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Please give advice.. Licking

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by malachi, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    My bottle says "Keep out of reach of children, for external or aromatherapeutic use only. In case of accidentaly ingestion, call a doctor or poision control center immediately."
  2. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    mine doesn't say all that. Aromatherapy? Mine was purchased in the pet store and meant for animals....I think the warning on yours is for people. I don't think a little bit of it will do anything. Call the emergency vet in your area and see what they say. God, I hope my advice doesn't hurt your dog :( I just know mine don't like the smell of it and don't lick it.
  3. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Well, he has only licked it twice and the look on that boys face was price less. He ran to his water bowl and drank his water then went and eat all of his food. He laid down went to lick his paw smelt it and then he got up and went to play so maybe the two licks did the trick. If he is acting funny in the morning I will call the vet. And I am the stupid one for not reading the bottle.
  4. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    I'm sure he'll be fine. That's good that he's at least stopped licking it. And it's an excellent anti-fungal. I think it works just as good as the animax, for alot less $$.
  5. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Well, thanks for all of your help. And everyone elses as well. I will be sending rep points for sure. I will keep you all posted on what works. And if anyone has any more information or advice please keep it coming.
  6. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I am going to take your word for that. That just sounds too gross to even mess with.

    They cayenne pepper probably isn't going to do much. dogs and humans have different taste. cayenne pepper isn't hot at all to me unless it is no super high concentrations. What people fail to realize is that cayenne helps reduce high blood pressure and overall processes of blood funtions. You would have to do a search on the homeopathic and natural healing qualities of cayenne. When working with peppers many attribute the taste to burn. cayenne isn't the same as tobasco or habinero peppers. I eat them too. eat the hell out of them. But that is my thing. I go to herbal remidies over going to some doctor any day. I studied bio chemistry. most meds just mask not cure. just a note.

    Any way a paste of cayenne may deture your dog from licking the feet. the qualities of cayenne will be good either way. lol

    I would say use a firm NO. and give the dog something else to do. Behavioural modification. Take the behaviouralist approach.
  7. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    In addition, cayenne is also used as an arthritis reliever and topical anaesthetic, they make rubs out of it now. I take cayenne supplement pills, they are good for regulating blood pressure, maintaining red and white blood cell integrity, and also work as an anti-carcinogen as they destroy free radicals in your body.
  8. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Pepper spray is super concentrated. in powder form it isn't near that strong. Mixed with water it is diluted even more. Pepper spray doesn't work on me. CS, doesn't either I used to walk into the gas chamber and just stand there. However I get around ragweed and I am done. Now that would be a good deturant for me. Tear gas does not effect me. Never has. Either way the concentration levels are drastically different. Heck ya pepper spray would burn in a cut. the concentration levels are hundreds of thousands higher in the pepper spray used to ward off offenders. I used to get the power left over and put it in a little metal box to use at bars when some one was pissing me off. poor a little in my palm and blow it into their face. That is really effective and will even make my eyes burn a little and get then snot factories in motion. lol
  9. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I do too and use the cream for arthrits pain. Good stuff.
  10. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    it is good stuff....but still no substitute for the real thing.....gotta have my daily hot pepper fix!!! lol
  11. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    Chances are, if the yeast/fungus infection is gone, your dog has just developed a bad, bad habit. I had a dog do this after his feet became sore from running. Eventually, I had to put an ointment on the feet (NFZ or Bag Balm), cover them in socks and then wrap with a self-adhesive bandage. All 4 feet!! When we went outside, I put ziplock bags on them. He hated it. Everytime he showed his feet any kind of attention, I would call him to me and work on some commands, or even just give him a good brushing. Eventually, he stopped. It might be as simple as that with your dog. If you have taken him to the vet and he has been cleared of infection, it might just be habitual now. Good luck with him, and be careful with what he is injesting;)
    malachi likes this.
  12. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    Question, is all this cayenne peper and tree oil recomendations,actually will cure the infection the dog has in its paws, or just prevent the dog from licking , because he will not like the taste or what not, if its just preventing the dog to not lick his paws, it will not work, you will need antibiotics to kill the infection. Good luck
  13. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    tea tree oil is an anti-fungal and anti-septic, it can clear up fungal infections and fight off bacteria. The cayenne I think was suggested as a way of keeping the dog from licking. I think the OP said the vet had gave her something to clear up the fungal infection, but the dog keeps licking and not letting it heal. I suggested the oil because it kills infection and dogs don't like it.
  14. WWII

    WWII Banned

    I think mine was pretty much doing the same thing to his feet. But he ate/licked/tore off the pads on both his front feet.:eek: I'm cleaning them about 2x/day with betadine and applying neosporin, then putting some of those dog boots on so he can't lick them.
    malachi likes this.

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