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Pit Bull Bible for sale

Discussion in 'Products & Equipment' started by noblebostons, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. Holdndown

    Holdndown Pup

    I have heard and been told to stay away from Cali Jack from a few people with the inside info on him. I you want and wish to keep your dogs from harms way you should. As far as buying his book no, it is the same thing as subscribing to HighTimes and paying with a credit card you are put on a DEA watch list, but in this case the FBI's!
    You Have Been Warned!

    DEATH-GRIP Banned

    no shit .how can anyone EXCEPT JACK write a book on dog fighting ( who's info he stold from real dogmen) hes working for HSUS or a informant !! look ay everyone else who published a book like that ...BUSTED ...not jack !! he is a real piece of shit & to all you that worship him are in the same class as that dog thief puppy peddler !!! you know who you are u fuckin wanna-be's !!

    DEATH-GRIP Banned

    Jack is a world class con-man NOT A DOGMAN !! for all you pit-bull bible worshipers !! your weak minded & go ahead & use jacks "world's best keep" &* you will be picking up a dead dog !!
  4. farm curs

    farm curs Big Dog

    Better than dead puppies

    Hey Grip on death pay particular attention to #4 & #9,if ya have any dogs left they'll thank you:cool:

    DEATH-GRIP Banned

    i got plenty of Bulldogs left !!! hahahaha keep dreaming curr !!!

    DEATH-GRIP Banned

    no real dogman goes 25 years & dont loose a dog/pup in way way or the other be it by your own hand or natures !! you fuckin newb !!!
  7. websterz28

    websterz28 Big Dog

    for real death grip u a bitch... u aint been in shit 25 years... if you were, you would have have been able to save those pups... and if you were you wouldnt bee all fired up to get some pup that only has three hunt wins in the first three gens and is off a 2 year old male who appears to be untouched.
    also the pups will have slim in their third, i know the cats that have slim(as of recently hes still alive) and you already got him in the third.
    just keepin it real
  8. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    So is this book worth the read? and before you jump all over this death grip yup I'm a newb Yup my dogs a cur and nope dont give a shit about what you think about it just here to learn...and I am saying this in the nicest way possible of course ;)
  9. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    it is an excellent read...for both the new and old...i liked it a lot...as i did the complete gamedog....and so what if he compiled info from others and printed it...and maybe he didn't give credit where it was due...the informatin is still the same and very useful....it is called research....kids are graduating the most prestigious schools in the country doing the exact same thing (except with footnotes and credits)....
    am i a jack fan? not in the least. his claims are just too far out there...my favorite is the 89.7% success rate....but there is no definition of what success is other than if the dog falls in the other 10% it was because of the owner being a dumbass so that one is removed from the data pool....i have seen some nice ones from vise-grip that were crossed/blended/mixed with other lines....when they work out they are vise-grip dogs (in the 89.7% group)...when they do not it is the 'cross' that screwed them up...
    if you got the cash and want to learn some bulldog information it is a good buy...there are others out there too....my favorite is the velvet and steel book by mr. stevens...a lot of the info is old and outdated but it is an excellent read for anyone...new or old....best of luck....US1
  10. general

    general Big Dog

    Do you know some thing " death grip " i love a man that speaks his mind , never heard any real dog man speak any good of cal.jack , and a lot of what you posted will have lads scratching there heads !!
  11. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    Its a MANDITORY read! That being said i dont care for a so called dogman that manipulates the game for his own personal gain but its not like he was the first or last to do so. To much info in the book not to read for newbs
  12. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    i may just look into getting my hands on one. I am not so much looking at who wrote it but looking at the information. Like I said I am here to learn not to pretend like I know it all.
  13. kayo45

    kayo45 Top Dog

    Yes Jack is an informant and did steal info for his book but it's a very good book with good info so it is a good read.
  14. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    a really smart outlook...the information is by far the most important issue, not only with this book, but just about any book...who wrote it down, collected it or stole it.,...if you use the information provided it can only help...US1


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