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Pregnant pit

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by lovinj4, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    advise breed a pit to get pits.dont breed a pit to get staff.s...oh never eat yellow snow with a stick..
  2. rpk

    rpk Big Dog

    You should not have even tried to breed this dog because you obviously know nothing about breeding dogs. If your dog is confirmed pregnant by a vet's examination, what are you going to do next? This is serious business. You don't know right so you are probably going to risk your dog's health and possibly the health of the pups. You need to read the article on breeding dogs. It is on the article page of this site. Many times breeders lose money instead of making money from breeding a litter. As for blue pups, you need to check the lineage of both dogs bred and see what they are made of but even then you won't know for sure until the pups are born and even then their color may change. Many blue pups fawn out as they get older. You are breeding for the wrong reason if you are mainly breeding for color.
    GD2 likes this.
  3. Luigi

    Luigi Top Dog

    This blue breeding frenzy has got to end. : (
  4. ScrappyDoo

    ScrappyDoo Top Dog

    I think that blue is a beautiful color on a dog but color has nothing to do with the dog. Breeding for color is a big mistake. What about their temperment? I agree with Luigi. The frenzy needs to end. Color does not make a pit bull.
  5. Luigi

    Luigi Top Dog

    I own a rescue one and I could rescue a hundred more today there are soo many out there that need homes.
  6. ScrappyDoo

    ScrappyDoo Top Dog

    The pup that I currently own is a rescue. Well, I consider him a rescue. I didn't get him from a shelter or anything but the man that owned him had three pups in a cage with no water and no food. He only fed them every other day (one bowl of food for them to share). He said he couldn't affoard them so he gave the puppy to my husband and I. Then, after all of the puppies from that breeding had homes, the bastard said that he was going to breed his other female because she was comming into heat soon. :mad: Common sense would tell you that if you couldn't affoard these puppies you can't affoard another litter!
  7. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    I so wish we could leave the breeding of our dogs up to the experts, so they would be true to standard and have proper temperments. Dang I love my little female but it is so apparent that she is a Staff/Pit mix when you compare her to my game bred male. Her drives are so exaggerated, she is wonderful with people but a continuous concern when it comes to other dogs, my male not so. Don't get me wrong my male can get mighty fierce when motivated but he is so confident not many other dogs motivate him, is my guess. I can't help but think it's because of my females breeding that she is the way she is, and what would have become of her had she not fallen into the hands of someone who loves her and will make sure she is safe and others around her are safe...... I wish folks would leave breeding of APBTs to the ones who know what they are doing :(
  8. GD2

    GD2 Top Dog

    good post that is what would have said. SHE HAS OPENED A BIG CAN OF WORMS FOR SOME PEOPLE ON HERE.
  9. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    Okay this is why breeding of APBTs should be left to those who know how to assess a) are the dogs worthy and b) do i have a chance of bettering the breed with this breeding

    I participate on another forum where once again we Pit owners are takin on the chin. An incident in Chicago over the weekend described with language like this:

    The loyal friendship between 10-year-olds Nick Foley and Jourdan Lamarre turned them into heroes as they each tried to save the other during a savage attack by three rampaging pit bulls.

    Note the colorful discription above. How do we defend ourselves when fellow dog advocates can make statements like these:

    All the classic warning signs of stupid dog ownership:

    The owner had *no* fencing whatsoever.
    Dogs were noted to be out without a leash previously.
    The dog owner was a backyard breeder.

    This has effected an entire neighborhood. They're actually offering counseling to the kids classmates school. Many children are now going to have a life long fear of dogs over this incidence. Along with all the kids being badly injured, several adults were bitten trying to save the kids ( and might I add that *one* person skilled with a firearm would have stopped this tragedy in a short time. But you can't get a concealed weapons permit in the state of Illinois. Another sterling example of people being stopped from defending themselves by politicians....yet another reason I live in a gun friendly state ). The long term fall out from this will affect many lives for a long time to come.

    And the BSL folks get another round of ammunition to use.
    *sigh* Pit bull lovers....if you don't police your own, it's going to be the end of your breed,sooner or later. And instead of pissing and moaning about BSL, ya'll need to stop selling your breed to morons or the irresponsible.

    Now I hope nobody breeds dogs irresponsibly on purpose, but there is a reason game, tempermant and purpose are major drivers for keeping the APBT TO STANDARD!!!!!!!!! If you cannot be assured of this how can you be sure what you are producing won't be in a story like this someday? How can you do your best to better the breed if you are breeding a dog that has not proven itself worthy, is not to standard and being bred to an equal UNKNOWN??? Sorry for the rant but if your dog is not pregnant get it fixed, leave the breeding to the experts so we can minimize the risk we are all being exposed to by producing unknown dogs that may be capable of the caranage described in this story......

  10. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Although I have very bad feelings about this pregnancy, you asked a question & I will answer it.

    At around 32 days you can take the bitch to your vet & have a blood test done. Just remember, these aren't 100% accurate. At around 45 days you can have her x-rayed. Until then, well, we'll just hope.................
  11. lovinj4

    lovinj4 Pup

    Man almost everyone has someting bad to say about me wanting pits and even blue pits. I am a very good mother to smoke and I just want her to have pups for herself one time. And I dont even want to ask anyone any questions anymore.Thanks for letting me try it out.
  12. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Uh-umm. I answered your questioned.

    But you want her to have pups just one time. Let's see.....let's say she has 10 pups & 7 are females. You sell all 7 females b/c hey, why else breed if not to make some easy money? Anyways, the people who buy those 7 bitches will breed them asap & let's say each has on average 11 pups. Well, that's 77 pups plus your original 7 that you're responsible for. Then let's say that out on average 6 pups from each litter were females & that those females were bred asap & had on average 9 pups each. You do the math.

    And if you'd like, on Sat. I get the "pleasure" of euthanizing 5 unwanted "pit bulls". 4 of those are those "rare, everyone wants" blues. You want to come hold them for me?
  13. El Mexicano

    El Mexicano CH Dog

    And if you'd like, on Sat. I get the "pleasure" of euthanizing 5 unwanted "pit bulls". 4 of those are those "rare, everyone wants" blues. You want to come hold them for me?

  14. Big Papa

    Big Papa CH Dog

    you know i wish i had money so i can adopt them pitbulls and put them on like a 2000 acre land or maybe buy me my own land haha like the celebs

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