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Pit Bull for Protection?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by SupDogg, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. SupDogg

    SupDogg Pup

    Sup dogg?

    I recently got me a pit bull pup for protection some day in the future. I'm a runner and live out in the country. Bunch of times I've been jumped by little packs of dogs. Usually there are only about two or three of them at a time. I'd guess they're around 20 pounds each. In most cases I can defend by kicking, but three months ago one bit my Achilles tendon, I had to see a doctor and get PT. I still can't run.

    So now I got this pup. Neither of us are run ready, but we've been walking together.

    My question is: My pup is a male. I was told by someone that a female would have been a better choice for protection. I was told there is a chance my male dog might not defend me if I get attacked. He might just ignore the situation or run the other way. Is this true? Also, my Pit Bull was bred from two runt parents. He probably won't get more than 40 pounds. Would that be enough to defend against two or three 20-30 pound dogs?

    I want a running partner and someone who will defend me if attacked.
  2. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    this website will help you out
    u bought a dog that is gonna get taken away and put to sleep on purpose. You kick 20 lb dogs
  3. SupDogg

    SupDogg Pup

    I tried self defense spray. It got blown in my eyes, skin, etc... and hurt like a son of a bitch. Second worst run ever.
  4. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    is this a serious post?
  5. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    My personal suggestion would be to take a gun and shoot the dogs if they're biting you.If my APBT run the other way,I'd shoot him too,LOL.Seriously,if he's a bulldog at all he shouldn't run and a 40 pound bulldog is enough to handle 3 20 pound curs.The main problem is,will your APBT get accused of being a vicious dog and you get a visit from animal control.That would be my biggest concern,would be what would happen to my dog in the event it did whip a couple of strays.How's your dog bred anyway?Just curious.
  6. SupDogg

    SupDogg Pup

    Yes, why? I thought it was pretty clear. Maybe I missed something.
  7. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    get a gun, i wouldnt set up my dog to be triple dogged when a gun will take care of the problem a lot faster & a lot easier
  8. SupDogg

    SupDogg Pup

    I would, but I don't want to ruin my guns. They don't come out EVERY time I run the route. I never know where they're going to come out at. Not all the dogs are wild, a few of them are domestic with owners who don't tie them up.

    The problem with running with guns is that that they're heavy and the amount of sweat produced while running ten miles would destroy them due to rust caused by saltwater/sweat.

    I live in the country, MOST of the dogs are wild. I doubt anyone will report him as vicious.

    I don't know much about how he was bred. I got him off a guy I knew. I saw his parents. They weren't very big.
  9. SupDogg

    SupDogg Pup

    A gun would be easy if I were a just a walker. Running fifteen miles with a heavy bouncing gun isn't easy. Plus, the sweat would destroy it. I got guns, but running with them isn't really an option.

    MISSAPBT Top Dog


  11. SupDogg

    SupDogg Pup

    Re-read. I didn't say the dogs attacking were pit bulls. They're mutt mongrels. I got a pit bull. Based on runt parentage I expect he will get around 40 pounds.

    Also, I'm not in 'the public' I live in the country.

    Damn. You can't read.
  12. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    talking dog ,if the dog is da then it should def protect yea,at the most give you a upper hand.now in my opion i dont keep dogs near me for protection, a good holster to hold a cheap 22-25 would be a good option.if you get 3 50 pound strays comming at you the fight is way unfair and could be a disater for a 40 pound dog.
  13. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    Get a Glock,light,reliable and I can run all day with one.I even wear mine fishing,while wading the creek.
  14. Treat your pup with love and kindness and you won't have any problem running and worrying about other dogs. Don't listen to the gun nonsense.

    DEATH-GRIP Banned

    my god does it ever end ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  16. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    your right, fuck the gun! bring your dog and let it get jumped by 3 or 4 dogs!!;)
  17. If the pit is truly a pit I don't think any 20 pound mutt will come near. Or 2 or 3. Just my experience.

    Lets all go jogging with our 9's and shoot things. Sounds like you've never been to the big house. Not a pretty place...
  18. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    i realize we arent all brain surgeons but jesus christ, take another look this quote.

    1. no a 20 lb stray prolly wont stand a chance with a bulldog. but 2 or 3 will send you home with some vet bills. r u going to risk it? go ahead aint my dog or budget.

    2. "just my experience"? hence my brain surgeon comment.:rolleyes:

    3. it is not a crime to protect yourself or your animals.
    example: man over here was walking his black lab off leash, it ran up to a farmer (no hostility) the farmer shot the dog because he had sheep grazing 100 yards away.

    the farmer was innocent & "justified" according to the judge.

    THIS WAS IN CA!!!!!

    so no, protecting yourself and your pets are not illegal, especially if theyre strays and not on a leash!
  19. Einstein, in NJ a 9 lands you in jail. If you discharge it in the state, you go to jail. Have you lived under a rock all your life? Ever hear of Plaxico Buress?

    WHich is worse a vet bill or 2 years in Trenton State? How about 100k for the lawyer as well.

    By the way, protect this...
  20. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    just posession? maybe if it aint registered, gun ownership is not illegal anywhere in the U.S and if it is it would be CA lol

    ok i realize theres a difference between "discharge in a neglegent manner" & "self defense" which im positive are 2 different charges.

    if your going to posesse a fire arm, im not saying to go by it from ol leroy on the block and then stuff it in your waste and shoot at everything that moves,


    get it legit & registered, dont keep it concealed (or do whatever you choose) and be smart, know when to bust!

    your crazy if your trying to tell me that self defense is illegal.

    and if it is in NJ, then get a fuckin pellet gun. those things will take and eye out.

    theres a shitload of better answers then, get your dog jumped. these dogs were bred for 1 on 1 canine combat, not to be ninjas or jedi's.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2010

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