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Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Jelet, Dec 20, 2009.

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  1. mw9661

    mw9661 Pup

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    My dog has defended me against people and other dogs but then again he's just a bit mad (working boxer lines). He won't let strangers into the house uninvited, even the window cleaners, gas/electric men/women know to knock first! This didn't just happen we chose a specific dog from a working litter and brought him up in a way that he was protector of home and family. Best of luck going near my nieces and nephews lol but as stated it doesn't just happen unless you get a breed that has been bred to do that but even then there is no guarantee that the natural guarding instincts are going to kick in, what was that other thread about % of gameness in pups? same thing.

    APBT - dogstopper

    Guardian mollossoids - man stoppers

  2. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    just like mine though i have to keep a open mind if i see any sighn that he might attack without just cause he getting culled.personaly id rather take a bite from any of my other before him but the #1 is as a dog owner i have to look out for the well being of family,friends,neighbors.any bite breed should be trained when to use aggreson and not,and there trained not to kill as a untrained that protects or is confused about its natural gaurding can result in an unnessary attack or kill.

    NMWAPBT Top Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    tht training is basically a test to see how the dog reacts and then to work with it even farther
  4. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    For WHOM? seems to me you got yourself a timebomb. But then again you know what you got. ;)
  5. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    Yea I understand that now, but the thing is rigged. The owner is going to be relaxed and the dog will pick that up. Thus, it may not attack because it senses the owner is not letting out any signals/scents that he or she is in danger.

    I agree aswell. I do not believe pitbulls should be trained for any bite work. But what I was saying was these dogs should defend you on its own(with no training) if you are getting hurt.

    What? I never said using an APBT For bite work/protection training! How will people get these dogs and ruin it for you when 99/100 times, one will never even be in any real danger which will require your dog to protect you. YOU DONT NEED TO TRAIN YOUR APBT FOR ANY PROTECTION TRAINING. IT WILL PROTECT YOU NATURALLY IF YOU ARE IN ANY REAL DANGER. Key word:REAL. Not some retard pushing you are talking loud to you. Why should an APBT never be human aggressive? Seems like none of you actually experienced a "dangerous situation" before, so how can you say how your dogs will act. Wake up and smell the roses.

    I think your interpreting my post wrong. Which is my fault because I rush when I post.. But What I said was, if one wants a dog for "protection" Do not train it. It should protect you naturally. Also why would you have your dog with you waiting for a bus. they allow dogs on the bus? :p But even still, Why would your dog bite? If it was not trained??? How is it an accident waiting to happen if your APBT was never trained for protection work? --- You dont need to train your dog for protection. it should do it naturally! Thus, a well bred apbt will only bite a human if it is absolutely needed.

    Because German shepherds are hairy 25< currs. They will quit when things get tough. But I agree, if one wants to do some type of Bite Sport. Should get a German Shepherd or some other breed of that suit who naturally will be good at it. If I wanted a dog who will protect my house and yard when I am not home. I would get a guardian type breed such as a german shepherd. But If I wanted to get a breed to protect me if I am in any danger, I'd stick with a well bred APBT.

    Well, if you have an "apbt" from a breeder, whose ancestors were not tested in 20 or so years... That is not a well bred pitbull IMO. Its parents nor ancestors were not tested.

    I dont want people doing bite work or sports with there APBT either. But I am just saying the dogs should defend you if you are in a situation... Does not need any training.

    I agree, I do believe they are not suitable for these activities/sports. But as I said before, for a protection dog, i'd still go with an apbt(no training) then a "trained" guardian type of breed. Why? Because the guardian breeds Curr out quick! Only benefit of a guardian breed is to watch your house when you are not home and to not allow strangers to go in uninvited.


    Will my apbt guard my house when I am not home? No he wont. You can come in and he will lick you or beat you with his tail.

    Will my apbt bite you if you push me. No he wont. That is not a real danger.

    Will my apbt bite you if you are on top of me punching my face. Yes he will.

    Is my apbt "trained" for any bite work? NO he is not.

