on the dog underneath, that's just not right man. Anyway, when the public sees this they start to think that everyone involved with these dogs is cruel and inhumane.
  2. Be carefull, that's how its starts being judgmental about who should or shouldn't own something. I do "HATE" the owner who treats there bulldogs (or any live stock) like shit, living in shit and feeding them shit but to say who should or shouldn't be able to have something or do something is a slippery slop..................jmo
  3. dutchy954

    dutchy954 Big Dog

    Having an opinion is being judgemental. It is the truth it is these disgusting owners that make us all look bad. The sporting of dogs would be illegal regardless though. But I think there is always the right way to doing a wrong thing and then there's the wrong way of doing a wrong thing.
  4. killadev300

    killadev300 Big Dog

    Well said Dred Lok becasue as I see it there were good dogmen who were from urban areas as well...Andre Giroux comes to mind...not all were on 10 acres of land in the country. As i see it all depends on the individual,and improper treatment of animals can happen anywhere. Also one must remember that these tv shows are motivated by one thing and that is ratings... so showing crappy, dejected animals in poor conditions serves there purpose.
  5. I don't mean to come across as judgemental but those residences that they are showing on the program don't even have a yard, the dogs are kept in basements, no light, no fresh air, living in their own muck. I believe that if the dogs are to be kept in an urban environment they should at least have a decent safe, fenced, yard to run in. Those residences they are showing where the dogs are being kept are not suitable for the keeping of Bulldogs, its disgusting. If a person needs to keep Bulldogs they should at least ensure that the environment that the dogs are to be kept in is suitable for the keeping of the dogs.
  6. Rock n Rye

    Rock n Rye CH Dog

    And there are folks in the country and eith farm land that have dogs in disgusting conditions..
  7. I have seen the show. I don't regularly watch it however. As far as the cases that they show, it does seem to me that they have the biggest idiots who ask for what they get. The deplorable conditions I believe are used for ratings.
  8. Mind manipulation of the general public by bombarding them with coercive persuasion techniques through the media, to ensure that they remain malleable and pliable for the purpose of the extortion and solicitation of monetary donations from the general public to ensure their own employment can continue in order for them to justify their own existence. If it weren't for these dogs the SPCA's and cops wouldn't have a way of making a living and would be out on the street, unemployed, without a job. So don't worry gentlemen, in a hundred years time the SPCA's and the cops will still be whining "they're fighting dogs, make a donation, we need money to stop the cruelty, its horrific, please make a donation to support our endeavours". Got to make a living some how don't they? it is however at the expense of the lives of these dogs. So they're evil these SPCA's and cops, what they are doing is evil and destructive in order to meet their own financial ends.
  9. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    you dont need 30 dogs to be a hard man to beat, you dont need 10 acres of land to have good kept dogs You dont need to be rich to clean up and change water andwash feed bowls out every day , you dont need to be smart to rake a yard and pick up every day you dont have to be Known to put bedding in the proper place, It dont take a fucking millionare to build nice dog pens and houses. And a blind man can tell some of yalls yards are pure shit and the problem is not where you live or how much money they make its they have a curse they are fuckin lazy shits and thats is the truth they dont care about nothing but themselfs. That is why it is up to yall to see the dogs are put in the right places. Its up to every breeder to do that but as everything great like hunting is getting harder and bulldogin is too, all the great things are being ruined.
  10. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I wish more people thought like you man.. very nice post..
  11. dayair1

    dayair1 Big Dog

    Here, here, I second that. Spoken like a man after my own heart! Nicely put.
  12. What really irritated me on one of the shows was that one of the cops was holding a collar. The camera was focused on the collar and the cop or SPCA or whatever was saying, "this is the type of collar that is consistent with dog fighting and used by dog fighters", wtf. But yes I agree, most of them people are too lazy to keep the dogs area clean and healthy for the dog to live in. The SPCA and the film makers use the situation to manipulate the public into believing that everybody involved with these dogs does that, which just isn't true. Gentlemen, you got to keep the dogs clean and healthy looking, this show is a good example of what they are doing and using for their smear campaign against the dogs and dog men involved with the dogs. If the yard is clean and the dogs are healthy it wouldn't look good for them if they take the dogs, if the conditions are deplorable and they take the dogs, it just makes them look like hero's and all of us like mugs

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