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pit tattoos

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by bigsho, Nov 12, 2004.


    Black work portrait. 8/18/05

    was going to wait until it healed but oh well...............
  2. Chyna

    Chyna Pup

    Nice Tattoos arpitbull2. I wish I could afford to get some more myself. I am kind of sorry my tattoo story got lost in between all the pointless bickering going on in this thread.This could have been a great thread full of useful infomation and tattoo stories but noooooo.....
  3. SouthernDixie

    SouthernDixie CH Dog

    I agree. Since it's obvious everyone has different opinions about tattoos and tattoo artists, lets settle this and see some more pics!!!
  4. Yeah 14 rock's tattoo looks good. Its a sweet picture. The size and placement are good too. Do you have any pics of it after it healed? Just curious to see it once it lightened up. Tight dog too.
  5. no, your story wasn't lost, I thought it was a good story. You obviously cared about your dogs very much plus they both lived a long time. Sounds like you have some good times. I'm the same way, my dogs go everywhere with me. I like the tattoos. Thats cool how you got his ear standing up like you were saying. Are you going to get your two new ones done?
  6. I agree.............do you have any pit bull tattoos Dozer?
  7. SouthernDixie

    SouthernDixie CH Dog

    Actually yes I got it 2 weeks ago. I hate it. It is supposed to be my dog but looks more like a cartoon and I'm pissed. I don't have a pic of it but I'll get one up asap.
  8. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    I'll get a new one for ya when I can get my hands on a digicam....those pics were taken by him at the shop and sent to me afterwords so.....I'll try to get a new one for you when possible. The colors look alot better now I'd say, lightened up a bunch and color is almost spot-on. You'll be the first to know when I get a new pic.
  9. Chyna

    Chyna Pup

    I'm sure I will but if they live as long as my other 2(Chyna is 5, Ginger is 2)it will be at least 10 years down the road.My wife says I should get our (more hers than mine) Chi-wa-wa tattooed too, I don't think so. Bela is cool but she ain't no Pit. LoL
  10. i got one on my leg ill get a pic and post
  11. BlackSeal

    BlackSeal Pup

    my forearms...

    as for the cost of ink.. well, being best freinds with your artist makes it very nice

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    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2005
  12. chainsoff

    chainsoff Big Dog

    Right keep yappin you ***** made inbred ****. You're the expert, With all your lies about all the "shops" your family "owns". Look, a professional studio, is not a ran down single wide trailer running off you neighbor's extension cord, which I'm sure is what the "family business" consists of. And you do have some nice work, too bad they're all of some fat ass curr do

    This post has been edited by Whiskey Bay.Reason durogatory comments.:mad:
  13. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    chainsoff, I cannot find my folder!!!! My husband & I just got finished looking some more just now (& inevitably having to clean :p), but it's like it just up & disappeared!:( All my work even as rough as it might of been. We are going to go through all the file cabinets tomorrow to see if I filed the pics away. Who knows. If we can't find it, do you need to me to kind of draw (rought sketch more like it) what I'm talking about, or did you have any ideas....they're probably better as my design was still bordering manly. And I've decided to go with some sort of flower over combining the face with tribal art. I have the pic of my grandfather's tattoo that I was taking the tribal art from, but I think your idea was better & definitely more feminine. Just pm me. And I FOR ONE am glad you are helping me! ;)
  14. Big Papa

    Big Papa CH Dog

    no tats for me but i like the pit tats though
  15. RollinRuger

    RollinRuger Big Dog

    The work looks pretty good , but you said it curs, and thats curs for life!
  16. chainsoff

    chainsoff Big Dog

  17. chainsoff

    chainsoff Big Dog

    Mia, I've got a good idea of what you want. I just wanted basically the shape of your dog's head to see how to place the Hibiscus. As far as the tribal that you want, you can send the pics, I don't really draw it nor tattoo it, it's just not interesting to me. But if you send the pics, I'll take care of it for ya.
  18. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    I've decided against the tribal. I think you're more on the right track than I was. And I couldn't ever situate the tribal markings properly around the head so it didn't look like a dude's tattoo. And the photo I was playing around with is the one in my avator (as she looks sooo much like Akee in that pic. I swear God gave me Mia for a reason......out of 34 pups, only 1 resembled Akee). Hopefully, I'll find all my stuff tomorrow. Plus, pics of my other tattoo are in there as well..........

    Oh yeah, & the only problem we were running into with the below pic, is the ear situation. The left ear is "hiding".

    And I'm going for color on this one as well as my other of Sukari has color
  19. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

    Mia, I did this in photoshop..hope it helps.

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  20. Whiskey Bay

    Whiskey Bay Top Dog


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