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Question - Help Please

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by Michele, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. Michele

    Michele Guest

    now, now.....:p
  2. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    LOL amen to that...i don't understand people sometimes, they try to do everything possible to make their dog happy, but what they are doing is trying to make a dog happy the same way they make humans happy. IMO dogs are much much happier being outside than they are being locked up in a house all day long. I don't know maybe im part dog because im definately happier when i get to be outside after im done work but maybe im talkin crazy by wanting an animal to be in its own environment and a human to be in their own environment. Now i have nothin wrong with bringing ur dog in with u to hang out or whatever but when that dog starts sleeping on ur bed or pretty much doing whatever it feels like in ur house, i believe the human/animal relationship has been ruined and that will result in problems like this one. Tell ur friends to start treating the dog like a dog or their lives will be disrupted with on going problems
  3. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    If they've babied him and treated him like a kid that long, I'm honestly surprised the dog didn't start acting out sooner.

    I read somewhere a dog's short-term memory is the neighborhood of 3-4 mins (correct me if I'm wrong) and so, if the dog's on a couch for 15 minutes or 8 hours while the owner is gone, it's an eternity to the dog. Same with being on a chain. they ain't gonna hurt the damn animal's feelings. Dogs don't rationalize. If they put Duke on a chain, he'll be just as excited to see them if they come out to run him every hour, or if they leave him out there and only come out to feed him a couple times a day and walk him once. Tell your friends their dog isn't human.

    This goes for resuces, too. I saw on the Dog whisperer , and he maes a good point, that ppl dwell on the bad sh*t that happened to a dog, and baby them, and that's why they have hellians as pets. The dog don't care to be reminded why it was rescued, it just wants to be a dog.

    Like I bet Duke wants to be, a dog, not a couch potato.
  4. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I agree with you both on this. I'm guilty of it myself with my chihuahua to some degree.
  5. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    LOL how funny would it be to see a chihuahua on a chain setup and a pitbull stairing outside at it lol im cracking up just picturing the site lol
  6. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    i'd lock that ankle/child-biting monster up in a kennel until i found something better to do with it. do you trust it around kids?
  7. Michele

    Michele Guest

    LMAOOOO....that is funny. Obviously, you can't compare an APBT to a chihuahua. I know that both breeds are dogs but they are different. My chihuahua sleeps with me every night and he is spoiled. With the APBT, you must be, I think, a bit more disciplined with them. If i'm off base, someone correct me. Thanks.
  8. Michele

    Michele Guest

    You talking about Duke or my chihuahua. My chihuahua loves everyone, and he adores kids. He went to bite someone only once. This guy (who was an ass anyways) bent over me while my dog was in my lap and my dog went for him.
  9. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    and being disciplined with them is not leaving them to roam free in your house all day while you work. it'd be keeping it properly contained and exercised. maybe your friends should make their own account here so they can learn how to properly care for their dog.

    also, i hope this site continues to help you learn about your game-dog chihuahua, or be the apbt liason for all of your friends that need help with their dogs, or any other agenda you might have ;)

    *edit* yes, i was talking about the chihuahua. see, it bit at someone already once, maybe you should put it down before it starts pulling babies out of carriages and eating them in the steet, or before it gets loose in an apartment building and mauls an old woman.
  10. Michele

    Michele Guest

    hehe.....this forum is great for learning about the APBT. I don't have one myself but the breed is magnificant and in my eyes, the most loyal dog anyone can have.

    As far as the chihuahua, i wish he would of bit the guy. :D
  11. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog

    Yeah, Big Girl is my fun dog...Paco the chihuahua is my protection dog! Actually my Chihuahua is very good natured but a friend of mine has two of them that bite EVERYONE....I still have a scar on my leg from the last time I went over her house. :(
  12. Michele

    Michele Guest

    ChiaPit: this is for you......a new addition to my friends family:

  13. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog

    OH!! How sweet!What a cutie!!

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