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Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Jelet, Dec 20, 2009.

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  1. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    That is a experience no doubt. But does your dog know what a shotgun is? Does it know that once that dude presses the trigger, your going to have a hole through your body? And did they ever physically attack you. My dog would probably do the same thing in your situation. He probably have his ears up and alert, but wont jump out of the car and attack or act viciously.

    Not from the way I am interpreting it...

    No, I can not say my theory has not been tested before. However, Its one of those things which you "just know" In example- My dog never fought any dogs before. But If I set him loose, he will fight a dog regardless of any previous incidents. I can just tell what he will do from his body signals and canine behavior;)

    That is true, I do not know about the rest of the apbts out there. But only way your going to convince me, is for me to see it with my own eyes.

    Its something I will need to see for myself, only way your going to need to convince me. Do as you please. Waste more money to feed on the hairy, 100 lb 25< currs. One can come to my household and assault me. All I need is my 40 lb apbt and I will be fine.

    As I said before. Has anyone on this board ever been physically attacked to have there dogs sit back and watch? If someone busts open my door with a gun pointed at me. My dog will most likely not do anything. Maybe just sniff. But have the person with the gun bashing me with it and pushing me on the floor. Then my dog will most likely grab hold of his neck. I have no time for this nonsense. If yall wanna waste your money on "Guardian" dogs, be my guess. Just dont wanna see you cry to me when you get in real danger and the dogs quit on you.
  2. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    anyone here own a smart bat? maybe then u can bash some smarts into this kid and we will all be better off,u have someone with experience talking to u jelet and u still acknowledge nothing u are someone who cant and will not learn to be a good dogman
  3. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    did my dog know what a gun was? lmao....jelet, i hunt with my dogs, and that boy in particular was a coyote killin fool. hed been in the field plenty and knew what a firearm was
  4. Leslie H

    Leslie H Big Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    Jelet, it's time for you to sit back and learn. You are not speaking from experience yourself, and I have no idea why you are questioning other people's experience.
    Before you start drawing conclusions, or giving people advice, you need to spend a few years doing something. Get out there and train your dog. He looks like a beautiful dog, and you clearly enjoy him, so get out there and train. Obedience, weight pull, agility, something. And get out there and watch. Have you even met an APBT that does bitework? Have you ever watched any legitimate bitework competitions? Even an agility trial? Something where highly trained dogs compete. Sigh. You're very opinionated, but honestly, you haven't earned the right to have those opinions.

    So, your question as to why bitework? Because with the right dog, it's a ton of fun, and immensely rewarding for both dog and trainer. I have never trained in protection (real life, not sport), but I've trained in Schutzhund and French Ringsport. I became involved when I realized my (not game bred) APBT wanted something more fun to do. She was drivey, and temperamentally stable and friendly. I had her evaluated, and got the thumbs up. My dog loved bitework. She never regarded the decoys as enemies or threats. She would sit in a suited decoy's lap and lick their face. She made those unfamiliar w/APBT's realize what great temperaments and athleticism they have.

    As to untrained dogs (or sport trained dogs like mine) protecting you, it's quite questionable. I'm an ATTS tester, and I've seen dozens of dogs that people thought would protect them make it clear that they would head for the hills when threatened by the "bogeyman" as part of the test.
  5. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    No breed bashing please. :) My pea brain chihuahua is taking offense:D

    Jelet: come on now. While there might be a few APBTs that will protect you if you come in harms way, there are ALOT of others that will hide under the bed, or show a burglar where the TV is. I would say a well bred, genetically SOUND APBT will not protect you. That is YOUR job, should you or your dog come in harms way.

    You own this breed. You should know that genetically, they are not supposed to be HA, under any circumstances.
  6. Barkada27

    Barkada27 Pup

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    "Its something I will need to see for myself, only way your going to need to convince me. Do as you please. Waste more money to feed on the hairy, 100 lb 25< currs. One can come to my household and assault me. All I need is my 40 lb apbt and I will be fine."

    If you haven't even seen it for yourself, or what is involved in the process of assessing and training a dog for work, then why are you speaking on it?? Take some time to go and do your homework on the topic before you criticize and comment on it..... its pretty apparent that you don't have a clue.

    Then again, this is the internet. This is how half of the world's subject matter experts (i.e. internet pundits) were born. Good job on the painting the picture LOL.
  7. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    So you guys are telling me, if you and your child are being punched repetitively at your house. Your dog will just sit on the couch and watch? I find this very hard to believe. I believe an apbt will instinctively protect its master.

    However, I do not think it will guard or protect your property/house---You could come into my house through the window while I am in the shower, and my dog will probably start my car for you.

    And, I had my dog on his chain outside a few months ago in June for the afternoon and I come back and see some drunk bum petting my dog. Scared the sh*t out of me. But my dog allowed the stranger on my property. But do you really think if the stranger runs to me and has me on the floor pounding my face/wrestles me. A normal apbt will just watch? Find it very hard to believe.

    Yall claim , a well bred apbt will not defend you, but you never been in a situation when you were being physically harmed. So how do you know?

    Keep thinking that your apbt will never bite a human that has a hammer beating you. It only makes me laugh louder. thx for the entertainment.