    It is natural. because he has a good bond with me and i raised him since he was a puppy.

    Have any of you ever beein any real danger before with your BONDED dogs. No you have not. So how can you say your apbt will not protect you? A well bred apbt should only show HA when the owner is being attacked. Only excuse... And if you were never attacked before, how can you see your apbt be HA? Exactly.
  6. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    if you came over and i open the door you will get love,time bomb poss thats why i also said i watch him and if i get any sighns of just outright aggresion as a owner he would have to be put down with no hesitation.
  7. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    Hence my last statement.
  8. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    Jelet, you need to quit talkin out your ass. ive had well bred dogs that were bonded to the whole family longer than you been alive. they arent protection dogs, and HA dogs are junk imo. ive been in serious binds where chains, lead pipes and guns were involved, and guess what happened every time...nothing. doesnt get more serious than that does it? these were raised by me from being a puppy, that were better bred than youve seen so quit spewing garbage chump
  9. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    "Will my apbt bite you if you are on top of me punching my face. Yes he will."

    has this theory been tested before? apparently u speak from experience of gettin punched in the face
  10. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    Jelet, do you have a game bred dog? Just because you believe your dog will protect you when the going gets rough, doesn't make that true for the breed as a whole and it doesn't make anyone else's relationship with their dogs any less.
  11. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    Sorry wood, with all do respect...To be quite blunt, I think you are making this up. You were in fights with chains and guns involved? Holy shit...!? I just highly doubt your dog is not intelligent enough to realize you are in danger and need help---to protect you. Hard to imagine it sitting there watching you get beaten with a chain.

    Heres an interesting read by California Jack. He has the same opinion on this subject.

  12. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    i got an arrest record longer than your arm pal. i aint makin shit up. subway parkin lot winterset iowa. 1996. BTW, i didnt say I was gettin beat by a chain, but again youre talkin out your ass. 18 years old and this is what, your first dog? no wonder you need to copy/paste
  13. k_pbs

    k_pbs Pup

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    I think I know what a well bred APBT is. But as said , never heard of APBT´s bred for this kind of protection work or tested for anything like that. News to me;)...
  14. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    Lol. Never would of took you for someone with that type of record. So what were you doing in the situation with the chains and guns involved? Please give me a better description. how were you being attacked? And your dog was loose? More details plz.

    Me either? an apbt doesnt need to be bred for protection to protect you.
  15. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    Jelet cal jack was just making a statement to atest to why u would own an APBT and to show their loyalty. but i dont see where he gives u an example of this taking place im sure it has before not saying that "your" dog wont protect u but it is few and far between that one will find a dog like this
  16. mw9661

    mw9661 Pup

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    jelet wrote -
    "Have any of you ever beein any real danger before with your BONDED dogs. No you have not. So how can you say your apbt will not protect you? A well bred apbt should only show HA when the owner is being attacked. Only excuse... And if you were never attacked before, how can you see your apbt be HA? Exactly. "

    Yes! can't be bothered to get into it but yes he has protected me from both dog and human, don't care if you believe me don't care what you think either to be honest.
    I don't think you understand what you're saying but I'll give it a go -
    APBT are the best protection dogs when they are untrained??? do you know what I can't even be bothered with this mate do some research on all the guardian breeds like I have and am still doing and then you will understand.

    Fuck it here goes.

    what would you rather protect you?

    A. Caucasian Ovtcharka
    B. Fila Braziliero.
    C. SA Boerboel.
    D. APBT.

    The reason APBT is answer D is because you would have to be a dunce to pick one over the rest! An APBT will probably protect you at SOME point, but a true to type (temperment) guardian breed WILL DO WHAT IT IS BRED TO DO AND ONLY GET BETTER WITH TRAINING!

    You don't train a dog when to bite but expect it to make the decision when to do with no training? That is just irresponsible and to be honest a 35-45lb APBT would not detter me half as much as a 100lb AB (johnson lines).

    O.k so lets tell all the people who need personal protection dogs (I know two people personally that use them) to get APBT's and then what when they bite someone another 1000 bulldogs get slung in the fire WORK IT OUT!

