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Picking out a Pup

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Nitrous, Dec 31, 2004.

  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Guest

    What should someone look for while picking out a pup, And how old are they when you can actually decide on wich one to get?
  2. i look for a playful and confident (not cocky) one
  3. waters

    waters Big Dog

    you let the pup pick you. pits choose there owner.
  4. Jenn

    Jenn Top Dog

    That's funny... It's exactly how Ben got to come home with us - don't forget to add though HEALTH should be a major issue (is for me) along with those little attitudes and I ALWAYS must see both parents before I would ever decide on a pup. I'd also answer that I would decide which one I would want from 5-7 weeks.

    OH YES - might I add
    someone fixed their name... PLAYA! :D LOL gave me a funny little chuckle tonight, THANKS
  5. lol.........u know how i do :cool:
  6. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    Curious, playfull, bright eyes..I personally like a pup that looks at my eyes when I speak..
    If you make a loud noise a good pup if startled will always regain and come back to investigate quickly A pup that is interested in you and not off playing by itself..

    and the pup that picks you is always a plus.

    How old?? At least 5 to 6 weeks .. and you really want to see the pup with the entire litter if possible so you can compare and see what you getting as far as is it the domiante pup? Submissive, etc.

    Check for the usuall things, too like bloated belly, runny eyes or nose, etc
  7. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    To me the most imortant thing in picking out a pup is the parents. Making sure that mom & dad have what you want, as performers & producers. Next in line is background. (I'm taking all of the health issues as a given. If the dogs are'nt healthy I won't even consider it.) Then it's just personal preforence. I don't believe at 6-8 weeks any pup in the litter has a better chance than another of turning into a quality animal. I believe the rest is up to the owner.
  8. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    BTW Happy New Year's Everyone!
  9. CK-1

    CK-1 Pup

    When choosing a pup i look at the entire litter, i try to spend a fair amount of time watching them before I decide. one good way to determine what dog I want to pick out is by watching them eat...the king of the food bowl useually catches my eye.
  10. I like it when one of the runs at you and jumps up on your leg and barks for me that is definitely a keeper sign.
  11. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    Ahh picking out a pup... Assuming that you have researched the parents and know that any pup from the litter should be exactly what you are looking for then here is the secret..

    The first pup that catches your eye... Very scientific approach.. hehe When you are looking at a litter their is usually 1 pup that stands out to you, that you seem to like the most, that's usually my pick.. I tend to like the runts too..

    I also like a confident pup, one that is exploring on its own, not afraid to be by itself, but likes to come back and play with the rest of the litter. And of course as someone else mentioned the one that picks you is always a good choice as well..

    Well guess the best way to pick a good pup from a litter is simply to close your eyes, spin around, point your finger, open your eyes and the one you are pointing at comes home with you...lol
  12. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Ah ha! I'm NOT the only one. My husband teases me b/c included in all the pups I've kept from my litters, I always kept the runts. Funny thing is, is they always turn out the best. ;)

    As to the question, you have to pick a pup that meets YOUR criteria. Most of us like different things in our dogs, hence all the diff bloodlines. Sit down & make a list of what's important for you in a dog, what you would like to see in a dog, & what doesn't matter at all. Then find k& research people with litters of pups & visit them. Once you've narrowed down to the litter you want your pup from, take it from there & make a pick. Usually instinct is our best bet. Good Luck! :D
  13. princess_koka

    princess_koka Big Dog

    Waters is right. That is how we ended up with Chief our blue. The whole time we were at the breeders house he kept wanting to paly and see our baby. After seeing him and playing with him we just had to take him home.
  14. iwallace

    iwallace Pup

    10 years ago i got my second staffy........
    he picked me ...he walked straight up to me and cocked his leg up on my boots,
    he was the runt aswell , smallest of the litter, but turned out 1 fine lookin dog
  15. Classic

    Classic Big Dog

    To me the most imortant thing in picking out a pup is the parents....

    to anyone looking for a game bred dog I think this is generally the biggest concern
  16. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    Of course it is, but I assume when you are going to pick out your pup you've already researched the parents and decided that you want one from that litter.

    I've always had a soft spot for the runts simply because they usually have to fight to survive from the get go. I've had a runt pull through parvo at 6 weeks which the mortality at that age is usually 100% and how she did it is beyond me. All I can say is she WANTED to live, and she did. They only thing keeping her going has NutriCal, fluids, and me there almost every second. She looked horrible, but had that tail working, even weakly, anytime I was around. She turned out to be one hell of a dog...lol Can't beat that.
  17. Classic

    Classic Big Dog

    Well Lady Rampage,

    I wasn't trying to be a smartass with my brief reply.
    there are things I look for if I get to pick it out.
    However, If you are going for a pup from a real popular litter you may get to do nothing more than pick a pup (.)
  18. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    LOL... I wasn't thinking you were being a smartass only that you brought up a very good point and I wanted to clarify that my pick was also based upon parents but I didn't state it..

    Very true on picking from a popular litter, and if only one or two will be let go my pick is usually one that the breeder is keeping..lol
  19. pepsi

    pepsi Pup

    I have to agree a lot with Lady Rampage.

    I like the runt and if that is not available, I then use an old-timer's secret, one that has been carried down from generation to generation, entrusted with me for a long time...

    I pick out the prettiest one. LOL (of course this is assuming all other things are equal)

    Usually a dark colored dog, or the one with the prettiest markings. I have rasied countless litters and have found that there is no tale-tell signs of what will be a good one. But if I'm going to feed a dog for at least 18 mos then I don't want to be feeding an ugly one. LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2005
  20. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    I'm using handed down secret on our next litter..lol Wonder if my hubbie will fall for it? LMAO

    He's always telling me just because its "pretty" doesn't mean its the best one ..lol

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