    And waste your time and money with the bite work protection if you think it will make your dog a better "protection dog" but if you think it will burn energy and make him more obedient, then i guess that is true. But if you think its becoming a better "protection dog." then i lafffff hard.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2009
  8. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    i have carried a pistol legally for years now, and if someone comes beatin on me or my kids it wont be the dog protecting sh*t. keep passing good solid advice off 2 years and one dogs worth experience, we all are listening:rolleyes:
  9. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    he is a hard headed kid that will never learn he doesnt deserve to own a true APBT IMO but im done with this thread he had someone that is into working dogs of this sort explain to him and he wont listen let him continue to be uneducated,and nothing else good can come of this thread besides going back and forth with him on something he knows nothing about
  10. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    funny sh*t...pretty much calls me a liar here today, and JUST NOW went over to another forum and gave me "rep points" with a bunch of hearts....bwahahahahaha. jelet, you got alotta growin up to do man, and maybe if youd sit back and listen without mockin folks that have years and years more experience, youd get some respect
  11. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    You keep using the excuse that they haven't been in this situation and don't know that their dog isn't going to protect them but the otherside of the coin here is neither do you. There is no way to be 100% sure that your dog is going to protect you or run like hell. The difference is others have somewhat experience on the matter and you're just talking out of your ass.

    The best thing you can do with these dogs is keep your ears open and mouth shut. Because chances are you don't know as much as you think and the dogmen/women before you have been there done that, seen it, tried it and failed often. (general statement)
  12. performanceknls

    performanceknls Top Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    I do Schutzhund with my dogs but it is a sport for us not because I want protections dogs. Actually any of my Sch dogs would let you walk right on to my property and lick you to death!! I love the sport and the challenges it presents but it has nothing to do with keeping my property safe.

    Now when you are talking about people doing protection work for guard dog purposes that is a whole other deal and NOT the same as Schutzhund sport. I see no purpose in doing guard dog or protection training with APBT's or any other breed as a "personal protection" dog. Most dogs will naturally guard and if you encourage aggression and have no clue what you are doing then you can make a very dangerous dog.

    So dog sports like Schutzhund, PSA, Ring Sport, and Mondio are choreographed sports just like Agility, Rally, or any other dog sport. Protection training for guard dog purposes is a whole other deal all together.

    I personally like Schutzhund because it is extremely challenging not only to do you have bite work but also Tracking and Obedience. I currently am training 4 dogs in the sport and I love it but it is not for every one or every dog.
  13. Barkada27

    Barkada27 Pup

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    seems like this is the logic point that you are completely missing.. just because a dog doesn't sit there while its owner is being assaulted, what is he gonna do?? Is he gonna bark hysterically with his posture directing him away from you, with his ears back and teeth showing? He can put on a show for the sake of exerting civil drive (fear-based defense), but so what??? A dog that shows aggression in the face of a threat?? THAT'S A NEW CONCEPT LOL.. it's how the dog deals with fear and stress that will make the difference. If you are being attacked with your dog around to see it, he's gonna be STRESSED. AN UNTRAINED DOG THAT IS UNDER STRESS IS ALWAYS GOING TO PRODUCE UNPREDICTABLE RESULTS... if you don't know that, then your opinion on canine behavior, training, or anything else is invalid.

    What you are saying is that it is self explanatory for a dog to properly react in a stressful situation, and save you from an ass-whooping in your own house. I think you might have seen too many syndicated episodes of Lassie. How do you know?? Because "you know"? You don't know anything about what your dog will ACTUALLY capably do without preparing him for it properly UNDER STRESS... before that, it is just a figment of your imagination. For all anyone knows, their dog might become a completely confused basket-case in the face of a threat. That's like saying your most trusted friend is gonna become Bruce Lee all of a sudden if they see you getting confronted with a threat. Your friend might react, but then again.. your friend might get his ass pounded right after you. Or your friend might freeze up and panic... and even run in retreat. In regard to working dogs, answering these questions are the reason for training and evaluating. Sorry, but anything else is purely a figment of the imagination.
  14. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    Rofl. You are the hard headed one.

    The next thing your going to tell me is that APBTS are not supposed to bark because they were not bred for to be vocal per se. Its instincts. They will protect there master when in real danger. Keep making me laugh, this is fun. Oh yea and nice chain setup AGame. I almost pissed my pants when i saw your blue amstaff on this chain setp! Jesus man. Go get the pit bull bible and learn how to put together a proper chainsetup. wtf is this sht u got here. LOl
    Pit Bull Forums

    yea dont get me wrong. I understand Schutzhund as a competitive sport. But was more leaning towards those who just go to protection tranining solely to protect them.(not for obedience or fun or sport)

    Any of you ever been attacked physically with your dogs around? No? ok then. so u cant speak of what these dogs will do if your in a fight.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2009
  15. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    JELET!! Check this video out buddy.

  16. Blau

    Blau Big Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    Schutzhund is just a sport; a Schutzhunde should not be expected to actually 'protect' it's owner if he's being attacked. Sure, the dog may bark, but that dog is trained to attack the sleeve, and the sleeve only. A competitive Schutzhunde that actually WANTS to go after people shouldn't be trained in the sport, imo.
  17. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    I agree. :)
  18. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    I've heard of plenty of sport dogs that will go for real bites. Especially when you are training dogs where it comes naturally i.e. GSDs and Mals. But it isn't something I necessarily want with my dog because I like the sports as a whole and I'm not in it because I need a dog to murder someone for me.

    On a positive note I went to training with my 8 month old today. He had done bite work in over a month because of my trainer's broken ankle. I slapped the harness on him and he went crazy with joy. :) He was carrying the tug around so proudly and even held it while he sat in a fellow member's lap with his tail wagging the whole time. Yeah, this schutzhund training it really making him aggressive lol
  19. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    I agree as well .
  20. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    Re: Purpose of "Bite Work/Protection" Training?

    jelet i now have 6 adult apbts and have had many others but only one would protect. for the most part they wont they tuck tail and run,that doesnt make them any less of a dog its the breed,if you got one that will cool.that vid is from exp trainers that have been working with the dogs for a long time but they still shouldent be training apbts to bite its against breed ethics.esp game breed
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