    I don't believe it is good for the breed in any way shape or form to say it will bite people, fuck me surely you realise there are unimformed impressionable people on here just reading (like me usually) that may think it would be a good idea to get one and use it for the wrong purpose?

    Sorry to be harsh but it needed to be said.

    I LOVE the APBT I wish I could own one but It will not happen at the mo' cause of BSL and the reason we have BSL is because dipshits let their "pitbull type" dogs bite people WORK IT OUT.
  17. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    lets see Jelet, ill keep this short...with a couple buddies in a pickup, one had been messin around with another mans woman. a doberman and my apbt in the bed. the fella flies up and t-bones us on the driver side, and 4 guys pile out. one with a shotgun and the rest had an assortment of weapons. the drivers door was pinned shut, so we pile out the passenger side. my buddy drops the tailgate and the dobie jumps out lookin to get serious. 3 on 4 fight with a dog biting everyone(who later had to spend 10 days at the pound btw) and my dog sat in the bed the whole time. cops roll up and i got 5 feet of log chain swingin over my head trying/threating to smack anyone who gets close. turns out the gun wasnt loaded, so the gun charge was later dropped in a plea, and i was charged with assault with intent to do serious bodily harm. thats some of my experience, now lets hear yours
  18. Barkada27

    Barkada27 Pup

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    there is absolutely no way to know if a dog is going to protect its owner in the case of attack or stress... if an untrained dog protects with no trainer, then that is just an isolated incident with an individual dog, with nothing to support if the same outcome would be produced if the situation were to repeat itself or if a different dog were to put in that situation. The same could be said for any other form of training.. if I expected my dogs to do well in weight pulling, just because they can pull hard on the leash during a walk... hahha I'm gonna be in for a rude awakening when I hook that dog to the cart. Training is developed for a reason... to develop a CONSISTENT, desired, pre-conceived response so that that same response is produced when the intended need presents itself.

    Sport and live protection dogs are extremely different in disposition, but the thing that thet have in common is that they need to be TRAINED in order to secure the end-result. To have a protection decoy agitate a dog and have a dog bark and growl on-leash is one thing, but to have that same dog perform under high stress is quite another thing. The application of that stress and pressure is what the field training is for (to evaluate a dog's performance under normal and high stress, to see if the dog is appropriate for the JOB).

    Aside from my Olde Bulldogge and my Jeep and Bolio pups, I also own a German Shepherd imported directly from the Czech Republic from Czech Border Patrol working-lines.... his entire 7 generation ped is comprised of well-known dogs who actively worked for the border patrol service. Obviously, even that is no guarantee that he will be the right dog for the job of personal protection (which is the reason I bought him in the first place). Extreme assessment has gone (and will continue) toward the different areas of his temperament, drives, and nerve... if he doesn't have the right qualities to perform the job, he gets moved out and placed... and I move on to the next prospect. Simple as that.

    Not to sound condescending or undermining, but the even more important aspect of formal protection work is the aspect of obedience. All the agitation and drive work in the world is a lost cause with a properly trained protection dog if the handler/owner does not have a top notch obedience control over that dog. If that same concept is applied to the average bulldog owner whose dog reacts by instinct and bit someone.... what if the reaction is the wrong one? Or the wrong situation? Then that untrained dog just bit someone for no reason, and the owner had no solid means of obedience control to have that dog out (release) on its grip on the owner's cue/command. In other words, most properly trained protection dogs will be vigilant, and will not react unless cued by the owner (verbally or physically)... and for very good reason.

    So the perspective I have on this topic is that pet dogs should not be relied on or expected to perform in any form of protection work, for two reason and opposite extremes: 1) either they won't react with any courage and will bark in fear (from a safe distance) 2) or they WILL react, without any form of high control or pre-trained communication with the owner. Either option does nothing but negative things for anyone involved, including all owners in the breed-owning community.
  19. mw9661

    mw9661 Pup

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    EXTREMELY well put barkada TY.
  20. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    very well put and hopefully is absorbed by the OP
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